

  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
    Hi! My name is Aly. I have two children 19 month old boy and a 3 month old baby girl. I am a single mom- finally left an abusive relationship after my daughter was born.
    My children are so close together that I didn't have much time to get the weight off in between. Now, I want it OFF! I have already dropped 37 lbs since her birth, but I have a LOT more to go. I want my kids to be proud of me, and to be able to keep up with them.
    I am finally caring about my myself. I am sooo worth it!
    I am determined to get down to 125. And I will!
    My biggest enemy is Nutella...
  • kewwy1
    kewwy1 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi! My name is Aly. I have two children 19 month old boy and a 3 month old baby girl. I am a single mom- finally left an abusive relationship after my daughter was born.
    My children are so close together that I didn't have much time to get the weight off in between. Now, I want it OFF! I have already dropped 37 lbs since her birth, but I have a LOT more to go. I want my kids to be proud of me, and to be able to keep up with them.
    I am finally caring about my myself. I am sooo worth it!
    I am determined to get down to 125. And I will!
    My biggest enemy is Nutella...

    Congratulations for getting out of the relationship - I too have gotten out of a abusive relationship in the past so kudos to you for finding the strength!

    Don't give the nutella away, just limit how often you have it :)
  • SmangeDiggs
    SmangeDiggs Posts: 238 Member
    Hi is it to late to join??
    Im Ange and i have a 6yr old and a 14 week old, im getting married in Feb and planning to honeymoon on a beautiful beach in Phuket hopefully in something smaller than board shorts and a singlet.
    I lost weight eventually after my first pregnancy then changed jobs to a more sedentary position, got into a new relationship, got pregnant again then looked in the mirror and went OMG. I am currently the heaviest ive ever been and it has completely knocked my confidence.
    I want my children to be proud of me, i want to live to see my grandchildren, i want to be a good influence for my children but mostly i want to LOVE me again.
    My biggest enemy is cheese - i love cheese and anything i can put cheese on, in or around.
  • pmur
    pmur Posts: 223 Member
    Carolina_r - Thanks for the tips! I've never heard of quinoa. I live in India. I'm sure it has an "Indian" name. Let me ask dr google :)
    I love the idea of the small treat at the end of the day! That will so make my day!!!

    Btw, what's everyone doing to drop those inches and get your waist in shape? I don't think I ever had a toned mid-section but would love to work towards it now. Any ab/thy exercises? I found some on youtube but has somebody found something that delivers results??
  • Hello! I just wanted to say I went through the same thing after the birth of my son. I was exclusively breastfeeding, and although that helped me drop a lot of weight after birth, I got to a number and just stalled. I didn't diet much because I was nervous it would effect the quality of the milk for my baby, but honestly once I got serious it wasnt an issue.

    You can add breastfeeding into mfp, if you are exclusively breastfeeding its 500 calories burned, and I just started working out...when I did eat, I made sure most fo what I was eating is nutritious (also ate oatmeal, its good for milk supply, low calorie and very healthy!)

    I lost the weight I put on after baby, but I'm working on losing the weight I put on after marriage..and I'm still breastfeeding my 7 month old
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    pmur - I too have never had a set of toned abs...Even at my thinnest, I always had a little tummy. I too am looking for ways to tone up, but I've been cautious because of the pregnancy. Your abdominal muscles do separate, and I've been told to be cautious to make sure that the gap is closing before being too hard core when it comes to abs.

    SmangeDiggs - Definitely not! Just add the tagline

    “The POST-PARTUM PACK – It took us 9 months to pack on the pounds…Watch us take them off!”

    to your signature and stay tuned to this thread! In a few days, there will be a link here to next week's topic:) I really like how you phrased your motivation for losing the weight...and I share your love for cheese!!! It makes any dish better, no?

    ghadeer86 - Thanks for the tips! Bfeeding and losing weight is definitely a touchy issue for many of us. We want to look and feel better, but we are torn with the concern of not taking good enough care of our baby.

    Aly - I haven't had nutella in so long!!!! is good! Do you treat yourself with a little each day? Or do you try to avoid it?
  • goodntentions
    goodntentions Posts: 9 Member
    Hello fellow moms! It's so nice to see others who are going through the same things as I am. I am the mother of 2 boys, 7 years old and the most recent 4 1/2 months old (born May 28, 2011). I started exercising around 7 weeks post partum (end of July) and was able to drop the baby weight pretty quickly with the help of breastfeeding. I recently stopped breastfeeding since I will be returning to work in a couple months and now the weight loss has stalled :(. I have increased my cardio to an hour per workout to counterbalance. I am still hovering at 120 which I don't have a problem with because I believe it's from turning fat into muscle (and we all know muscle weighs more than fat) so now I'm concentrating more on getting stronger than losing pounds (I'm still trying to lose body fat though). Some barriers I have are eating at night after dinner...especially ice cream. love love love it. To stop myself I have been going to bed early haha.

