New Here - First steps

Hi guys
A friend put me onto MFP and thought I would give it a try. I am not exactly sure how heavy I am - I will have to find out, but last guess is way too much ~300lbs. I decided that I finally needed to do something about the weight and from using MFP for two days I can see this will help me on the way. Fingers Crossed eh?

Anyway, thought I would say hello.

PS : I never knew how many calories were in Pasta - OMG i used to wolf it down :-(.


  • amy_p
    amy_p Posts: 82
    Welcome to MFP! I totally hear ya on the pasta thing.. lol
  • qwills2cats
    qwills2cats Posts: 108 Member
    Welcome and congrats on taking your first steps. We all started one step at a time.
  • mommyrox05
    Welcome. This will be a amazing journey, and so much suppoet and new friends will make it a much easier one. Congrats on the decision to change your will be sooooo worth it I promice!!!
  • karena7
    karena7 Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome! You are making some wise choices.