Looking for other witchy friends

Hello out there!

I'm on the lookout for fellow witchy/pagan friends and motivators, and maybe some challenge groups.

Are there ways your beliefs/energies help you with your weight loss goals?


  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    Hello, I'm Pagan and have definately found that my spiritual path and health path compliment each other nicely.

    It's the whole "my body is a temple" concept (I know, that's christian, but it works for Pagans, too!).

    Plus, I'm not Wiccan, but I do follow the "harm none" part of the rede, so I've just started to apply "harm none" to myself. I was definately harming myself with my binge-eating and inactivity, and now I'm putting myself and my health first.
  • bjean0
    bjean0 Posts: 23 Member
    Ms too