Hello to another week! If you haven’t figured it out yet, I will be posting a link to the new thread at the end of the thread from the week before. To find it, just go to your “My Topics” section, find the old thread, and look for the link.


This week’s task and poll go hand in hand – it is all about exercise!

Whether you are walking 2-3 times a week, working out at a gym, or doing an exercise video – see if you can take what you do and kick it up a notch!

Perhaps you could:
- increase your walking time/intensity?
- add more reps of your favourite ab exercise?
- try using those heavier free weights?
- take the stairs rather than the elevator at work?

Whatever your situation is, see if you can push yourself to do a little MORE!


Tell us about your exercise regimen:
- what do you do?
- how do you fit exercise into your busy schedule?
- have you always been active, or is this new for you?

My response:
I have never been a particularly active person. I was the kid who hated phys ed and did the minimum to get by – I would much rather draw or read a book.

I have tried joining gyms in the past, but it never really stuck. I tried jogging intervals with my husband (who loves to run), but I just couldn’t get myself to see what he sees in the activity. My lack of fitness always got the best of me, and I would eventually give up.

So when I joined MFP, I decided that I wasn’t going to do anything radical. If this was going to work, I would have to take it slow. I started off not doing any exercise, then slowly started trying to walk a little each day. Then I added a bit of weight training using free weights and my son as resistance.

I have finally reached the point, after a month of doing this, where I feel it is time for me to do more. I had heard so many on MFP talking about the “30 day shred” video by Jillian Michaels. Then I saw a before / after post from someone who tried it, and I was sold! I picked up the video (around 9 bucks Canadian at Walmart) and got started the next day.

Today is only my second day doing it, but I am really enjoying it! I definitely feel the burn, it makes me sweat, but it only takes 20 minutes and I just need some dumbbells and a mat. Finding the time to do it was my biggest challenge, since my 7 ½ month old takes very short daytime naps and is rather needy when it comes to attention! The first time, I tried doing the video during his nap, but he woke up halfway through. Even though I was interrupted, it was still a good workout.

The second time around, I got up early (yikes!) so that I could do the workout before he woke up. It was tough (I’m pretty tired due to nursing him several times in the night) but I am so glad I did it. Here’s hoping I can stick to it!


- Add “The POST-PARTUM PACK – It took us 9 months to pack on the pounds…Watch us take them off!”
to your signature, so that we can recognize fellow PPP members.
- Respond to this post and introduce yourself to the group.
- I will post a new thread at the start of each week…find the link to the new thread at the end of the one from the week before!
- Have fun! The idea is not to add stress to your already busy life, or that you participate in every challenge or poll. It is just another way to connect with other moms, without ending up with hundreds of friends…
- Although this group was originally envisioned for mothers of children 3 and under, all moms are welcome to join!


  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    Ok you've got me :)

    My name is Heather. I am a SAHM to a 7 year old girl (Kendal) and soon to be 6 month old boy (Caleb). I have battled with my weight for a while now and started working on it prior to getting pregnant. Now I am getting back to it, I want to get healthy for myself and my family.

    - what do you do?
    - how do you fit exercise into your busy schedule?
    - have you always been active, or is this new for you?

    Well right now I don't do a whole lot. My hubbs works odd days with lots of OT and it's night shifts so he sleeps in the day and works 12 nights. We moved in the middle of pregnancy so I don't have much support here. I don't know anyone who can watch the baby so everything I do has to include him. We don't have a lot of extra money for me to join a gym either. I had a couple mama friends suggest this site and well now I am hooked. So much support and great ideas for all shapes and sizes.

    I have never really been an active person BUT have always wanted to be. I was working out to Jillian's 30 Day Shred and was doing great until about a week ago when the baby was put into the hospital for 4 days. That really threw me off on my diet & exercise. He is doing great now so we are trying to get back into it. We try to go for walks daily either around our area or to the walking park. The park we go to is all hills and well let me tell you pushing a stoller with a 16lb baby up a hill in it isn't easy (as I'm sure you probably know). I was working out every night after I put the kids in bed doing my 30DS. It always worked because I was not intrupted and could get it done. I am trying to change the time now and do it in the morning. I always have so much energy when I am do so when I can't get to it until 9-10pm then it's hard to sleep until midnight.

