Do you workout when you're sick?



  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    As long as the illness isn't in your chest, you're fine to workout. It's even still recommended that you keep working out because it can help you get better faster.

    I've heard that if you are sick, you should try to stay as close to your regular schedule as possible, because excersice actually gives people energy. However, if you are coughing, or haveing any trouble breathing, I would do something light, like walking.

    Hope you feel better soon!

    Exactly this. And I can attest to it. When my nose is all stuffed up or runny and my head feels congested, the best I feel is right after a run. No cold medicine in the world clears me up like a good run. Plus I haven't gotten truly sick in years and any start of a cold I've gotten since I've been working out has disappeared in a flash.
  • cutiepie2628
    cutiepie2628 Posts: 415 Member
    it all depends on how sick u r.... if you have a slight cough sore throat... i will try to do a little exercise but if ur feeling light headed the last thing you want to do is work out .... my thoughts any way... but i do hope you feel better love:happy:
  • MidnightRadio
    MidnightRadio Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks for your input everyone!

    I didn't go to the gym yesterday, but I'm feeling a bit better today so I'm going later tonight. I've been sick for about 3/4 days now, so I THINK I'm past the contagious stage where it's okay for me to be at the gym.
  • katelyn1roesner
    for sure working out will continue to boost your immune system and will make you feel much better! power trough it
  • bassett8807
    bassett8807 Posts: 96 Member
    I currently have a head cold but I have been working out when I feel I can. I wouldn't say stop working out but maybe take it a bit easier. Listen to your body, it'll tell you when to stop.
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    It depends--I have a cold and cough right now but I'm still doing some light strength training and running. While I was running yesterday was the only time I WASN'T coughing all day.

    BUT, I've had other illnesses (strep throat) where there is no way I could even think about doing anything.