    My normal workout routine:
    Mon - 1 hour elliptical (burning anywhere from 500 to almost 600 depending on incline and resistance)
    Tues - full body strength training
    Wed -1 hour elliptical (burning anywhere from 500 to almost 600 depending on incline and resistance)
    Thurs -full body strength training
    Fri -1 hour elliptical (burning anywhere from 500 to almost 600 depending on incline and resistance)

    I haven't started working yet so I don't have that time hindrance, but I'm sure I will. I'm hoping to keep myself motivated to find the time to workout once I do, with the help of you ladies of course :-)

    PMUR - I do planks and side planks which really help to strengthen your core! regular planks twice holding for 30 second intervals each and once per side holding for 30 second interval. You'll really start to notice a difference.

    I also recently was able to do a regular pushup!!!! I have not been able to do that in I can't remember how long. It's really nice to know that I'm getting stronger.
  • SaraSatin
    SaraSatin Posts: 48 Member
    My twins are 6 months old today! Yay babies! Boo Mommy, I have no idea what I ate yesterday. Ever been in such a sleepy fog that you literally don't know what you've done? I know I had some sweets (big no no for me, not supposed to have sugar or wheat) but which ones and how much I don't know. I was just so out of it and trying to get through the day at work.

    My problem (obviously) is self control. Today I walked in craving sugar and had one tiny little chocolate Halloween candy. I will NOT have more because I'll get sick if I do. When we move I'm going from an office job to working daycare and I'm praying that moving more and not working somewhere with the snacks just sitting there will help.

    How exactly do I accurately measure myself? I've never done it because I wasn't sure and I have a measuring tape sitting on my nightstand at home waiting for me to do it.
  • jmc111
    jmc111 Posts: 7
    My major barrier is getting the energy and motivation to workout. Having a 3 month old, I don't usually have a lot of extra energy during the days, and once I've done my daily housework, the last thing I want to do is work out. (If my daughter hasn't woken up from her nap or decided that mum doesn't get any free time!). I usually am able to eat fairly well while I am home alone, but I am a total sucker for iced cream. I never buy it at the grocery store because I know it will get the best of me, but once in a while at the gas station I have to fold ;)
    I just want to get back into my pre-pregnancy clothes... But I am finding it ALOT slower than I had expected. Everyone say that breastfeeding makes you shed pounds like nothing else, but I am not finding this. Hopefully soon I will have more energy so I can start feeling like doing something again!
  • elz22
    elz22 Posts: 96 Member
    HI everyone, My story is a little different being that my daughter will be 4 tomorrow, I gained about 60lbs while pregnant i know way tooo much, then lost 30lbs after having her. And have struggled the past 4yrs with the last 30lbs.

    I have tried before but have never had much success, this time around is different because I am doing for a lifestyle change and not a diet. I am holding myself accountable and set on loosing this weight!
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    elz22 - Welcome to the group! You have had tremendous success already...inspiring!

    jmc111 - I thought breastfeeding would help me lose a lot of weight, but it hasn't been my experience either. With a three month old, I imagine you aren't getting a ton of sleep...kudos to you for being on MFP and taking the initiative! When my son was 3 months, I was still in such a fog due to lack of sleep and feelings of isolation...BTW - have you ever tried skinny cow products? They make this chocolate truffle bar that is full-sized (you don't feel cheated one bit) but is only 100 cals...mmmmm....

    SaraSatin - I think the most important thing is to try to measure the same spot every time. I am measuring my waist at the narrowest point, my thigh at the widest point, and my hips at the widest point. I found the hips measurement to be the toughest to be consistent (my butt gets in the way and adds a lot of variation!!!), so I've tried adding a hip measurement at my belly button (not the widest point, but at least it is consistent).

    goodntentions - Welcome to the group! I am impressed with your workout schedule....good for you! I have heard that planks are a great exercise for abs - thanks for reminding me! I am pretty weak, but hopefully I can build up my endurance.
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    Lol Carolina! My DH discovered my skinny cow truffle bars and next thing I knew, they were all gone!

