SOMEDAYS I JUST WANT TO GIVE UP!'s my own fault. I've been eating like a pig, junk food, junk food, junk food! And for some STUPID reason I just can't seem to find my self control anymore. I am exercising 6 out of 7 days a week sweating my buns off (Turbo Fire) and because I don't eat properly it's all for nothing! This week I am going to try my best and not eat any junk food (including pizza!) and NOT go over my calorie count. If that doesn't make a difference come next Saturday I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Again, I don't like to whine and sound so needy but right now I'm just NOT feeling too good about myself. I see all these wonderful people on here that have lost a boat load of weight by totally changing their diet and I wonder how they did it!?!? How can you go from eating like crap for 40 years and then just turn it right around? I need that magic button to turn the switch in my brain that says GROW UP and get this done! Thanks for listenening.


  • Visser1971
    Happy to listen, and YOU ARE NOT ALONE! It is a struggle. That is why this site is here :-) Take it one day at a time, we all have to. Cheers, Christy
  • sewnifty
    For me, it was a gradual process. I didn't try to meet the 1200 goal right off the bat, I ramped down. I went from eating a fully loaded burger for lunch almost every day, to a fully loaded salad (not much better). But then, I started taking things out, or replacing them with healthier alternatives. Now, I can eat raw spinach with blackened chicken and some extra pepper for good measure and not even touch the balsamic vinaigrette until the last few chickenless bites! After a while, eating well has become such a priority and way of life, that now when I see that loaded burger, I don't even want it! It's hard reprogramming your body (and taste buds) but it's totally worth it once you start seeing results. It'll feed into your motivation and become a cycle. Also, if you have to eat pizza, may I suggest Papa John's spinach alfredo? Minus the cheese but lots of mushrooms (or your favorite veggies) for a small only works out to be 120 calories a slice! Best of luck!!! :)
  • Kjandcuttysmom
    Kjandcuttysmom Posts: 146 Member
    It would be great if there were some sort of magic button but don't give up. And don't give yourself another week only. When you've been eating everything you want for forty years trying to change that habit won't happen overnight. Be patient with yourself first of all. Start off with simple changes. Work on limitations and portion control. If you really want pizza, have a salad first then have a SLICE of pizza and put the rest away. It's not easy but everything you want to do you can do. Good work on the work outs.
    Good luck,
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    You don't go from eating crap for 40 years to eating perfectly. GIve yourself a break it's a new routine that takes 21 days to build into a habit. Sometimes for alot of people takes even longer to get the swing of the change going. It's basically one day at a time creating a new you. We all have bad days here and there, but the important part of that is we recognize we made a error and we get right back at creating the new and improve person we want to become. Make plans for the day on what you intend to eat and tell yourself that is it for the day. Make sure that all the working out that your doing you are feeding your body the fuel it needs in the proper amounts and ingredients. You can do this, You are woman, and You are strong....GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!
  • Whopooh
    Whopooh Posts: 50
    I was in your boat just a couple of weeks ago. It is a consist battle. Set some smaller goals - Say you want to lose x number of pounds before the end of the year or this week I will stay within my cal. range. Also are you eating back your calories that you are working off? If not that may be the reason you are snacking because in reality you are hungry. Add me as a friend if you want to. I'm needing a little extra push myself right now. Good luck and stick with it.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    We all go through it. Just like life it's full of ups and downs. :flowerforyou: just don't give up.
  • shelbyweeeee
    shelbyweeeee Posts: 154 Member
    Try taking baby steps towards it. Instead of trying to not eat any junk food, try and cut it out of one part of your day. See how you do with that. I know for me, a complete overhaul of the way I used to live would've never worked for me. Be gentle with yourself and take it slow. When you realize that you can in fact do the right thing for you, hopefully it will make you feel good and then you can take the next step in making another change, and build upon that!

