Feel like crap on off days

I enjoy working out, it makes me happy and that is good because I'm not really the happiest person. Even if it is just a quickie I'm chipper. I stick to the one off day a week and I've begun to notice I feel like crap that day. Sad, angry, just in an all around bad mood. I try and go for a leisurly walk, but that doesn't help at all. Anybody else get this?


  • snuffmomma77
    snuffmomma77 Posts: 84 Member
    I too have noticed when I get up and get moving I am in a much better mood, and it is so much easier to keep up with the routine, per say when i dont do any oh, how i do not want to do any exercise at all....
  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    Yep, 100%. You described my off days exactly. I know you are supposed to take breaks, but because of this, I cut out my off day and do an abbreviated workout. A shorter run than usual, a hike, ect. I am careful not to injure myself. I just can't take the way I feel on a day without exercise.
  • shelbyweeeee
    shelbyweeeee Posts: 154 Member
    I don't have "off days". I stick to the plan that I know works for me. If I make a change and I find that it didn't work out the way I hoped or planned on it, then I change it again or go back to what was working for me in the first place. Ultimately, you have to do what works for you, and if that means trying to give up that 1 day a week off, then try it and see how you feel. If you don't feel a change, then keep looking for the answer. For me, it's important that I take care of my body and what I put into it everyday.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    I used to get it when I was younger and excercised constanly..from running to aerobics class to well any exercise that was going...it is endorphins...and if I missed a class then i felt terrible, guilty, depressed, the whole works :-(

    25 years on I am still a happy person...take it fromone who knows..push yourself but don`t beat yourself up..it`s perfectly normal
  • whit1108
    Im the same way. I try to give myself one day that i can relax and take it easy because i think that everyone needs that. but i also find myself being mad at myself for not doing it that one day. It plays mind games that one day and i think for some stupied reason that cause i skipped that i would put all my weight back on. I know thats not true but i still feel like i do. Working out just makes a person feel great and alot more energy.
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    I used to get it when I was younger and excercised constanly..from running to aerobics class to well any exercise that was going...it is endorphins...and if I missed a class then i felt terrible, guilty, depressed, the whole works :-(

    25 years on I am still a happy person...take it fromone who knows..push yourself but don`t beat yourself up..it`s perfectly normal

    It isn't a matter of beating myself up over not working out, my workouts are usually lifting so I know I need at least one day to get the results I want, it is just more of a no endorphine sunshine just give me vodka and prozac feeling :p I don't know if that makes any sense.
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    Im the same way. I try to give myself one day that i can relax and take it easy because i think that everyone needs that. but i also find myself being mad at myself for not doing it that one day. It plays mind games that one day and i think for some stupied reason that cause i skipped that i would put all my weight back on. I know thats not true but i still feel like i do. Working out just makes a person feel great and alot more energy.

  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    I understand completely, when I say don`t beat yourself up, I mean, you are working out...you want the pleasure feeling of the endorphins...you have worked your body...then you take a day off and you feel that you haven`t got the same rush/good feeling you feel like you could be doing the same thing...but youa re wise enough to know that you need to take a rest..but you don`t want to ...catch 22...take a days rest! Know that you can go the next day and do what you want to do.....take your walk on the day off, chill out, see it as a day for planning workouts x