    I'm out of town this weekend, so my eating isn't great. I think today is the most I've been over in two months! But I'm going to chill out about it and remember that a few days of relaxing isn't going to kill me, just slow my progress for the week. But now that I'm logging I'm discovering how many cals are in foods I used to eat regularly here, and phew!

    Tomorrow morning I've got a spa appt with a friend, and I've convinced her to walk to it. It should take about 45min.

    As for measurements, when I was at my thinnest as an adult (and not very healthy) I was 36-26-36, which I thought was just about perfect. Now I'd be over the moon to get to 36-28-40, which I think is a little more realistic given post-twins redistribution. Right now I'm 40-33-46, but so much of that hip number is twin skin now. I guess we will see how it goes! I might never get my hips under 42 again. :(
  • HaydonS19
    HaydonS19 Posts: 27 Member
    Hello, my name is Sarah and I am a new-be. I am 29 years old and a stay at home mom curently. My weightloss challenges are not having the motivation to exercise on somedays or the energy. I have 5 kids now and they keep me going also trying to eat healthy is a big challenge for me everyday but I am trying really hard to and have been trying to cu out all sweets and sodas.
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    Welcome to the group, Sarah! It must be a huge challenge with such a full household...I have a tough enough time with one! Good for you!!
  • McCallsmommy
    McCallsmommy Posts: 32 Member
    Hello, Ladies!

    I am so glad to find this group! I had a sweet baby boy in May, and I am still not even back to my pre-pregnancy weight (which was too high)... I am really lacking motivation. My husband just got a new job in a small town, where I don't know many people, and I am home all day with the baby... and the refrigerator.

    I will be reading your posts as often as I can.
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    McCallsmommy - Welcome! If you'd like to join, just add the tagline:

    “The POST-PARTUM PACK – It took us 9 months to pack on the pounds…Watch us take them off!”

    to your signature and you are in :)

    Don't feel bad about not being at pre-preg weight yet...I had my little guy in March and I'm not there either! Although I have lived in my city for a number of years, I also felt quite isolated (especially in the beginning). Feel free to visit us for motivation and support! I will post the link to next week's thread at the end of this one :)
  • Hi,

    My name is Nicole. I just started. My 2nd baby girl is almost 4 months old. I'm stuck at 140. Pre-baby weight is 120 to 125. It took me almost a year to loose it with my first daughter, and then I was pregnant again by the time she was 15 months!

    I'm wondering if anyone knows how to adjust for breastfeeding. I don't want to lose the weight too fast, and want to make sure I'm getting enough protein. WW allows you to add extra points for BF'ing but MFP didn't seem to have an option to add that into your fitness plan. Any thoughts from other momma's out there?

    I'm looking forward to reading through other posts and meeting more of the community.

  • Jaytee79
    Jaytee79 Posts: 237 Member
    Hi! My name is Aly. I have two children 19 month old boy and a 3 month old baby girl. I am a single mom- finally left an abusive relationship after my daughter was born.
    My children are so close together that I didn't have much time to get the weight off in between. Now, I want it OFF! I have already dropped 37 lbs since her birth, but I have a LOT more to go. I want my kids to be proud of me, and to be able to keep up with them.
    I am finally caring about my myself. I am sooo worth it!
    I am determined to get down to 125. And I will!
    My biggest enemy is Nutella...

    Good for you! If you are courageous enough to get out...then you are strong enough to reach all of your goals!
  • chrissypops
    chrissypops Posts: 112 Member
    Sorry Im lagging behind a bit this week, its been a rather busy week last week and this weekend ive been out visiting!

    My names Chrissy, I have 2 daughters who are teenagers and have a son whos 18 mths in a few days. I wanted to get right down to my pre pregnancy weight when I had my first daughter and Im about 12 lb away! Its getting harder now to lose as Im fitter and need to work harder to burn as my body is becoming more efficient !! Im still breastfeeding my son, so still take my pre natal vitamins as few times a week and keep my carbs/protein up to make sure the quality is there :)

    My motivation..... my holiday at Christmas, My daiughers are away with their dad in Florida ( we live in UK ) so my partner, my son and I are off to Tenerife. YAY. I would like to be around 10 stone and a size 12 ( uk sizes ) After Christmas we are trying again for our last child, so I want to be at my optimum. I have lost around 30 lb i think since may 2011 and i have really enjoyed my journey , mainly as Ive seen it as a change of lifestyle rather than a " quick fix", Now i have got back into regular exercise I love it and still eat what I want, just smaller portions!

    Lots of positive vibes going out to u all xxx
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    No apology necessary!!!

    Here is the link to the next thread:

    See you there!