P90X Grad! Now what?

Hey everyone! I just thought I'd share with y'all that a couple of days ago I graduated from P90X, and it feels great! 21 lbs down, one pant size smaller (but it feels like I might have to try another size down soon!)!

Here's my before pictures (240 lbs)


and my after pictures (219 lbs)


But now, I'm trying to keep in shape for a few weeks until I start P90X again but this time in Classic mode instead of Lean. What can I do besides run and do situps and pushups to keep me from backtracking until then?!


  • nikkishai
    nikkishai Posts: 407 Member
    Keep up the good work! I finished 3 rounds of P90X, took a few weeks off, then started Insanity. If you're only taking a week or two off as down time, you may just want to cool it and let your body recover. Maintain your results by eating within your calorie limit, then hit it hard with round 2. Hope that helps ya!
  • Salpica
    Salpica Posts: 205 Member
    Awesome job! You look great!

    Do P90X again or find another program to try. The above poster said it right though, rest up and keep watching your calories!
  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    Fantastic!! You look great, congrats on getting through it!! I think you need a little recovery time, so just something light for a couple of weeks while maintaining your calorie intake. Beachbody just released P90X2, though I am still intimidated by P90X. Good luck!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I would only take a week off before jumping back into P90X Classic. During that week, do some yoga and stretching. Then hit P90X Classic hard. Good work and keep us posted. Insanity is waiting for you on the other end of P90X. Bring It!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Fantastic!! You look great, congrats on getting through it!! Beachbody just released P90X2, though I have heard fantastic things about insanity. Good luck!

    Not released yet, just available for pre-order. Will begin shipping out in December in time for the holidays.
  • jenkinsjerry
    jenkinsjerry Posts: 99 Member
    Great job on P90. It will get even more enjoyable (esp the pull ups) the more you lose. What I've done, I learn from Zig Ziglar, who teaches to "change your picture" that you have of yourself. This can either be a picture of you when you were at your BMI weight, or of some other person that you'd like to look like... Paste that picture somewhere that you see it every day and let that guy be your new "hero", that you plan to look like by xyz date. Set the date, then tell everyone you know that you will be at xyz weight by such and such a date. With MFP, you can select 1LB per week, to let you know how long it will take you to get to your goal... Manage to the daily calories and I'm confident you'll get there. Also, with P90, you should wear a HRM each time to measure the calories you're burning and plug them into MFP. Running is great too, if you like to run. To make running more manageable and less painful, you may wish to look into the Galloway method of Run-Walk, where you walk a minute, run a minute for all of your running... I started using Galloway when up over 220Lbs and am now down to 185Lbs. 7Lbs to go before I hit BMI weight.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    P90X2 is not actually available yet. You can preorder, but it will not ship until Dec.

    I would definitely recommend one do P90x Classic at least once, or more before starting on 2 version.

    I have done P90X a few times, classics and doubles. Definitely recommend ether over the Lean, as it will help you build muscle, which will increase you calorie burn much better over the entire day, and also lean you out much better.

    The rest time is actually very beneficial overall. The body builds muscle during rest and repair time, not during stress. This is one reason your have recovery weeks in classic and doubles. I always find I have great strength gains after a recovery week.

    I would not recommend you jump into an intense program until after at least one rest week, to allow you to recover from your P90 round. The P90x book recommends a two week rest time, before restarting program, or moving to another.

    I agree with yoga stretching or other less intense cardio, but hold off on weights until you restart your classic.

  • Looking good! Keep up the great work!
  • philm00x
    Thanks everyone! It won't be for another two, maybe 3 weeks before I have my hand at P90X classic. I still intend to use MFP to track my calories and stay at or below my calorie goal. Last night was a challenge because I had family visiting and we went out to eat at Olive Garden but I still managed to stay 70 calories below my goal! That was a proud moment because it proved to myself that I've learned to control my portions.

    Anyhow, I took it upon myself, via your suggestions, and I'm going to do some light workouts alternating with strength training one day, and then cardio the next, etc. until I'm ready for round 2 of P90X.
  • mickynieuwoudt
    mickynieuwoudt Posts: 21 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Bought my P90X today, and can't wait to start! There is quite alot of reading to do, and understanding all the phases and stuff. What is the best time of the day to do the exercises? Do I eat anything before I do it first thing in the morning? I am sooooo excited!!!
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    I personally have to eat a small something before I work out, as the workouts can be very intense, and if I am doing them after an all nite fast - I can't last, or lift as well. BUT I can't eat anything heavy, especially before doing something like plyo - or you will get sick.