    So now like I said I am trying to get back into my routine that I had going. I was walking 3 times a week and now lucky to get it once a week. So my goal is to get back to 3 times a week or more. Also no excused....30DS (which I love) everyday no matter when it is.
  • SmangeDiggs
    SmangeDiggs Posts: 238 Member
    Out of all the threads on MFP i think i love this one the most other mums are my to the poll

    - what do you do?
    - how do you fit exercise into your busy schedule?
    - have you always been active, or is this new for you?

    For the next 7 days i am a SAHM with a 15 weeks old and 6yr old, i go back to fulltime work next tuesday after 5 months off not looking forward to it and its going to be a shock to my system not to mention the rest of the household unfortunately, its back to those highly organised rush out the door weekday mornings.

    So to fit exercise into my day i have been getting up at 430am to be at the gym by 5am then home by 615am - started this about a month ago so i would get used to it when i went back to work. I enjoy exercising in the morning as it gives me loads of energy for the day but my inherently lazy side of me likes to procrastinate for as long as possible as well. I aim for gym 6 x per week but usually manage 5 i do 3 days cardio including going through C25k (week 4 this week), every second day is weights which im loving. Also do the 30 DS everyday currently L3 D6 then it will be onto ripped in 30.

    Ive always been active but more due to circumstances work and i was a single mum for 5yrs, ive been a member of gyms for about 10yrs but i think i have always liked the idea of being fit but not the effort required to get there, but im in a good place now and enjoy the challenge of changing my body. Plus we are not having anymore children so i dont need to worry about anymore post pregnancy body.
  • livehappe
    livehappe Posts: 57 Member

    Carolina- loved reading your post. I am glad that you like the 30 day shred! I saw some photos in success stories and was amazed at the difference after 30 days. I hope you see really great results from it, and that's awesome that you were up in the early a.m to get a headstart on it.

    These are interesting questions.

    My life is plotted out almost to the minute, and exercise plays a large role all day long.

    A normal day looks like this:

    6am- wash, dress and feed 4 kids. (MFP credit for holding an infant for 15 minutes)
    830am- Walk 1 mile pushing a triple stroller (90 lbs) to my oldest son's school to drop him off. I walk regardless of the weather because it is easier than loading the beast of a stroller into our minivan.(MFP credit for walking)
    9:30am- hit the treadmill hard for 60 minutes as I train for a half-marathon (3 year old dances to music, and 1 year old twins play in a gated area in front of me- I periodically have to stop to sort out their issues)
    10am- Carry the twins upstairs to nap (MFP credit for ascending steps- good for the heart rate after the run!) Then, the 3 yr old and I do push ups, sit ups, and every kind of crunch under the sun for up to 15 minutes while watching leap frog) (MFP credit for calisthenics)
    From 10:30-2pm, I do a pre-school program for all 3 kids and get "my teacher" on. We print, colour, paint, sing, read stories
    And, at 2pm, I start gearing up for the walk back to school to pick up the oldest. (MFP credit for walk number 2)
    By 4pm we are back, and everyone has a snack at the table; we do homework, colouring, etc., while I clean up all the shrapnel from the day (MFP credit for cleaning lightly)
    By 5pm- we are eating, and then gearing up for hockey, swimming, hip hop,- we have activities 4/7 nights. If no activity we take the kids to the park for soccer or basketball, and I get another burn on. I am doing parent-tot swim with the 3 year old, so I get some more MFP credit for leisurely swim if it's a swim night.
    By 730pm- 3 out of 4 kids are in bed, and I have a minute to myself for my writing projects, talking to my husband, tv time... breathing!!!
    I am usually able to burn 1000 calories in a day, and still feel like I was actively engaged with my children.

    Finally, this is relatively new for me. I started getting active in January 2011. At that point, I could barely run at all. I was winded, out of shape, and quite hopeless. Anyways, I worked away on it, and got stronger.

    My desire to commit to a healthy lifestyle came about as a result of having the twins. After the twins arrived, I quickly figured out that my teaching salary would not pay the day care bills for 4 kids, and staying at home made the most sense/cents *ha ha*. This was mindblowing for me because I always knew that I was a far better teacher than I was a mother. - A fact that I am absolutely ashamed of now- Anyways, I reconnected with my kids, and started pouring my heart and soul into them. And from there, I realized that my kidlets needed a role model mama who could keep up with them at the park!