    Hang in there and don't give up! :))
  • jultwan
    jultwan Posts: 36 Member
    I encourage you to find foods that have lots of fiber. It fills you up with minimal calories. Fruits, vegetables. I am starting to add more vegetables. I snack on carrots at night for a snack instead of a bag of doritos. I eat a lot of fiber thru out the day and I feel full so I don't eat as much. I know it is hard but you just have to have the mind set to say no. If you give in just eat half. Add me for a friend if you want. There is a lot of great people on here to help you!
  • Sylvia_100711
    I was like that before af ter one day of diet. and loosing 1 pound I was rewarding myself with junk food!!!!! .... Now I decided to change my life,,,,,, Its just a couple of months of my entire life...... You should avoid goind to restaurant to eat junk food...... Put your goal on your frige and tell you : So many people would like to have the amount of ponds that i have to loose........ Come here everyday and talk with people to change your mind of eating bad and too much. Last night i woke up at 2am, I was so hungry.....I open my MFP and start looking all the succes stories, all the comment about people who eat junk food and heavy stuff, and regrets it after......I went back to bed, without eating, and I was proud of myself......Keep it up you are beautiful and you can do it!!!
  • caiconCristi
    caiconCristi Posts: 255 Member
    I was doing great for the first 6 weeks. Lost 14 lbs and felt great. Then for the past 2 1/2 weeks I have been struggling. I gained 3 lbs and old habits have creeped back. This is where I usually give up and feel sorry for myself. I am clinging to this site as a way to see if I can move through this and come out on the other side. There must be a way to get the feeling I had the first 6 weeks back. I felt so motivated then. I felt good about myself. Now I feel like I'm failing. I know I have the power to change my thoughts and perspective. I just have to hang on. Today is a new day.
  • purplebabe2025
    purplebabe2025 Posts: 383 Member
    Aah babe. It is alot of willpower but are you eating with others cause that may influence how you eat. When you go shopping only get good food cause then you have no choice if you're in the house and make a packed lunch for work. You may need more support so feel free to add me and think, all that work you're doing is defo going to waste. I eat well and exercise but still find it so hard to shed the fat. Everyone is different I try to remember, keeps me sane. Good luck
  • Queen_Christine
    Queen_Christine Posts: 342 Member
    Don't give up! Don't ever give up!
    Don't think you have to give up everything you like. Everythin in moderation. I haven't given up much - pop is the only thing I gave up completely. Don't worry about eating 1 or 2 pieces of pizza - just include it in your calorie count. If you give up I guarantee you will reach a point of frustration again somewhere down the line that will put you back here again.

    Rememeber these things...
    1. Until you get in the swing of things, keep saying to yourself "Just Do IT!" (like Nike) Everytime you think of giving up say to yourself, Just Do It!
    2. Be PATIENT. If you can loose 5 lbs. per month you are doing fine. This is not a race, it's a lifestyle.
    3. Never stop logging your food! Log everything. Utilize the database, and the Remeber Meal option. Go to the Community tab and read the thread titled "Did you see the ABC Nightly News this evening?" THAT is your reason to keep logging!
    4. READ the Success Stories on the Community Tab - they are so motivating!
    5. Keep up your exercising. You don't have to kill yoursself - just move.

    I've looked at your profile pics - you don't have a lot to lose and you're a pretty girl. The 8 lbs. you've lost already should be a good motivator. Keep going. It's worth the work! Friend me if you like. Good luck1
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    I feel the same way you do! But I don't want to give up and gain what so far I have lost. But it is hard, like after I ate some thing and then ask myself WHY. The scale hasn't moved for 7 weeks for me, so i have been checking out different recipes here on MFP and you can friend me.

  • aesw800
    just remember you are not alone... we all go thru the same thing! I have been so good all week (of course, it's my first week on this site!) However, last night I went out with my hubby and had 3 drinks at a bar and then on the way home said "we should hit Taco Bell" BAD IDEA! I go thru the feelings of "well... I blew yesterday so my weekend is shot!" But I can't think that way.... just remember always...Tomorrow is a new day... don't feel guilty for slipping up.... and try to do better the next day! When I feel like eating it is good to come on this website and read how others are feeling. good luck!
  • Wfortner
    Wfortner Posts: 77 Member
    OK......This is WW you remember WHO gave me that name...??? Do you remember WHO told me to NEVER give up.....that I am STRONG and BEAUTIFUL!!! That that again WE.....are going to do this!!!! You did....You are the BW!!! We had said many times since we connected on here 75 days ago that we felt like we had known each other forever....we were sent to help each other.. I AM HERE.... and I know you can do this.....I have been struggling the last few weeks myself because the loss numbers shrank down to TEENY little numbers each week, but thats ok....we keep moving forward.

