Completely confused....Help please

Okay so here's my required daily calorie intake is 1580. I know that I need to eat atleast 1000 calories a day tp prevent "starvation mode", on average all week I've been like 1052. Now with that said, I exercise about 500-600 calories a day, which my diary then calculates my intake as only 552-452, which when I "complete" my diary it yells at me lol:frown: . A few times I've even been in the negitive. The last thing I want is to put my body in distress and cause problems with my weight loss journey. So my question is..... is the 1052 that I'm eating enough, or do I need to eat more, like when it subtracts my exercise and has my balance at 400 and some. I don't usually eat my exercise calories back, but this is different. I'm just not sure what to do......:huh: Any input is appricated:flowerforyou: Thanks all:happy:


  • staceyteter
    staceyteter Posts: 4 Member
    The trainer at my moms work said that for most women you should eat a minimum of 1200 calories per day. Then if you workout and burn 300 calories you should eat those 300 calories in order to stay at 1200. I've heard that if you don't eat that 1200 then you body goes into starvation mode and will store your fat cells b/c it doesn't know when it is going to get enough to survive on. If you could check with a dr or trainer then they may be able to tell you if the 1200 is correct, but I know that's what my mom and I are doing since that is what the trainer told us.
  • I agree. I think you are not eating enough calories to start with. And then you are exercising up to 600 calories which is a lot! Your body is probably having a hard time coping. Eat at least those exercise calories and try to stay around 1200 at the end of the day.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Everyone's body works a little differently. Some people can eat a low amount of calories, workout and still lose weight. Other people can't. I am one of those people - I HAVE to eat a lot otherwise my body freaks out and starts to gain weight.

    The goal of MFP is to get your daily calories as close to zero as possible. That is how it is designed to work. You shouldn't have 200, 300 or 400 calories leftover at the end of the day.

    I do think your caloric intake is far too low to be successful long term - so I would focus on trying to get more calories during the day. Add in things like nuts - they are higher in calories and offer other nutritional benefits.

    Good Luck
  • I would suggest loading up on some extra carbs with breakfast and lunch to keep you more full throughout the day. You should also be eating around 1,200 calories a day even with the amount you burn off from your workout. So you would really be eating about 1500-1600 a day. Plenty of fibrous veggies! They keep you full and are low in calories!