Brand new and looking for Ideas

Hi my name is Natalie and i am new to this whole MFP....I'm really enjoying it so far, and have lost three pounds in 4 days from the low calorie input and excersing. I am doing P90X but kind of in my own way. I started with the plyometrics and have only been doing it for three days now, can only make it 20 minutes into it but not bad for going from no excersise at all to 20min of plyo! I am looking for help on low cal meals and snacks! I am VERY picky about my foods and dont eat very many vegetablesat all, but i do LOVE meat, and fruit, but am also a mother of two active kids and work full time so i dont have a lot of time to do a ton of cooking. Quick easy,healthy foods!!! HELP!!!! I also JUST quit smoking, saturday will be two months cold turkey so i really need to keep myself from gaining anymore weight!!!! :tongue:


  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    welcome to the site. congrats on giving up smoking.
    great choice
  • Nogo
    Nogo Posts: 105 Member

    Here are some great websites for healthy meals:

    And be sure to check out the recipes on here. Someone posted one for some kind of chocolate caramel cake thing yesterday, I'd probably stay away from that one...
  • xlovemehalwaiyzx
    Welcome to the site and congrats on your weight loss and the not smoking! i'm also like you and am a very picky eatier. if you would like to add me that would be great i could send you things i find and vise versa!
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    My best advice; realize that some days will not work out as planned. But, always realize that tomorrow is a new opportunity to smash some calories, and make better choices. Don't let the past ruin the future. Find what food and exercise works for you, and stick with the plan. Consistenency pays off. When you see a loss on the scale, record it, even if it seems a fluke, and you stay at that weight for three weeks. Just keep working the plan. Keep the trajectory going in the right direction. Don't deny youself. If you make a terrible choice in food, make it a requirement that you pay it back with sweat and calories. If I'm over by 100 calories, I repay with 100% interest. Making the benefit twofold. 1) It keeps me on the straight and narrow. 2) if I do screw up, I double the payback. Good luck!
  • nataliefrank
    Thanks so much everyone!