How many calories do you eat?

How many calories to you eat every day? How fast are you losing weight? I know we shouldn't be losing really "fast" anyways, but just curious... what's working for you?


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,114 Member
    The answers you get will not answer your question, since everyone is a different age, height, and at different stages of weight loss.

    Focus on your numbers, and adjust according to your results.
  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    I usually eat around 1200 to 1400 a day depending on how hungry I am. There are days I eat a bit more, but it doesn't effect my weight too much.

    I actually lose weight at a pretty constant rate when I'm actually eating healthy and exercising.
  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    The answers you get will not answer your question, since everyone is a different age, height, and at different stages of weight loss.

    Focus on your numbers, and adjust according to your results.

    I also agree with this. We are all different, so what works for me, might not work for you and vice versa. It's all about experimentation and figuring out what works for your own body.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    2000 and i lose between 1-2 lbs every week, and i eat almost all my exercise calories back
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Between 1600 and 2200, exercise around 700-1000 6 days a week. Over the last 6 months I've averaging around 2lbs a week.

    I still have chocolate everyday, crisps everyday, chicken legs with skin, soda, etc. Just now all in moderation. Hence why this has been a breeze for me so far, and why i /facepalm every time i see someone say they have cut this out, cut that out, done this, done that.

    Overcomplicating much?
  • NineInchGirl
    A **** load! You don't need to starve to lose weight! Just eat clean baby!
  • dietqueen1978
    I know i am making this more complicated than it should be!!! I eat 1200 cals for 2 days and see no results so I start freaking out that I might be wasting my time, so I start eating 1300, 1400, 1100.... you get the picture. I know if I just stick with the "program" I will see results, and I know it's not realistic to see results in only 2 days... just the way my mind works & it's hard to overcome that and just be patient!! I also know that the same numbers don't work for everyone... was just CURIOUS what's working for other people!!!
  • gabbyhayes82
    i eat 1200 calories, and am losing about a lb a week
  • dietqueen1978
    A **** load! You don't need to starve to lose weight! Just eat clean baby!

    What do you mean by eat "clean" ? Looks like you have lost a lot of weight so it must work :)
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    A **** load! You don't need to starve to lose weight! Just eat clean baby!

    More like just eat a calorific deficit. You don't have to eat clean to lose weight!
  • dietqueen1978
    Thanks all... looks like I just need to stop stressing out and the "magic' will happen :)
  • NineInchGirl
    I eat clean by choice. Cuz i like the idea of being healthy and YES it does work!

    ..2days?? Girl you need to give your body a chance to work its magic! I lost 75lbs prior to my 20 just now. I took a break and restarted my i kinda know wut im talking about...and i can tell you that stressing about it wont help. Its a crazy journey and it will have its ups and downs but food isnt your enemy, its thats relation "hand to mouth" that is ;)

    Eat, enjoy life, exercise and it will alllll falll into place! Just give your body a chance
  • NineInchGirl
    A **** load! You don't need to starve to lose weight! Just eat clean baby!

    More like just eat a calorific deficit. You don't have to eat clean to lose weight!

    Sure and why dont u teach ppl to lose weight by eating chocolate. I know about the calorie deficit thing....but losing weight by eating junk is no bueno. In the end its not just about losing weight dude, its about being healthy and feeling great in your skin.