    So, exercise is going well- but eating is a constant battle for me :)
  • Ideally, I like to walk with my baby girls in the double stroller and my dog at my side. I have no real excuse why I don't do it every morning but yet . . . I don't.

    I love Yoga and used to teach before I had my first. I would love to get back to a daily practice and start teaching again. The problem is the time. My kids just don't let me do a 60 minute Yoga session, and with them crawling all over me and my oldest throws tantrums if she sees me doing it - it just isn't Yoga anymore. It's me getting frustrated on a Yoga mat. But still, I've abandoned it all together simply because I can't have it the way I want it. So, that would be something to get back to somehow.

    My goal is to walk at least 4x a week and do a simple weight routine 3x a week. Such a simple goal yet, I am also a procrastinator. And, I'm also really tired pretty much all the time. That really zaps my inspiration. I wish I could get up in the morning, chipper and excited about the day, and just get going on that walk. But I drag along in the mornings. I'm not a morning person by nature, and my kids get up at the crack of dawn!
  • Caz2678
    Caz2678 Posts: 49
    Hi Ladies,

    You are all so motivated! I seem to lose mine on a daily basis lol

    As for the poll questions:

    - what do you do?
    - how do you fit exercise into your busy schedule?
    - have you always been active, or is this new for you?

    I try to go a walk with baby in the stroller depending on what else i have on! When someone else is looking after baby i try to do a DVD or something! I am joining the gym on wednesday so hoping that will help. My nights at the gym will be mondays and thursdays. yey! I try to dance around with LO now and do squats/calf raises when i am cleaning up! I go up and down the stairs A LOT!

    I am really really busy looking after 3 kids and 1 BIG kid (My OH)! So after this is all done i am so tired i cant be bothered doing anything else lol

    I used to be very fit and very active. I worked as a fitness instructor and taught lots of exercise classes so i got paid for exercising :) It was really easy then!

    I just find motivating myself is harder than ever now. I'd much rather curl up on the couch with Chocolate!! BUT i know that's not gonna get me where i want to be, SO i need to get my butt in gear :D

    Getting the support from others in the same position helps a million tho.
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    Hi ladies! Carolina, I want to applaud you for leading this group in such a positive and organized way. clapclapclapclap!

    Exercise is something that I just started getting back into again regularly in the last month. Right now my home gym is being renovated, so in a few weeks I'll be able to work out at home again while still being able to keep an eye on the babies! But for now I've been taking the boys in the stroller on a hilly trail, or going out to the gym.

    I love doing weights, because it makes me feel strong and powerful. I find it also makes a real difference to your body. I can spend an hour on the treadmill but still not get the same shaping effects that 5x10reps of 300lb leg press or hack squats will give me!

    I also love doing deep water aquafit without the buoyancy belt (and I use fins/flippers/hand paddles to add resistance). I only manage to do that once a week or so just because of scheduling, but I feel so great afterwards!

    In my home gym I have an elliptical that I can't wait to get back on, TRX straps, pull-up bar, BOSU, resistance bands, balance ball and discs, and 5-50lb PowerBlocks. My next purchase is going to be an ergometer (rowing machine). Yay!

    I'd love to get back into running again, and I'm starting to do some walk/run on the treadmill at the gym. But I prefer to trail run, so I'll likely wait and start training from scratch again in the spring. As Robin knows (we're in the same town), winters here are brutal, and I hate running outside when it's like that!

    Right now my exercise goals are just to keep it regular and motivated!

    Short/long term, my goals are:
    1. Commit to doing 30DS!
    2. Aquafit at least once a week
    3. Find a regular yoga class that I like and will GO TO!
    4. Start training in the spring for some trail races (5K in May, 10K in July, 7.3K sport course in Sept).
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    feydruss - Thanks for the applause :) As Robin will tell you, I am a busy body high school teacher who is currently on mat. leave. I guess this is my way of channeling some of that energy in a way that will keep me (and hopefully all of you!) motivated to lose!

