Am I supposed to be this tired???

So I'm on day 20 of the 30DS and ever since I started this workout I have been SO worn out. It's like I have zero energy. I do the workout and then I have nothing left to give the rest of the day. I've even tried doing the workout at night instead of the morning and still I'm like a slug. Isn't exercise supposed to make you more energetic? Why am I so lethargic? Also, I should include this is my first time ever REALLY working out. I mean, I've always been semi-active, going on walks at least 5 times a week, plus taking care of a toddler and 8 year old keeps me physically moving. But I've never really stuck with a workout like this for this length of time.


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Are you eating enough? Being overly tired is a sign that you aren't getting enough food.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    It would help if you opened up your food diary. My gut instinct tells me that your body should be adjusting to the workouts by now, and that you should be tired, but not exhausted. I wonder if you are not eating enough calories to support yourself..... what is your weightloss set at per week?
    Are you taking a day off once during the week? Your body might be so tired that it needs a break- one rest day a week. You might go for a walk that day but not do the 30DS and give your body a chance to rest and rebuild.
    Are you sleeping enough? I know with two kids it's hard to rest enough, but you should try to get enough rest so that your body can recover from the day and get energized for the next day.
  • Srbrosseau
    Srbrosseau Posts: 58 Member
    Starting a truly demanding workout regimen can be taxing on the body and will take some time to adjust to. Rest assured, if there's no medical problem, your body will adjust over time. Then when you hit a plateau, you'll have to change it up again.

    However, make sure you're eating the right amount of carbs (whole grain not refined), and I would strongly suggest setting your MFP settings to 1 lb. a week instead of anything higher.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Yeah, definitely open up your food diary, at least for a little bit so we can help you better. I find when I exercise a lot, I HAVE to eat more. Try eating back some of your exercise calories - that should help. Also, make sure you're properly hydrated (your pee should be clear).
  • josiesumerlin
    Do you drink lots of water? I tend to not drink enough water and it makes me lethargic. Also if you are working out, drinking coffee, breastfeeding or take medications that dehydrate you then you need to drink even more than the recommended amount.
  • reese1218
    reese1218 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks everyone. I haven't used my food diary on here, I've sort of been keeping it in my head. I think I'll start using the diary. I know I haven't been eating the best foods. Definitely enough calories, but not the right ones I guess. And that's a good idea somebody mentioned about taking a break once a week. I've been doing it 20 days straight, minus one day in the beginning. Thanks everyone!
  • paticksmama07
    paticksmama07 Posts: 49 Member
    I wanted to post the same topic!!! Thank you. I became so weak after a workout yesterday that I literally felt nauseous has this happened to anyone else. Happened again this morning too. About 3 hours after my bfast of oatmeal I felt really weak and went to lie down on my bed for a bit. I though maybe my sugar was low and ate a fuji apple followed by a lunch of homemade turkey chili with kidney beans. I feel a lot better now but I am starting to believe that I am not eating enough calories to sustain my workouts etc. Thanks for posting this.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Thanks everyone. I haven't used my food diary on here, I've sort of been keeping it in my head. I think I'll start using the diary. I know I haven't been eating the best foods. Definitely enough calories, but not the right ones I guess. And that's a good idea somebody mentioned about taking a break once a week. I've been doing it 20 days straight, minus one day in the beginning. Thanks everyone!

    You definitely need to use the diary -- and use it seriously if you have questions like that. You also need to track your fluids and calories burned. For me, carb overload makes me tired and I feel like sleep all day every time I do it. I should know better by now. A good tip is to keep yourself feeling full -- snack on things like greek yogurt, protein shakes, almonds etc so you don't have craving to down a bag of chips or other crappy carbs. Might help.
  • michedarnd
    michedarnd Posts: 207 Member
    I STRONGLY recommend using the diary. One of the best things about it, besides the calorie-counting and the ability to tell when you are over/under-eating -- is that it also helps you track your macro-nutrients.

    Also, I REALLY hope you are taking a multivitamin. You NEED those extra nutrients as well as the simple reality of extra calories. I was having that problem for a while, and I did a couple of things. One was that I put more of a limit on how often I was exercising. Now, that is not in keeping with the 30DS, so the other thing is that you need to eat QUITE a bit more -- and probably better balanced.

