red red wine

anyone else here loving their glass or two.. or three of wine a night? i know its full of empty calories but this is my guilty pleasure. i eat very healthy and work out daily and cant seem to shed these last 15/20 pounds. i know my red wine is the reason and so i am working very hard on cutting back. i was just wondering if anyone else was struggling with the same problem as me.


  • KatieCuth
    KatieCuth Posts: 569 Member
    JDNOX Posts: 619
    Love red wine just a nice ending to anyday.. great begining and intermission during the day too.. NO I DON"T HAVE A PROBLEM lol
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    well, I lost all my weight and had a cocktail or two (including wine) many I don't think it is the wine! I'm not sure of what else you eat and how you workout, but I know I have to do intense workout on a regular basis.

    Other than that, go over your numbers and goals, do some further research on activity levels and see if your calorie goals need to be re-adjusted. (ya know 1200 is too low and that sort of thing)

    best of luck....I really don't think it is the wine ;-)

    p.s. are you using a heart rate monitor to calculate your exercise calories, I just peeked at your diary and I'm wondering if 1200 is too low (being a young mom) and if you are not eating enough food!
  • annaasun
    annaasun Posts: 74 Member
    I try to leave room for it... and for some cheese. Sometimes thats my dinner. Hehe
  • RoanneRed
    RoanneRed Posts: 429 Member
    I just have a rule that I don't drink on 'school nights' and on weekends try only to do it if I'm socialising. Having said that, if there's nothing happening on my Saturday night the routine is homemade pizza and red wine (at least 1/2 a litre) in front of the tv.

    If you're having some every night then you're going to have to account for the calories by either working them off or reducing other intake and that might not be helpful for nutrient balance.
  • leopardvice
    well, I lost all my weight and had a cocktail or two (including wine) many I don't think it is the wine! I'm not sure of what else you eat and how you workout, but I know I have to do intense workout on a regular basis.

    Other than that, go over your numbers and goals, do some further research on activity levels and see if your calorie goals need to be re-adjusted. (ya know 1200 is too low and that sort of thing)

    best of luck....I really don't think it is the wine ;-)

    p.s. are you using a heart rate monitor to calculate your exercise calories, I just peeked at your diary and I'm wondering if 1200 is too low (being a young mom) and if you are not eating enough food!

    oh julia i dont know! ive lost this weight before (almost 60 pounds when my lifestyle got really out of hand) and now its just these last 20 and all i can think of is maybe the wine. but really my lifestyle habits arent that different than before. i know 1200 is low but its gotten me some small results as opposed to eating more when i wasnt losing any weight at all. i wish someone had told me losing baby weight wasnt the same as losing regular weight. haha maybe i wouldnt have let myself gain so much
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    I have a glass ....sometimes 2 every evening. For 80 calories, I think the health benefits are worth it. Not just from the wine, but by having a glass of wine in the evenings while watching my shows, it curbs my snack eating in the evenings.

    I'll give up a cheese stick before I'll give up my glass of red wine!
  • gentsevetzak
    gentsevetzak Posts: 147 Member
    I haven't had a glass of wine in over a week.
    Reading this thread makes me want to rush to the store and buy a crate of red wine.
    Drinking one glass is no option for me, i always drink half a bottle at least so i just need to eliminate alcohol from my diet.
    Also i get hughe cravings after a couple of glasses.
    Part of the reason i got too fat is drinking and binge eating afterwards.
  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
    Red wine is my weakness, I lose and gain the same few lbs over and over....I am running my second half-marathon on Sunday and then plan to focus and get 5lbs off before Christmas. Sadly, I believe that alchohol does inhibit weight loss because of the way your body processes it.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    You could try giving it up for a week, maybe, and see if that jump starts your weight loss efforts again. If so, re-introduce it gradually. Definitely don't give it up all together!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I gave it up for a bit but honestly it made no difference in my weight loss. I still drink it often, keep it (usually) within calorie goal, and am almost at my weight loss goal.
  • Erica0718
    Erica0718 Posts: 469 Member
    I enjoy wine and beer but I just make sure it fits into my calorie goal. I agree with another poster that you may need to slowly increase your calorie intake, it is a hard concept to understand but the rule eat more lose more is true with a lot of people. I started out at 1200 and didn't lose anything, add me as a friend if you want but I probably won't talk you out of having your wine :)
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    We have a joke that chianti makes everything better. I love it (well, that or cabernet depending on where I am) I can drink a glass and leave it at one glass if I'm home having dinner. If DH starts drinking it with me and we start talking, forget it, the bottle's gone. I try to drink a glass and also drink a big tumbler full of water with it. It helps to slow it down and make me relax. Plus then I feel fuller from the water. I bought a tub of the Trader Joe's Mini Almond Biscotti and I'll have 1 with a glass of wine after dinner as a treat sometimes. (a serving is 3) It's a mental game. Some weeks I play it better than others.
  • krisrhymer
    krisrhymer Posts: 11 Member
    I LOVE my red wine & decided I need to cut it out during the week for now.. for me,besides all the sugar, it triggers my snacking & makes me tired in the morning when I need to get up & go to the gym. I'll still have some on the weekends & maybe a glass during the week once in a while but, It helped in the past cutting it out to get through a platteu (sp?)
  • kendernau
    kendernau Posts: 155 Member
    I enjoy my wine, but I rarely have it in the house. The wife doesn't drink (or almost never), and there is an alcoholic tendency in the family.

    That said, with the studies touting the benefits, and how I enjoy it, I have been thinking of getting it and having no more than 1/2 a glass a night a few times a week.

    All about moderation. It definitely doesn't have the nutritional punch of a lot of other foods, but by itself, the wine shouldn't be the problem with losing the weight, as long as it isn't causing you to go over your goals directly or indirectly.
  • leopardvice
    thank you all so helpful... i guess i should try harder to cut it out for a bit
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I love wine. However, I know it bloats me (water retention due to dehydration I'm guessing). I cut it out for 7 weeks while I completed training for my half marathon and it was definitely worth it. I generally felt healthier, less tired and more focused. I do drink now, but tend to leave it for Friday nights with the girls. I only buy it for that night and then thats it. If it was in the house, I'd be too tempted. Plus, I've discovered that I usually prefer the extra food, lol.

    And 80 cals? What size glass are you having - a thimble? Haha, my glasses are 6oz and that's about 120 calories
  • ClariceDancer
    Yes, I love a glass of red.

    Now I only have wine on weekends. I make sure I have enough calories left in the evening. I love a glass of red with olives and cheese. I use to enjoy wine in the evening after a stressful day at work but not any more too many calories :-/