New Year, New You: Week 1



  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    Diversity is certainly the name of the game in this group! This is my first MFP challenge. I just joined a little over two weeks ago. I had to get some extra guidance from Gretchen to get to the spreadsheet. Before I opened it I was a bit intimidated about putting in my goal weight. Looking at some of the profile pictures, I thought "Some of these women will probably laugh when they see my weight. Some of them look like they only have 15-20 pounds to lose."

    Boy, was I surprised! We certainly run the spectrum in terms of our initial weigh-in. The lowest 8% to lose as of the 90th person being entered is just over 10 pounds. Some people have a lot more, including me. I thought it was interesting that another person and I have the same starting weight and same 8% goal weight, but the actual 8% numbers are 3/10s of a point different. LOL!

    For me, the numbers game can be dangerous in some ways. I've read about how we should throw away our scales and just rely on the fit of our clothes, etc. I've spent too much of my life judging myself by the number of pounds I weighed. Now I know that being overweight is NOT a character defect! And, the best way for me to lose weight is to do it lovingly.

    Before I go, let me share a book that has definitely helped inspire me to find after I got my new Droid phone. It's called "The Self-Compassion Diet," by Jean Fain. Google that and you can read some of the reviews. I read it twice and have taken a few of the techniques to "sculpt" my current plan. The idea that she stressed that most moved me in the MFP direction was the idea of getting support. I've been involved in 12-step recovery for a long time. (Feel free to ask me about it). And I quit smoking 8 months ago by participating in an online voice-chat group of Nicotine Anonymous. But Overeaters Anonymous, which I tried a few years ago, just wasn't right for me. I think it's because for me it's hard to do multiple 12-step groups. Right now I actively participate in two, and that's enough! (By the way, I think OA is a terrific program.)

    Anyway, I know I cannot do this alone. I do believe in the spiritual principles of recovery and the importance of having a Higher Power to make this journey. But what's every bit as important for me is having LIKEMINDED PEOPLE WHO SHARE THE JOURNEY! That means YOU! I need to share your ups and downs.

    I guess I forgot to mention that the comment on my MFP Mobile home page that reads"Diet with friends to lose up to 3X more" was the primary motivator for getting involved in this online community! I don't have any face-to-face friends that I'd want to do this with, so here I am with you and this great challenge.

    Apologies for taking up so much space, but sometimes when I get started writing it's hard to stop. Thanks for letting me share.



    I was looking at the numbers and I was very excited to see such a large difference in the numbers. I am one of the heaviest people in the challenge and used to be intimidated by people who didn't really have a lot to lose. This time I feel more like everyone is family working together. I love MFP!
  • nursinggirl64
    hello everyone just weighed in ive lost 1.25#s this week i wi on thurs nocs i drank my water this week and worked out ive got to tune it up the working out b cuz im not gonna reach my goal weight of 30 #s by new years if i keep this up. so i need 2 do much better, but i didnt gain so thats a so sick of being fat...n unhealthy im addicted to mfp i havent even been on fb n that saying something.. did a last chance workout this am...did 90 minutes on the treadmill at gym on 7% incline n burnt 650 calories didnt wi until 5pm...well almost bed time ....good luck in reachn ur goals
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    hello everyone just weighed in ive lost 1.25#s this week i wi on thurs nocs i drank my water this week and worked out ive got to tune it up the working out b cuz im not gonna reach my goal weight of 30 #s by new years if i keep this up. so i need 2 do much better, but i didnt gain so thats a so sick of being fat...n unhealthy im addicted to mfp i havent even been on fb n that saying something.. did a last chance workout this am...did 90 minutes on the treadmill at gym on 7% incline n burnt 650 calories didnt wi until 5pm...well almost bed time ....good luck in reachn ur goals

    I sent you an email with the spreadsheet. Go ahead and put your stats in there. Congratulations on the loss...I think it's great!!!
  • oconnell615
    oconnell615 Posts: 14 Member
    Can I still join?
  • PinkPrettyKitty
    PinkPrettyKitty Posts: 11 Member
    I would love to join if it's not too late!
  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    Good day, all!