    I usually have a small piece of fruit about 30 min before my workout, then a protein shake and oatmeal after. But thats what works for me.

    You will likely need to find the best plan for your personally.

    The best time of day, is really what works for you personally. For me its in the morning. otherwise I don't get it done. :)

    Good Luck!
  • philm00x
    When I was doing my workouts, noodle pastas like spaghetti or linguine, salads with some kind of meat protein (usually chicken for me) and without a ton of dressings or toppings, and peaches and pineapple were the things that gave me the most energy. Pretty much any light meal will do. Stay away from heavy foods like lasagna, pizza, or burgers 'cause they'll weigh you down and you won't feel as able to perform on your workout.
  • mickynieuwoudt
    mickynieuwoudt Posts: 21 Member
    Another quetion: I am not sure which one of the Lean, Classic, or Doubles program to start with?
  • jenkinsjerry
    jenkinsjerry Posts: 99 Member
    You may do this already, but one thing I do before going to a restaurant is to try to see if they publish their nutrition guide on line to know what I'll order ahead of time... Sometime this works and sometimes not. Typically the chain places will have it... Sadly this includes Olive Garden and other famous noodle places. After reading through Olive Garden's, I've not eaten there since, as nothing on their menu is even remotely health/calories sensible. I found the same at Macaroni Grille. Pasta noodles as great as they are, imply a lot of calories with little benefit. I still eat them but do try to limit them. Portion control does rock in a pinch when you're out somewhere and there's no chance of knowing calories... I did this recently at a nice seafood restaurant, where I skipped the fresh bread and buttter, halfed the included salad with my wife, and then only ate the grilled salmon for dinner -- probably a 5 oz piece, which is/was easy to find on MFP's database... Keep it going my man -- you're a warrior for posting the pics as they really don't lie. I wish I would have done the same.
  • philm00x
    When I'm going out to a chain restaurant, I'm usually putting in the calories I intend to take in before I even get there. Certain places I know ahead of time what I'll order so it's all a matter of controlling my portion to satisfy my calorie goal and still keep me full enough that I won't want to snack on leftovers later that night.
  • markciagne
    I have done a lot of different home workout routines. I have a pretty demanding job and don't really have the time to go to a gym so I find working out at home to be a great option. I can do it on my time and on my schedule. Plus I'm not the type of person that came come up with a workout regimen on my own; I need a little direction and I find P90x type programs is like having a home personal trainer.

    I started with P90x during the summer/fall of 2010 and then took about 4 weeks off of hard training. In the mean time I did various workouts from P90x mixed with cardio and free weights. I did a single round of KettkeWorx (6weeks), it was ok, but I wouldn't do it again. In late January of 2011 I started GSP Rushfit and completed that around March/April (its a 60 day program, but my work schedule does not allow me to workout as often as needed so the program ended up being about 3 months; same with P90x that took about 4 months). After I completed Rushfit I took about 3 weeks off and did various P90x, Rushfit, cardio and free weight workouts. During the summer of 2011 I did a P90x/Rushfit hybrid and that ended in about September. Following the hybrid I attempted Insanity, but I really didn't like it and only stuck with it for about 2 weeks. I have recently stared Rip 60; I'm about 1 week in and I am really enjoying it and see a lot of potential.

    All of the programs I have done have been great, except Insanity. I found Insanity's exercises and routines awkward and some of the movements just plain uncomfortable; and not in the "I worked out hard" uncomfortable but more like "I think I herniated a disc in my lower back" uncomfortable. My favorite has been Rushfit, but only narrowly over P90x. I haven't spent enough time with Rip 60 yet, but as I said I see a lot of potential- mostly because of the versitility of the program and the multitude of suspension training workouts available beyond the Rip 60 videos. Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions.
  • coultesr
    coultesr Posts: 51 Member
    Love RUSHFIT!!!! Did 2 rounds. Currently on Insanity. I really enjoy Insanity too. Rushfit is an absolute favorite.
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    try bodyrock.tv workouts. I find it similar to P90x but shorter because its hiit (its quite a challenge every time).
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    good job by the way!
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689

    When beginning - start with classic, if you can. But it also depends on your personal preference and goals.

    Thats the "original" program. The others were add-ons. Classic gives you the best of both world, cardio and weight training IMO. And IMO the best overall program of the three, for someone to start with. Thats also what the book recommend one start with.

    Doubles is probably better to do, after you have done at least one round of classic. (if you choose)

    Lean, is more cardio, less weight lift days.
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