    You said that you weren't eating the best foods. THAT will defeat you, right there. When you demand things of your body, you have to give it the proper balance of nutrients to function, properly.

    Good luck! I've struggled with this, too. :-)
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    Are you consuming enough protein for your muscles to repair? This was my issue, when training for a marathon I was just bagged all the time and finally someone told me I should be consuming protein immediately, withen 1/2hr, of my runs to speed up recovery and as a result i've had way more energy. That said they're are a lot of crappy protein powders out there that are just full of sugar... if it tastes good its probably not that good for you! The best I've had is called "Raw" - it's litterally raw food in a powder form, no chemicals. It smells like puke and you'll think you're on fear factor just trying to drink it, but it works. I think of it like I am taking a shot and just down it, then eat something better tasting after to get rid of the taste. Your muscles will thank you for it. Slightly less bad tasting and still very effective is "Vega"'s protein powder. The chocolate one is the most tolerable, especially mixed with chocolate almond milk. Both are about 100-120 cals per serving, and of course at $70/container it seems pricey. But they work, simple as that. Also they both arn't just protein, they have other nutrients and minerals to help with recovery and increasing energy levels, and also to help your digestive system.

    Lastly if you're training intensely you should get your blood checked to check your iron levels. If you're finding you're feeling increasingly sluggish and not motivated to even get out of bed in the morning, you could be iron difficient. This is a big problem for women because we lose a lot of iron during our monthly cycles. Add intense excercise to the mix and where we're depleting our iron stores even more and voila! Iron difficiency resulting in extreme feelings of fatigue. The flip side having too much iron is also a problem, so get your blood checked before you starting taking a supplement.

    Hope this helps!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I wanted to post the same topic!!! Thank you. I became so weak after a workout yesterday that I literally felt nauseous has this happened to anyone else. Happened again this morning too. About 3 hours after my bfast of oatmeal I felt really weak and went to lie down on my bed for a bit. I though maybe my sugar was low and ate a fuji apple followed by a lunch of homemade turkey chili with kidney beans. I feel a lot better now but I am starting to believe that I am not eating enough calories to sustain my workouts etc. Thanks for posting this.

    I'd make sure you're looking at your sugar intake in your food diary if you're having that problem consistently. If it seems ok, make an appointment to have your sugar tested. Sugar is not something to mess with (my family has a history of diabetes, so I get a little apprehensive, and maybe overreact, about stuff like this)
    Also make sure you're fueling your body with enough protein.
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    I'd defitely recommend some supplements. Start with a simple multivitamin and if it doesn't do the trick, you may need to get some blood tests and up the intake of certain vitamins (I have to take extra vitamin D). Also, my trainer recommends antioxidant if doing a lot of cardio...jury is still out on that though...Good luck, hope you can kick it up soon!
  • hrobinson416
    hrobinson416 Posts: 207 Member
    No idea if its normal or not. Im so freaking exhausted I can barely keep my eyes open all day and it doesnt matter if I sleep for 8 hours or for 12 hours. Ive tried both. Im on Day 9 today - I drink tons of water - I eat breakfast now before the workout and eat within an hour after working out usually. I eat most of my exercise calories back. Im doing 57 minutes of pilates after the workout. Sometimes I do a second set of shred and sometimes I do the stair stepper later in the day. The last 4 days I have been dizzy during the workouts (no matter the time of day) but I just ignore and keep going and its usually gone or almost gone before Im done.

    I just figure I went from sedentery 100% of the time to working out more than an hour a day, and increasing my food intake ( I WAS eating only about 500-800 a day I found out...had no idea) with healthier foods, and my body is just reeling and adjusting. Well I did start walking about 3 miles before I did the 30DS but didnt feel like this after walking! I have quit walking since starting the shred as Im too exhausted and sore. I take Sundays off so tomorrow is a "no workout" day. Hoping that helps for Monday!

    Oh and I have almost gained 2 lbs since I started the 30ds..but I hear thats normal. Ive lost several inches already though.
  • sakamanojr
    sakamanojr Posts: 378 Member
    It is not a good sign that you are so tired.
    Based on what you normally get, are you sleeping enough to get rest.
    I also want to ask if you eat carbo's 90 minutes before and right after the workouts. That has helped with my energy level during and after workouts.
    If you want more help then add me as a friend.
    Take care