Hello :)

I just wanted to stop in and say hello. Today is my first day using MFP. I've used similar sites to this with success, but this one seems a bit more user friendly and doesn't yell at me when I've had too much sodium ;) I have a long ways to go to get to my goal weight. I've struggled all of my life with weight, and I'm determined to beat it. My high weight was 326lbs, after my last baby I got down to 274lbs (the lightest I have been in YEARS), but unfortunately I got lazy and went back to my old habits and I'm back up to 303. I am 6' tall, so I mask it well, or so I've been told! lol My biggest downfall, besides an addiction to food in general, is the love of fast food. I hope to meet a few friends here along the way to becoming a healthier and happier me!


  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    Well good luck on your goal. I've been on here just over a week and it makes me think about what I put into my body.
  • karo224
    karo224 Posts: 292
    welocme to this wonderful site....from one former fast food junkie to another...it will be a hard journey but well worth it in the end. I truely never thought i could lick my junk food and fast food addiction but have mangaged to get it under control. i do still have it now and then but only few and far between and then make the best choices i can. good luck on your journey.
  • English_Rose_USA
    English_Rose_USA Posts: 1 Member
    Hello....new myself, not sure how all these forums/add friends work, so currently friendless and my news feed is lame as it is just me...sobsob...wishing you lots of luck x x
  • traceycrapper
    traceycrapper Posts: 18 Member
    hi i am at the same stage and already find the site very useful i am looking forward to losing some weight before my wedding