I joined, I strayed, I WILL conquer..

I joined MFP in May and for the few weeks I stuck to it I lost 12lbs. Great! Then I got bored and really stopped trying.

I decided last night that I AM worth my hard work and today i weighed in. 7lbs on. Not too shabby really considering my relationship with full fat cola and chinese takeaway food....

So. I am here and I am staying. Well, some of me anyway. Today was spent just really eating what i wanted and logging. Now, my diary is reading 2,846 cals. I have gone over by MORE than I am supposed to eat per day!! SHOCKING.

I am back and I have 100lbs to lose altogether.

I am a uk22 now, and want to get into a size 16 bridesmaid dress in June (and if my luck comes in, a size 14 wedding dress a short time later)

I think where I went wrong last time was a lack of exercise and not enough water.
I limited my cola intake from 6 cans a day to 2 but didn't really drink anything else so unsuprisingly felt hungry a lot.

Tomorrow will be difficult, my nephew is nominated for an award and I am going to the ceremony (its a 3 course meal and I have no idea what the choices are yet) but there is no excuse which will make me put this off for even a day longer. This is happening NOW. Not Monday morning, not the day after halloween or when my cola is all gone (I have a 12pack in the cupboard) or when I don't have as much work to do etc, NOW.

I do VERY little exercise. I drive everywhere. I am planning on this week ditching the car for the school run (this will be 80 minutes of walking in total per day) and I will be getting on my wii fit. I have the sports resort games and Zumba which has shamefully been sitting on my shelf in its original packaging since August. I seriously need to stop being lazy.


  • marlaina19
    marlaina19 Posts: 11 Member
    Take small steps and you will do great. Slowly incorperating will help you stick to it a little better in the long run. Try doing the walking every other day for a week or so, then do the zumba on the other days. EVERY little bit will help! You are so worth it!
  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    hello from a newbie

    good luck to you, i know how hard it is to stick to this, i go off the rails all the time, but i have done it again and i will do it this time too..

    i have started going to zumba classes as well as aqua arobics and walking when ever i can, i have asked for a wii for xmas, so see what santa brings
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    Welcome Back!!:flowerforyou:
    Ditching the Car is a Great idea.
    Also, could you eat an Apple on the way to the Dinner/ Ceremony tomorrow? Or eat a large Salad (without meat) before you leave home? I find that Apples really fill me up and I try to always eat one right before we go to a Chinese Restaurant. It is great Appetite Control for me.
  • jenna066
    I love your topic title!!! Welome!!
  • Magic_Girl
    You got the right attitude! You'll get to your goal, just DON'T GIVE UP! Even if you fall a few times and it seems like it won't get any better, just pick yourself up and keep on going no matter what!
  • ananas26
    Souns lke a great plan! Im also new here !!! The walking sounds great but (from personal experience) if you havenot walked in a long time dont over do it . Just start small and enjoy it and as you feel better at it you will feel the need to increase the time or steps you walk every day! Just listen to your body. I started walking like 3 or 4 weeks ago and Iwalked for an hour and a half and I was really tired but mostly my feet hurt so I took it slow not forcing myself. Just making myself go to the park and take it from there. Now its becoming natural and I really love my morning walks.

    Feel free to add me, I dont have a lot of friends and a support system really helps! :) Have a wonderful weekend my dear !