Somebody's got a case of the Mondays a day early

Ok, I REALLY dont feel like exercising tonight. I am tired and just feel blah! I'm annoyed with myself, but just dont feel like caring right now. Tomorrow's another day....with bootstraps in tow. (aside to self...sounds like an excuse to me)


  • amandae79
    amandae79 Posts: 169 Member
    I felt that way too tonight. I forcced myself to do the Shred, I even set my timer on my phone so i could "count down" the 20 minute workout. I felt much better after the workout! Good luck, hope tomorrow is a better day for you :)
  • Wendyma1
    Wendyma1 Posts: 289 Member
    Sounds to me like you have two choices...........One, make yourself do it regardless of how much you put up a fight, or you can do a double workout tomorrow to make up for it (Just that thought is usually enough to get my butt into gear and get my workout done)

    Get er done girl, you can do it!!!!
  • mlbrox
    mlbrox Posts: 41
    i have had days liek that. just go for a walk! its nice and relaxing and u will burn cals! even tho it is just a walk, u will feel better that u did something! =)
    or do 10 crunchs or 5 push ups or jog in place. =)
    any little thing counts and u will feel great!