Exercise-induced urticaria?

I'm attempting self-diagnosis here. I took rest days the last two days, which I normally have every week. This morning while using my "get running" app I start itching like crazy all over my stomach. I was trying not to be do obvious with scratching but it was so bad I almost had to stop and head to the car. It has happened a couple times in the past when I hadn't been exercising regularly and then attempted to jog, my legs would itch but this morning was the worst I've ever experienced. I ate some almonds about an hour prior to this mornings exercise. Anyone else heard of this or experience it?


  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    Did you also break out in a rash with welts, or did you just itch?
  • Strohski
    I suffer from this as well. It started when I was in high school and then stopped for a while. Then when I started coaching basketball it started up again (actually I was running the mile with my 8th graders and it happened). I broke out in hives and was extremely itchy to the point of I have to go home and shower.

    It usually happens to me in cold weather and then I exercise and my body temperature heats up, causing my skin to react. I have found that the moment I feel itchy (usually starts with my head) if I take a benadryll I am able to make it through my workout and not have such a severe reaction.

    Some people say that it can be caused by having a dairy product and then exercising in cold weather.

    I would recommend talking to a doctor to see if there is anything you could do about it!!!

    Happy Running!!
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    Yep, I've had this. It's been after I get going. I just chalk it up to the fact that the blood gets pumping. =) I find that it gets better if I don't scratch it.

    It doesn't happen often. And, only when it's been a few days since I ran last.
  • Bonny272
    Bonny272 Posts: 154 Member
    It could be your laundry soap. I would try a sensitive skin brand and double rinse.
  • katherines2230
    katherines2230 Posts: 276 Member
    Did you also break out in a rash with welts, or did you just itch?

    I have no idea. There were so many people out I didn't want to lift up my top to see. All I notices was the outrageous itching.
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    Did you also break out in a rash with welts, or did you just itch?

    I have no idea. There were so many people out I didn't want to lift up my top to see. All I notices was the outrageous itching.

    Some people have some itching due to circulation issues, and like Bonny272 said, it could be laundry soap, but unlikely unless you've just changed brands. It could be because the air is colder/dryer - try putting a good moisturizing lotion on, but as you speculate, it could be an allergic reaction to the exercise itself. That sometimes happens in combination with a food allergy, which would explain why it doesn't happen all the time. Since you're logging what you're eating, you should have a good "suspects" list to see if there is a pattern. I would keep some Benedryl handy and take some right away if it happens again - and if you have ANY signs of tightness in your throat, tingling in your mouth or trouble breathing, get medical attention. It could develop into anaphylactic shock and that is serious - deadly even - if ignored.
  • hungryPHATbunny
    hungryPHATbunny Posts: 84 Member
    I get this every winter and it is absolutely debilitating! I find after about 20 mins of jogging the rash becomes aggressive, red and very itchy. I had a scare last week - I was jogging alone when I felt nausious, light headed and had a tightening in my chest...of course I stopped immediately and it calmed down. I feel scared as I exercise alone...have read that an attack can be fatal so always be cautious. I need the winter to pass- summer is fine. I am being careful but am determined not to let this demotivate me in my weight-loss and healthy lifestyle commitment. Wishing you all safe weight loss and good health
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    I have had this for about 6 years. It (for me anyway) is a type of allergic reaction and the symptoms are different for everyone. It took me ages to get the doctors support and in then end I have to take antihistamine every day to keep it at bay. It works for the most part.

    Although it is an allergic reaction I can't pin point what it is. If I go out in the cold or walking without being covered up on a cool summers day then the burning and itching starts. I can get hives across my feet but apart from that there are no physical symptoms. I start to itch a bit, I feel sick, anxious, my thighs and bum cheeks literally feel like they on fire with an itch I can't reach (leading to the assumption it could be connected to blood flow around the muscle).

    I sympathise with anyone who suffers from this as it can stop you doing certain things but it's not something you can see.

    What to do:

    Keep going to the doctors
    Try antihistamines
    Warm up before exercise

    The myths
    It is not because you are fat, my doctors have said this to me and I'm not that big! Also it started for me when I was 38lb lighter than I am now.
    It is not directly related to fitness but being fitter can appease it

    This is all based on the assumption it it the same thing. Consult a doctor and work through it.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I used to have this in high school (20+ years ago) and during volleyball practice would get rashes, welts, whatever all over my body and in my mouth. I had previously been diagnosed with asthma, but then was told I have (or had) exercised induced anaphylasis. Then I was diagnosed with dermatographism (basically my skin is so sensitive if you 'write' on me with a pencil eraser my skin welts up).

    It hasn't happened in many many years, in fact since I stopped practicing in that high school gym. I've played volleyball for years since then, and never had the same issue - UNLESS there is either an allergic or asthmatic reaction to something. I chalked it up to something in the gym, like cleaning solution, that was causing it.

    Good luck...keep going to the doctor, use lots of lotion, and make sure your home has a humidifier.