I foresee terrible trouble... but I'll stay here just the sa

Jennypins Posts: 90 Member
Just had a thought this morning as I was walking my dog. They say that with exercise your energy level goes up. I walk my dog 2-3 times a day for 1/2 mile to 1 mile at a time.

He is a 5 year old Golden, and he still thinks he's 1. Perpetual puppy, right?

I continue to walk him this much, will HIS energy level go up, too? Cause that could just be exhausting.



  • twinsanity
    twinsanity Posts: 1,847 Member
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    He will start expecting longer walk and it will take him longer to wear out.. the more you walk him the more he will need to be walked to wind down.. I have 3 - and they love walks!
  • zooflute
    I know what you mean! My dog is almost 3, and very fit. She'll act tired on walks and then thrash around the house playing as if nothing happened. Luckily, larger dogs sleep a LOT. I take her to daycare periodically and let the other dogs wear her out!
  • StarIsMoving
    Funny thing with dogs, they adapt to their owner. Yes his energy will go up, but a routine is a routine to him :) Your energy will raise higher, but he will just know that those walks are what is allowable :) They are so cute, and this is making him more healthy too!
  • squishysangel
    squishysangel Posts: 149 Member
    I wish my dog could walk for long distances....he's a 6ish yr old siberian husky/collie cross....I got him from the SPCA and love him to pieces. He was really over weight when I got him and he had a bad hip...after he trimmed down his hip stopped bothering him..then the second winter I had him he hurt his leg (couldn't use it at all for 3 weeks). He's on anti inflamitories all the time now and with the weather getting colder (was -7c here this morning) his hip/leg are starting to bother him some....it sucks getting old for dogs as well as people :cry:
  • Jennypins
    Jennypins Posts: 90 Member
    Awww, this makes me sad. Go pet him for me.

    And maybe give him a good treat.

    Hope his health improves.

    I wish my dog could walk for long distances....he's a 6ish yr old siberian husky/collie cross....I got him from the SPCA and love him to pieces. He was really over weight when I got him and he had a bad hip...after he trimmed down his hip stopped bothering him..then the second winter I had him he hurt his leg (couldn't use it at all for 3 weeks). He's on anti inflamitories all the time now and with the weather getting colder (was -7c here this morning) his hip/leg are starting to bother him some....it sucks getting old for dogs as well as people :cry: