odd schedule diet question

Ok, so I work an overnight job that keeps me up nights for 4 nights. On my first day off I stay up about 24 hours to swap to days for my weekend. So, my question is should I start my calorie count over at my normal sleep time since I'm up an additional 8 hours or add half as much or what? I've gotten various opinions and have often wondered. I'm not that active on my days off, usually after I get home I usually walk my dog a few minutes and now exercise and then usually write or watch tv and do a few light chores.
Simply trying to clarify and get the best out of my weight loss is all.


  • robinxhope
    robinxhope Posts: 125 Member
    I work shift work and have to swap back and forth. I start over when my calorie counter resets in the middle of the night. As long as your 24 hour calorie count is good I would guess it's okay. My dinner ends up as my breakfast and my breakfast as my middle night snack and my lunch as my dinner and then I supplement with snacks. Luckily I manage to sleep through the day so I don't eat. And I still manage to get enough exercise to bump up my calorie count enough for extra hunger pangs. When I'm trying to turn around to days, I come home and sleep 8am-12pm, stay awake until 11pm or 12am and am able to sleep the rest of the night so I never end up staying awake 24 hours. I find that really hard on me. Before I go into nights I nap in the afternoon, maybe have a snack before work and then eat supper at 9pm. Then I go into my night eating rotation as mentioned above.

    It's difficult. I haven't seen much research or recommendations about weight loss, and best health practices for people who work shift work. Mostly "they" say working nights is hard on your health and not recommended. But let's face it, some of us have to as part of our careers. I'm just lucky I don't have kids or too many other responsibilities at the moment and I can generally sleep when I try. Props to those of you out there that juggle families etc while working nights and still manage to stay somewhat healthy. I hope to get there one day. Best of luck to you.
  • robinxhope
    robinxhope Posts: 125 Member
    Also there is an option in your settings to relabel your meals. It doesn't really make any difference to me but maybe it would help you?
  • jiggipop
    jiggipop Posts: 9 Member
    I work nights too and have this situation at the end of the week. I work it that 6am-6am is my day. That way I know every day will be 24hrs.

    I fill out my breakfast first then dinner and then my lunch at work. I don't think it matters all that much where you log the food, just as long as you have your 24hr schedual up to date.

    As I say though, I end my day when I finish my shift as I don't eat in the morning when I get in. =)
  • edwacl
    edwacl Posts: 7 Member
    Yeah would love a clear answer for that too. As I'm a night shifter too.

    For me I just start my calorie count according to the calendar days, logic is its easier to track this way. Meal time and frequency is a bit off too, so what I did was to have 5 meals a day : the first three is normal breakfast, lunch and dinner and the other 2 during work time at night. Fortunately I was able to still keep it below calorie goal at 1580 per day by having stuff like apple, oatmeal at night and having small meal during the day. Sometime I do have to exercise to shave off extra calories as it is quite difficult to stay within goal with 5 meals.

    My concern which might be related to this thread is that is it ok to have meal during day sleeping time, as having meal during sleep hours might convert it to fat. I always woke up feeling hungry during lunchtime and have trouble to sleep unless I have something to eat.
  • Randynorthridge
    I kind of like robinxhope's idea about relabeling your meal names. Maybe go with set times instead.

    Example for a normal day would be: Wake-up - 10am; 10am - noon; noon - 2pm; 2pm - 4pm; 4pm - 6pm; and 6pm - bedtime.

    You would adust times to fit your eating patterns.

    I've worked swing shifts and grave yard shifts in my lifetime. To be honest I kind of liked them but it took some getting used too.

    Good luck to you and keep moving!!
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    In all respect no one really answered my true question. I don't have an issue with when I eat or what to call the meals lol. I'm simply wondering how bad it is to go over my set calories since I am up an additional 8 hours, being up 24 straight one day out of the week.
  • jiggipop
    jiggipop Posts: 9 Member
    If you log your calories during set 24hr periods, as in not 12-12, perhaps 8-8 it may wind up that your not logging too many calories. That extra 8 hrs your up would technically land on the next day. Hope that made more sense lol! That way you wouldn't have the problem of going over your calories.