NSV: 1st Half Marathon!

olivia3263 Posts: 263 Member
1:55!! It was 10 minutes faster than I was hoping for (bad for only seriously starting running in May). I'm soooo pleased, and loved the experience. I have definitely been bitten by the running bug. LOVE IT! Ready for my next race :)


  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Congrats! My first half is in March and I'm super nervous, but excited!!
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Congrats!! That is a grea time and amazing accomplishment. I had that same running/racing bug after my first one too. I am tempted to sign up for another one. Keep it up and congrats again!!
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    well done!!! My first was in july - 1.58 but with tight itbs and excruciating pain in my hip for the last 5 kms, no excuses though!!

    Looks like you and I are pretty competitive on times - when's your next one????
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    Congratulations! WTG!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Yay! Awesome job! You should be proud.
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    1:55!! WOW! I'm hoping to break 2:30 for mine, haha. Fantastic job!
  • olivia3263
    olivia3263 Posts: 263 Member
    well done!!! My first was in july - 1.58 but with tight itbs and excruciating pain in my hip for the last 5 kms, no excuses though!!

    Looks like you and I are pretty competitive on times - when's your next one????

    Thanks! I definitely pushed it today - but I feel good! I don't have another race lined up yet - looking online now. I want to try to do a 10k or something before it gets too cold. I'm really thinking I want to go for the full marathon, though, in the near future.

    I've tried to squelch the competitive side of myself for years, but who am I kidding - I will always be competitive. I live in Boston, but wouldn't DARE run the marathon unless I qualify for it. I'm not there yet, but I just started training. That is going to be my ultimate goal - to qualify for the boston marathon, and then to actually kick it's butt! :)
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    well done!!! My first was in july - 1.58 but with tight itbs and excruciating pain in my hip for the last 5 kms, no excuses though!!

    Looks like you and I are pretty competitive on times - when's your next one????

    Thanks! I definitely pushed it today - but I feel good! I don't have another race lined up yet - looking online now. I want to try to do a 10k or something before it gets too cold. I'm really thinking I want to go for the full marathon, though, in the near future.

    I've tried to squelch the competitive side of myself for years, but who am I kidding - I will always be competitive. I live in Boston, but wouldn't DARE run the marathon unless I qualify for it. I'm not there yet, but I just started training. That is going to be my ultimate goal - to qualify for the boston marathon, and then to actually kick it's butt! :)

    I dont think I'll seriously attempt a marathon - too much stress on my body to prepare for it

    But if you do, a suggestion made to me was to make it memorable - dream up a marathon location you would like to do it in and train for it - overseas! What a fantastic motivator!! I'm in Sydney so New York or London would be big for me ...
  • olivia3263
    olivia3263 Posts: 263 Member
    well done!!! My first was in july - 1.58 but with tight itbs and excruciating pain in my hip for the last 5 kms, no excuses though!!

    Looks like you and I are pretty competitive on times - when's your next one????

    Thanks! I definitely pushed it today - but I feel good! I don't have another race lined up yet - looking online now. I want to try to do a 10k or something before it gets too cold. I'm really thinking I want to go for the full marathon, though, in the near future.

    I've tried to squelch the competitive side of myself for years, but who am I kidding - I will always be competitive. I live in Boston, but wouldn't DARE run the marathon unless I qualify for it. I'm not there yet, but I just started training. That is going to be my ultimate goal - to qualify for the boston marathon, and then to actually kick it's butt! :)

    I dont think I'll seriously attempt a marathon - too much stress on my body to prepare for it

    But if you do, a suggestion made to me was to make it memorable - dream up a marathon location you would like to do it in and train for it - overseas! What a fantastic motivator!! I'm in Sydney so New York or London would be big for me ...

    That's so funny, I was actually thinking the Kona Marathon in Hawaii :) It's timed perfectly with the end of the school year, and my birthday a week later - would make an awesome vacation!
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