New Girl!

I'm Nikole.
I was recently diagnosed with binge-purge type anorexia, and I'd like to fix myself before it gets any worse.
A friend suggested I use this site to watch my intake, so I joined!
Hopefully it helps! :)

I could always use some new friends, too.

Thanks for reading!


  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    Hello Nikole,

    Fell free to add me.
    We can all use all the support we can get, and I am no exception. You have taken the first, biggest step and now all you have to do is keep moving forward. Best of luck in your journey to better health.
  • Srbrosseau
    Srbrosseau Posts: 58 Member
    That's great! It's good that you're taking steps toward becoming healthier!

    If you need food ideas, feel free to ask!

    Good luck!

  • purplebabe2025
    purplebabe2025 Posts: 383 Member
    Welcome Nikole. This a great site for inspiration and support. Feel free to add me as a friend and good luck on your journey.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Welcome to MFP!!! And congrats on taking a huge step in getting a support system in place to hold you accountable!!

    There are a few people on here with EDs, so I'd poke around for some threads.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • ngcgurl03
    ngcgurl03 Posts: 207 Member
    welcome feel free to add me. We all need support on here and cannot do it alone. I am here for you if you need anything
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    Hi Nikole, I just signed up yesterday too. Good luck with tackling your issues with food, its good to see you've realised what you've been doing and are addressing it before it gets too bad. Add me if you need a buddy x
  • TabulaRasaLove
    Thanks so much! You are all such sweet people.
  • Srbrosseau
    Srbrosseau Posts: 58 Member
    Haha thanks! Yeah, anytime you need support, just ask!