No "S" Diet

I snack, a lot, and without thinking about it. I'm not overweight, but I feel out of control, and I don't like it. The No S eating style seems like it might help break my mindless eating habits. Any opinions on this diet? Here's the website n

No Snacks
No Seconds
No Sweets

Except for days that start with S ((( weekends are my worst snacking days so I think I will stick to the plan even on weekends )))


  • n3wlif3styl3
    just looked up the website..and actually interested in trying it. that means all week you eat healthier than weekends you get a break. but I think the thing to remember is on weekends when you are less restrictive you should still watch what you eat my problem would be over indulgence for the food I have been avoiding all week but it might work!
  • healthy4self
    just looked up the website..and actually interested in trying it. that means all week you eat healthier than weekends you get a break. but I think the thing to remember is on weekends when you are less restrictive you should still watch what you eat my problem would be over indulgence for the food I have been avoiding all week but it might work!

    Oh yeah, I agree. Weekends are the worst for me eating wise so I think I'll stick to the plan even on the weekends. I will allow myself Friday night fro-yo, though! A planned treat once a week will be something to look forward to :)
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I'm not familiar with the diet, but I can tell you this - my daughter dropped almost 20 lbs by giving up sweets during the week.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Why not just have planned treats every day? Just allow yourself the calories for it, and its good. Why restrict yourself 5 days a week when with forward thinking you can have what you want 7 days a week?
  • healthy4self
    Why not just have planned treats every day? Just allow yourself the calories for it, and its good. Why restrict yourself 5 days a week when with forward thinking you can have what you want 7 days a week?

    I have a horrible sweet tooth. I find that once I start eating dessert, I just crave more and more. If I don't have any then I do better mentally. It kind of stinks to do that, but I just don't trust myself once I get started.
  • Newpilgrim
    I find that diet's don't work...and this one sound utterly absurd! Any diet that asks you to cut out foods that give you pleasure may work for a while, but do you want to white knuckle a diet for a while...or do you want to find a way of eating over the long haul...for life. If you feel "out of control" when means you're probably eating when you're not hungry and you're not thinking about why you're eating. In other words, you're not eating for your body, you're eating because you're: bored, sad, numb, angry...fill in the blank. Next time you want to grab for that snack, pause...sit down...check in with your body...are you hungry? If not, what's going there something that you don't want to feel, so you're eating to avoid it? A great way to break the habit of mindless eating is to always eat sitting down, in a calm environment and to check in with your body, first. Maybe you are hungry. I'm a marathoner and find that my body is actually hungry and prefers small meals about 5 times a day....but the only way you'll ever learn what your BODY needs, is to take the time to sit in it and to pay attention to what it's telling you. Good luck!