    I'm actually looking forward to this! It's (hopefully) going to be a lot of fun - I hope the group is as active as the notice of the group has been! ^_^

    I just joined up last night, so I haven't gotten as many miles as most have, but... That's okay. I plan on fixing that this afternoon - I'm taking my preschooler around the block (1.5mi) in the stroller today, and we have to stop at the store (another 1m round trip) to get toilet paper (necessity of necessities!), so I'll be off to a bang-up start today! Plus, I downloaded a pedometer app for my iPod Touch this morning, so I'm set to go and count! Hooray! <3
  • beth535
    beth535 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I know the challenge is 8% and 175 miles by January 9th. Is there any chance of adding an "or ?? minutes" of exercise? I've done more exercise other than walking than walking, and probably will continue to do that. If not, no problem. I'm just happy to be part of this group, even if I don't actually meet the goals. For me, it's all about the community of it. I need a support group, so thanks to you all for being here!

    BTW: Did you know that cooking or food preparation for 90 minutes burns 292 calories?? I was shocked!

  • mester09
    mester09 Posts: 49 Member
    I forgot my pedometer when I left for work today but I was constantly moving tonight. I don't think I stopped for over 4 hours and let me tell you, my feet are feeling it. I know that I easily walked over 6 miles tonight.
  • MlleDee
    MlleDee Posts: 90 Member
    let me know if it is not too late to join! love the sound of this!
  • GeckoJari
    GeckoJari Posts: 4 Member
    Hei everyone,
    first week is going well, although I mainly learnt how much junk I take in every day. I had my rude awakening, when noticing, that running for the bus is hard and even carrying the groceries home is really bad. I have no drive and feel tired all the time. And now winter is coming, and up here in Northern Europe it means snow, cold and dark. So I hope I can get motivated enough, to be healthy starting the next year instead of just making promises, what I will do in 2012 (and will not do it and promise the same for 2013 :D)
    I don't have much weight to loose, since I belong in the category skinny fat, so I hope, I will learn here everything to be prepared for a long and healthy life.

    We can do this!
  • freeofweight
    I lost a a little bit of weight! 255.5!

    My SW (before I joined MFP) is 264.5
    Prior to today I was 258.

  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    Hi, again!

    I'm a late start, sure, but I'm apparently determined. I've been making a point of walking all over and back again. Plus, instead of just walking around the house, I've found myself dancing around with my son, it makes the day a lot of fun! I was surprised!

    I'm finally coming out of a two month rut, and I really hope it sticks. ^_^ Today, I'm getting all my household stuff done, plus hopefully going for a walk this afternoon. I'm cleaning, doing laundry, making pasta sauce from my roma tomatoes in the backyard (I need to do a better garden plan for next year, including putting cages around the green peppers as well as the tomatoes and turning over all the dirt while it's still cold outside to keep slugs away!!), and I might get around to my pie pumpkins today, too. We could use some yummy pie in this house. Maybe I'll track down a recipe for a crustless pie... The crusts seem to be where the bulk of the calories in a slice of pie are anyhow... Hm...

    freeofweight: Congratulations on your loss! 2.5 pounds is nothing to sniff at! (UGH! I need more smileys! Maybe a nice "happydance" smiley or something!)

    GeckoJari: I know just what you mean - I had my wakeup in two parts. First, my knees are starting to go. Happened to my father at my age as well, so I wasn't surprised, but when I went to the ortho, she confirmed it was early arthritis! Then she mentioned that stairs (which my house is FULL of) put five times your weight of pressure on the knees - so going up and down at my high weight, I was putting 1125 pounds of pressure on my knees multiple times a day! Then it was reinforced when I was carrying my 30# preschooler up the stairs and could barely do it! This weight NEEDS TO GO! For me, I'm pretty strong from the go, but you can't really tell for all the extra. o.o;;

    Hope you all are having a great Sunday - tomorrow's check-in!
  • freeofweight

    freeofweight: Congratulations on your loss! 2.5 pounds is nothing to sniff at! (UGH! I need more smileys! Maybe a nice "happydance" smiley or something!)

    Thank you so much! I'm so excited to be sliding the numbers back on the scale! Such a great feeling!

    Good luck with your weight loss too!
  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    Thanks so much! I'm really hopeful right now - this challenge seems to have been the kick in the pants I needed to get back into the game. Now I just hope I don't pick up where I left off (3 months on a plateau, UGH!). ^_^