Don't know where else to vent :(

When I first joined MFP I was so very motivated, watching what was going in, getting my workouts in doing AWESOME! Then my knee started acting up and that started the slippery slop I am now falling, more like rolling down. I still was getting working out in until TOM showed up and had me laid up for a few days from cramps. I also did a weigh in around the same time even though I knew I should not have since I bloat and retain water so bad during that time. Scale showed what I expected a gain and then the pitty party hole showed up. I haven't worked out in several day, I have no energy and crap hitting in my personal life with my ex and kids is just adding to what feels like the biggest load on my shoulders. I am trying to get myself out of this funk and just don't know what to do. I have to get past this, let go of what I can not control but it is so very hard. I want this more than anything for me, for my family for MY future (which if I don't get healthy and in shape won't be very long) but it feels like this is a hump I just cant seem to get over. Just as it seems like I get close to the top, something trips me and I roll back to the bottom again.


  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 703 Member
    Don't fall back into your old are doing so amazingly well. You have lost over 100 pounds...that is so amazing...this is something that you should be so very proud just have to get back into what got you losing the weight in the 1st place. Make it simple. Start logging in your food intake, and start moving. You don't have to do any heavy workouts at the beginning...just start walking around in your neighbourhood and slowly increase your can do this....just take it one day at a time. Keep moving forward....
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    I am in a very similar position, dealing with ex husband and kid stress, and not wanting to get off my big butt to work out.

    My advice to you, is just do it. Exercise helps relieve stress. Go for a walk, clear your head. You will feel a MILLION times better.

    Good luck!
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    First off, amazing job losing 105 lbs! That's incredible.

    Second...I fell off the wagon big time. I lost 60 lbs from Oct 2010- Feb 2011 then just lost all motivation. JUST coming back to this now and it was really hard. I've wanted to for a while but it was humiliating, and discouraging. It took me longer to get back on track than it has to stay on track. You NEED to get back on track. I promise you if you don't you're going to feel worse the longer you go on. I keep thinking to myself, if only I'd have kept going I'd be so close to my goal, now I have to start all over. And I'd feel sorry for myself and say what's the use, etc. I think about all the compliments I'd get when people noticed how much I lost and how good it felt! I just started working out again and it feels AMAZING! DO NOT GIVE UP!
  • KatScarberry
    KatScarberry Posts: 40 Member
    Hi Tracy - sending an e-hug your way... everyone has their ups and downs and I completely understand and have been through what you're talking about. Just jump back on the horse and KEEP MOVING FORWARD!!! When I look at your ticker showing that you've lost 105 lbs - that's amazing and proves to me that you are a strong person and that you CAN do this!!!

    Don't look at how far you have to go - look at how far you've come! You can do it!!!


  • Rewinds
    Rewinds Posts: 60
    What is your calorie intake? Have you always though about eating the minimum/just under (1100 - 1200) to maintain weight so you don't put on as much for this tough time you are going through. That way you can easily motivate yourself to continue...or stay at your CW for a while! I can understand that stress causes the body to do strange things but you should be able to maintain at a certain calorie intake.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Ahh, bummer.......
    my advice would be to just do what you CAN do. Keep logging, maybe reduce calorie intake, drink lots of water, and try to lightly exercise so you don't damage that knee.

    Life is tough sometimes........I hope you know that there are TONS of people here that stand behind you :heart: :heart:
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    This is part of your training, there will always be cramp cluttering your life.There will always be something to stop you, but its up to you to find a way to keep going. Wether its 16 hour fasts on days that you don't work out or sitting on the couch doing arm curls with 2lb weights or leg lifts in bed, or stretching every hour, find a way to keep going. As long as you never quit, you'll never fail. Try to imagine what you would tell one of your kids if they were in the exact same situation you are. Don't beat yourself up ... try being a better friend to yourself. If this wasn't hard, then no one would be fat.
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    You are doing so well!! Not to be trite but when I ws reading your post I thought of a country song that is relatively new, "Sounds Like Life to Me." I guess everybody has things that can disrupt their journey to good health or any other success your are aiming at. How we deal with those challenges is what defines us. Some of us, yep me too, let those things get in the way. That's how we got fat, espescially if we eat our emotions. (Yep me again!) If we are trying to change for better health part of what needs to change is the way we handle stress. Can we work through it or will we let stress get us down? I have been lucky and have not had much get in the was. My husband did end up in the hospital for three days two weeks after I started but I held steady and kept losing. You can do this too. Look how much you've accomplished already! Good luck and Congratulations on your first 100 gone!
  • karenbobaren
    karenbobaren Posts: 127 Member
    I've been dieting for about a year on and off. In August I was ready to get back on my journey and I broke my thumb that had to be cast up to mid arm. During the six weeks of having my cast I was in a funk. I felt pretty discouraged and usesless. I wasn't able to prepare my meals and due to my funk I didn't have the energy to exercise. Once I got my cast off I didn't immediately jump start my diet and exercise routine; I started slowly like walking and eating less without logging in calories. Gradually I regain momentum and I started logging all my calorie intake and exercising more. Once I got my mojo back that's when I decided to face the scale because I'm to chicken to face it when I fall off the bandwagon.

    I hope this helps and just try baby steps for now.
  • SusanneWhittington
    SusanneWhittington Posts: 339 Member
    look back on what you accomplished!!! You lost a complete Angelina Jolie and some more. You feel anger and frustration? Work out, that is the best you can do! My knee is hurting every time I work out because of my meniscus, but with each lb. weight it will have to carry less it will be better and the muscles I am building will hold that knee better.
    And you know how to get out of it all... you started with a lot more weight and I am sure those problems were there already... at least the TOM, which inconveniently shows up every month. You did it then and you can do it again, easier now even, because you know you can do it as your past progress shows!