Tough time eating up all my calories!

I've been on MFP for a week now, and I'm really proud! The only issue I'm really having is avoiding 'starvation mode'. When I work out regularly I'm not hungry...I remind myself often to eat healthy snacks...yogurt...fresh fruits and veggies...and so on, but it's still not enough lately. My meals are alot more rounded than before. I'm not just eating salad 24/7 or something.

Also, I've been getting light headed with sudden movements (standing usually). When I feel that way I sit with a big bottle of water and a wholesome snack-maybe a waffle with a little peanut butter spead atop, and it usually helps.

-Just wondering if anyone else had the same issues/any solutions?

My husband thought of maybe drinking ensure to keep up?


  • akunce
    akunce Posts: 29
    I use ensure too sometimes! The revigor one after workouts to help with the muscles! Can t hurt to give it a try! I usually have a hard time eating all the calories too! Good luck!
  • prestonmay
    prestonmay Posts: 107 Member
    Sounds like dehydration . Increase water consumption. I do 2 gallons a day. Varies from person to person. Protein Bars with allllot of fiber do the trick for me. Find something low in fat and carbs that can help you without causing allllot of damage . Whey Shakes and or EGG WHITES or Tuna help me...... They fill me up but can be less then 120 cals a pop with little to no carbs and fat....
  • lorimur
    lorimur Posts: 30
    I have the same problem so have divided my diary into 6 sections breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner and extras.
    This helps me keep to some sort of routine when eating (as I tend to forget and go for hours with nothing) and I have found 0% yoghurts handy and if I really can't get the calories in then a protein shake is helpful (200 calories each with skimmed milk).
    In the first two weeks I kept some chicken legs in the fridge and snacked on those ...having the food easily available is a major plus for me......good luck...;)
  • prestonmay
    prestonmay Posts: 107 Member
    It is odd that you could eat enough to get over weight and now you can't eat, what is up with that?

    Its easy to eat 2000 cals when you eating fast food. I Have to consume 3000 cals a day to maintain my weight ( I know most wish they had this problem) .IT is extremely hard to do and eat healthy --- and not break the bank.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Make sure you are drinking enough water. I don't know how many calories you're currently eating but look to include some smaller high cal nutrient dense snacks - things like nuts, nut butters, seeds, avocado etc should allow you to up your calories without adding too much bulk.

    The feeling faint when standing up thing worries me - I used to get this when I ate too few calories. Try eating more and fueling your body!
  • prestonmay
    prestonmay Posts: 107 Member
    Lite Yogurt is my best friend ---10 for 3.00
  • Sounds like dehydration . Increase water consumption. I do 2 gallons a day. Varies from person to person. Protein Bars with allllot of fiber do the trick for me. Find something low in fat and carbs that can help you without causing allllot of damage . Whey Shakes and or EGG WHITES or Tuna help me...... They fill me up but can be less then 120 cals a pop with little to no carbs and fat....

    Thanks! Tuna is also a good one for me. I get TONS if fiber...currently eating 2 servings of fiber one everyday. I loveee "healthy" cereals, they taste so good! I do have trouble with water most days, I need to get on top of that.
  • Shelby814
    Shelby814 Posts: 273 Member
    Amen, sista! Don't eat all no fat/low fat foods, that will add some calories. Eat more often; high protein snacks between meals. Fruit & veggies are good for you, but have few calories & don't last long enough to provide you with energy. I eat protein bars (180-200 cals) & tuna on whole wheat crackers (150-200 cals). You'll figure it out. It's not a race, it' a journey.
  • Sounds like you may need more protein. My mum had the same problem feeling lightheaded, but felt better when she added more protein to her diet. Try almonds or pecans (raw is better), peanut butter or a slice of cheese. Plus those are all high calorie which may hep you get enough cals for the day. Good luck to you!
  • Thanks guys! Feeling more optimistic!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    deleted by mod AWTY

    Take a look at this thread above, it's's actually what MFP is intended to be about, not unkind words tossed out to make another person feel beaten down instead.

