Not losing much on Weight Watchers, considering coming back

RockerDDS Posts: 22 Member
edited October 3 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello all,
I joined this site awhile back but was not very strict with counting calories. I joined Weight Watchers a month ago thinking that would be easier and get the weight off. In a month, I have only lost 2.2 pounds. I am pretty frustrated with that. I lost a lot of weight years ago and did that by counting calories and exercising. I am at a lost of what to do. Should I give WW more time or count calories? What experience do people have?

1200 calories does not seem like much and I worry about being hungry. I was VERY hungry on WW but could eat fruits and veggies because those were "zero" points. I need help. I am getting married in June and running out of time to get this weight off. 2.2 pounds in a month will not cut it.


  • khartley535
    khartley535 Posts: 151 Member
    I used to do WW but when they switched up the plan, I wasn't losing as much as I had before.

    Sorry, but NOTHING is 0 points. At least it shouldn't be. It's just giving people an excuse to over eat. "Oh, but this is all 0 point fruit!". Yeah, but it still has calories. Calories in - calories out. It's that simple.

    I like this better because I know exactly where I am each day on my calorie intake.
  • coopstanza
    coopstanza Posts: 1 Member
    I agree. I've done WW since January and I did lose 12 lbs, but it took 4 months. After that, I stopped being as strict with my points and in 4 months, I gained 14 lbs back. I am finding that this website works better for me as well.
  • leeshults
    leeshults Posts: 223 Member
    I tried WW a couple of years ago but I lost more in fees then I did in weight. I tried this because it was free and super convenient and I've lost 18 pounds in right at 2 months. That is a record for me! I never thought just logging my food would help this much but it certainly has. I've found a few friends that are very motivating and I can write them any time to help keep me on track. I think you should give this site another shot......counting calories is very helpful and knowing how many you have left in a day is the key for me.

    Oh and the 1200 a day? I have quite an appetite and don't like to be told "no", but I've been able to get very creative with my calories and I can pack in quite a bit of food! Hope something in here helped you make a decision.... and good luck!!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,332 Member
    Well, for once, someone asks our permission for using MFP. There should be an approval process.

    You have eight months to lose 30 lbs? You will have no problem doing it here. For free.

    Approval given.
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    MFP works great for me. I've flunked every other weight loss plan. The most important thing I have learned about eating right is that you should never be hungry. It took me months to understand that eating frequently is the goal - I never go more than 3hours between a meal and snack now. Also, keep the blood sugar stable by eating protein, carb, and a little fat at every meal. I really don't agree with the idea of eating fruit a lot. I keep it to one piece of fruit in the morning. Too much sugar makes me crash and also makes me more hungry. Let me reiterate - stop trying to eat less and/or zero and start trying to eat more frequently because that is the key to revving your metabolism. Best of luck!
  • techymum
    techymum Posts: 168
    WW didn't work for me, either. I decided to save my money from that and join a gym.

    I am sure you will have success here if you dig in, and it seems that there are a lot of brides to be, so you can all work together through the more stressful aspects of wedding planning!

    Re hunger - I was hungry the first week or so when I cut down the calories, but after that it seems like my body adjusted. Sometimes I think we just have to suffer through a little bit to get past things.

    Good luck!
  • sewedo1
    sewedo1 Posts: 200 Member
    I had some success with weight watchers several years ago. Weight Watchers offers a lot of helpful information about weight loss, nutrition, and exercise and although I'm not following the program now, it gave me some sound information which I am using even now. I generally do eat more vegetables and fruits because the ability to eat more of them helps me stay satisfied longer. However, most of us cannot really eat an unlimited amount of these foods because they are so filling so I think WW takes that into account. I'm not over-eating as long I stay within my calorie ranger or "points" (if following WW). I used to believe that counting calories would just be too complicated but this site makes it very easy for me and I find that I'm more tuned into labels than I had to be using the "pre-packaged" points system. There ae many successful programs and they genrally all come down to eating less and exercising's just finding the right one to fit your lifestyle and personality, then being faithful to it. Good luck to you and congratulations on your weight loss.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Anywhere that says you can have an much fruit as you want, implying that it has 0 calories, it flawed to begin with tbh.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    WW didn't work for me. I was always hungry and I lost hardly any weight at all. Since I joined MFP and had a 1200 calorie limit it's made it easier to see what calories I'm taking in and what's going out instead of running on a points system that doesn't really work.
    You also learn to be more clever with your food, search the internet for low calorie and low fat meals, I've found some delicious ones and have them most weeks. It's hard at first but once you get through the first couple of weeks it becomes easier as you adjust.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Think what else you can spend that money on....
  • Jaymefirst
    Jaymefirst Posts: 268 Member
    I lost 120 lbs with WW a few years ago and kept all but 20 reacurring, annoying pounds. WW is great for people who do not know how to change their lifestyle. They also offer a public support system that some people need. I stopped going/following when they switched to the points plus system. I do not think any foods are free, and feel like all they did was complicate the program. I think every program has good and bad things it just depends on how your body reacts. I love MFP and wish I would have found it a long time ago, it would have saved me lots of $$!!
    Good luck with your journey!
  • I find that any "diet" never works for me in the long term, because that implies I am only eating a certain way for a set amount of time, and once I no longer eat that way, the weight comes back on. I have only been here for a short while, but I have been losing consistently, and I am actually eating more than I used to because I am eating my exercise calories.
  • RockerDDS
    RockerDDS Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for all the replies, I appreciate the feedback. I am going to try this site for awhile and see what happens. I don't want to have to count points forever while on WW. I joined because I had some friends that had great success with them. Maybe the plan just wasn't for me.
  • I have been on WW before and found I lost about a stone in 2 months. I think it's good for people that need the support and also being weighed and another person knowing what you weigh is a good incentive. I have had the most success with counting calories though 1200 can be alot of food if you choose the right things! I've lost nearly 2 stone in a few months, I get married in may 2012 and feel confident I can easily get another 1-2 stone off before the wedding :D try it and see, you have everyone on here too to help you. you can do this x
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