don't you just looooove ... :)

dont you just love the way one feels "lighter" after losing weight, i have lost about 7kg since i started and i feel like a babe B-) lol, i love the the feeling of clothes fitting loosely, seeing the change in my posture... sigh, it can only get better :-)


  • Yes! I've been thinking the same thing! Congrats on your success!
  • SarahBeeMe
    SarahBeeMe Posts: 91 Member
    I know exactly what you mean! I was walking around a supermarket yesterday and I noticed I was standing taller, made me smile to myself as I felt like I was walking like a giraffe!! It's a good feeling (good posture... not being a giraffe) :)
  • Rosie•Cheeks
    Rosie•Cheeks Posts: 7 Member
    Great job. Keep it up girly! :)
  • thanks everyone!!!
  • Joelflow
    Joelflow Posts: 22 Member
    Indeed... I'm starting to feel it...