    Someone said...take baby steps and thats exactly right!!! Set a small cutting out a certain junk food...or a certain meal/time of day to change....dont try to chunk everything at one time.....find something that will satisfy your sweet/salty tooth....
    I can help you with some recipes if you want....I AM HERE. I wont let you give up girl...We are in this together. We made a commitment to keep each other in line. I wanna apologize to you because my messages have been kinda short these last couple of weeks due to being out of town for this/that....I am sorry.

    Everyone on here....and in the challenge has bad days....Dont walk away from the challenge.....Stand tall and put you BLUE STAR back on your profile pic....You are not letting the team down!!! We are all here for each other....PLEASE remember that!!! I believe in you Rhonda!!!!!!

    Write you some very specific "mini goals" about eating, etc...Post them everywhere in your you have reminders!!! I wish I had your commitment to exercise. Thats more my struggle then eating. But I keep working on it for me...and it helps so much to see all the "calories burned" status updates from all my friends on here...they help FIRE ME UP and keep me going.!!! I will share my thoughts, plans, etc on eating...I am far from being an expert...LOL...but again....and then I promise to step down from my AM HERE!!!!!

    ....and YOU ARE STRONG ....YOU CAN DO THIS...!! Dont give up.... I need you!!!!!!

  • RhondaLeeRoss
    Thank you ALL so much for your replies. You are all what makes this website what it is. I can guarantee you all the rest of my day is going to be better all because of your kind words.
  • RhondaLeeRoss
    OK......This is WW you remember WHO gave me that name...??? Do you remember WHO told me to NEVER give up.....that I am STRONG and BEAUTIFUL!!! That that again WE.....are going to do this!!!! You did....You are the BW!!! We had said many times since we connected on here 75 days ago that we felt like we had known each other forever....we were sent to help each other.. I AM HERE.... and I know you can do this.....I have been struggling the last few weeks myself because the loss numbers shrank down to TEENY little numbers each week, but thats ok....we keep moving forward.

    Someone said...take baby steps and thats exactly right!!! Set a small cutting out a certain junk food...or a certain meal/time of day to change....dont try to chunk everything at one time.....find something that will satisfy your sweet/salty tooth....
    I can help you with some recipes if you want....I AM HERE. I wont let you give up girl...We are in this together. We made a commitment to keep each other in line. I wanna apologize to you because my messages have been kinda short these last couple of weeks due to being out of town for this/that....I am sorry.

    Everyone on here....and in the challenge has bad days....Dont walk away from the challenge.....Stand tall and put you BLUE STAR back on your profile pic....You are not letting the team down!!! We are all here for each other....PLEASE remember that!!! I believe in you Rhonda!!!!!!

    Write you some very specific "mini goals" about eating, etc...Post them everywhere in your you have reminders!!! I wish I had your commitment to exercise. Thats more my struggle then eating. But I keep working on it for me...and it helps so much to see all the "calories burned" status updates from all my friends on here...they help FIRE ME UP and keep me going.!!! I will share my thoughts, plans, etc on eating...I am far from being an expert...LOL...but again....and then I promise to step down from my AM HERE!!!!!

    ....and YOU ARE STRONG ....YOU CAN DO THIS...!! Dont give up.... I need you!!!!!!


    You and your words mean so much to me! I thank God for bringing you into my life! You are truly a blessing! xoxo
  • DarleneMedeiros
    Rhonda...It has NOT been all for ARE eating better then you did and you ARE looking wonderful, amazing and trimmer. Not that i was looking but you looked great in those black pair of pants the other day. Change comes in baby steps not huge leaps and you have been taking baby steps...just keep it up and you will do well!!!!!!! No not well...GREAT!
  • RhondaLeeRoss
    Thanks babes!