    Getting in some good sleep might help you, truly hope your mood lightens by morning:flowerforyou:
  • Thanks for all the help guys!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member

    <snip>.... If you're not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. <snip>
    I'd much rather be part of the solution than the problem, It keeps a person much more positive and far more likely to succeed in their own life because of paying it forward in kind.:drinker: :heart:
  • i like you already. lol Hope you reach your goals.
  • yess your absolutly right its hard to reach the goal !. but is it bad to be under the suggested calorie intake?
  • yess your absolutly right its hard to reach the goal ! dont worry about the other guy, hes rude. but is it bad to be under the suggested calorie intake?
    Yes, from what I've read. MFP accounts for your daily activity and so when you work out and 'earn extra calories' it's really there for you to eat. If you don't you're not supplying your body with enough fuel to rebuild what you break down during work outs. If you starve your body to loose the weight, you'll gain it right back the minute you end the 'fad' diet you know what I mean? I really want to avoid 'starvation mode' (look into other forums for more information) because I really want to loose the weight right this time. You should look into it, I know I'm bad at wording.
  • edited by AWTY:flowerforyou:

    I took it more as an ironic statement.
    I'm personally in the same boat where I find it hard to actually achieve the goal intake per day now that I am aware of what I am eating. I try to follow a formula per meal to get to the goal and usually end up falling short. I know how much I need to eat to not be hungry- and I'm terrified of still being hungry once I'm finished so I make sure I get smaller calorie meals that will fill me up! The problem is, sometimes I take a workout a little longer than I thought/ or I have a somewhat smaller meal earlier in the day and then to have to reach the goal I would need to gorge myself, and no thank you. I do too good of a job and fill up on stuff that just plain ole' has less calories! I guess I was the only one who thought it was kind of funny, and ironic.
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    Having just had children puts you in a whole other category. You started at 145. I'd say thats awesome after having a kid. ( just had one myself 4 months ago) It's hard to retrain your body after a baby, & it can be especially hard to get enough meals in.... I agree with the guy that said tuna, yogurt, and things like that. My body is having a tough time as well. I had problems w/ being light headed too. Ensure or a whey protein shake w/ skim milk will really help. Plus, the protein helps burn fat. Good luck to you!

    P.S Try a light snack prior to working out. :)
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    Try eating some nuts with your snacks, nice high calorie and nutrition packed nuts. I also love to put a couple of avocado slices on my sandwiches and salads.
  • EDITED by AWTY :flowerforyou:

    First off I used to be a lot bigger than I am now but have chosen to become healthy.
    My typical meal used to be Sodas, chips, burgers, pizza and all the other stuff that tastes great but will kill you. I used to drink 6 2 liter sodas everyday without fail. Some days more but never less. i would eat 2 burgers and fries. If you think about it the sodas alone were 5400 calories and I hadn't even started eating yet. Now think about it. If a FAT person such as myself starts drinking water instead of sodas well hmmm. Thats 5400 calories I just got rid of... lose the chips and other junk food and replace it with. Whole grains which BTW make you feel full then guess what not only will I feel full but I also will not have eaten lets say 1800 calories in one meal. thats a FAT person meal of 2 sodas (come on you know you would get the refill before leaving), burger, and a large fry or onion rings.

    My meals now look something Like this
    two 20 oz glasses of water. (one before I eat the other after), 4 oz chicken breast on wheat bread with tons of lettuce and tomatoes and lemon for flavor, then instead of chips I either get popcorn, some fruit, or my favorite yougurt with some high fiber cereal sprinkeled on top. (its for the crunch and the fiber) SAME Amount of food but the calories are so different.

    Please don't ever get it twisted FAT people are not usually fat because we eat to much but rather because we tend to eat all of the easiest and quikest foods available to us. Mc Donalds, Burger King, etc....

    I take a free day every week just so that I can enjoy my soda.