    Your home gym sounds fantastic!!! Yes, I know all about Alberta winters (my sister lives there as well) - with such an amazing facility in your home, you can't help but succeed! (p.s. So jealous about the rowing favourite piece of cardio equipment :)

    Caz2678 - Fantastic that you used to run your own exercise classes! What a great motivation, knowing that you have been very fit in the past - you can definitely get back there without too much effort. I say keep cuddling the chocolate...a little never killed anyone! I myself indulge in some chocolate every single day...

    Nicole700 - Wow - another instructor! You gals are inspiring! I understand your frustation about yoga with kids...hard to get into the breathing / relaxation if you are constantly stopping to solve the issues. I don't know if this would make sense - but I've been hiring a local teen to entertain my son for a couple of hours a week so that the hubby and I can clean the house thoroughly. Could this be a potential option to help you get back into the yoga? Even if you could do it once a week - what a great way to reconnect with yourself.

    Robin - I love and respect your honesty and commitment. You are one of the best moms / teachers I know! Getting a glimpse of your weekly schedule certainly makes my jaw drop in amazement - you are doing such an incredible job caring for those 4 kids and their mom...So proud of you!

    SmangeDiggs - I am glad you are enjoying the "PPP" thread! After only a day of having my first post up and getting only a few responses, I almost gave up on it...Thanks to you ladies for taking part and making it happen! Your workout regimen looks fantastic - I can see that you are in great shape! And hey - if you can be a single mom, I'd say you can do ANYTHING...I can't think of a task harder than that.

    Heather - Welcome! It is so good to hear that your little guy is healthy again! I have been inspired by you and others to try out the 30DS. I'm on day 3 only...looking forward to sharing results with you! Do you think you will be able to move through all three levels in 30 days? I am not sure I can do it (to be honest)...I figure if I can do 30 days at level one, that will be a victory! Maybe the next "shred" I can try to reach level 2? I'd be interested in hearing about your experience with it.
  • livehappe
    livehappe Posts: 57 Member
    yes, I hired teens in the summer to entertain my crew to get the "small stuff" done- made a big difference. A great idea. And, I ended up meeting 3 sisters (all teens) who are now the regular babysitters. It's changed my life.
    Feydruss- yes, winters are ridiculous here. I am terrified for what's coming! I am so excited that you are planning some runs for the future- you'll love it!
    Thanks for the compliments Carolina- it's not draw dropping at all. I felt kind of ridiculous after I posted it, but the reason I went to the nitty gritty details was to show how the little things we do as moms every day count on mfp- like carrying babies, walking our strollers, playing a game of catch. Usually, my run on the treadmill only counts for 50% of the calories I burn in a day, and the rest is small regular stuff... it is so nice to have this program, and be able to say "100 calories bonus for getting out and about with the kids today!" it's a little pat on the back for just managing the routine all day.
  • lovecola06
    lovecola06 Posts: 180 Member


    Tell us about your exercise regimen:
    - what do you do?
    - how do you fit exercise into your busy schedule?
    - have you always been active, or is this new for you?

    I started out at 3 months after my second baby was born with in-home DVDs: Slim in 6 weeks by Debbie Siebers, then I did Insanity program by Shaun T. After Insanity, I realized that I was dreading doing my workouts everyday. If I wanted to stick with my new healthier lifestyle, I needed to do something that I could do long-term & somewhat enjoy. I started running almost everyday & quickly developed shin splints. I ran track most of my childhood/college & previously had stress fractures, so it was really just an old injury. So, I was very active until after college when I got lazy:tongue: . I am in the US Navy, so I have been doing Navy group workouts every Mon/Wed/Fri morning all throughout this weight loss adventure. That is a blessing & a curse b/c I can guarantee that I will at least get 3 workouts for greater than 75min each weekly. The problem is that I have no say over what that exercise routine will consist of. Sometimes, it is a very intense circuit training routine; other times it is a very relaxing yoga routine.. The only way I can consistently get my workouts done is to make it mandatory, not optional- like going to work everyday. When you try to figure out IF you will workout, it makes it easier to skip. My only question is ever to find out WHEN I will workout- either first thing in the morning(easiest) or during my lunch break(on my elliptical at home). I like to take walks on the weekend when I am off.
  • All of your workout regimens sound great ladies!
  • McCallsmommy
    McCallsmommy Posts: 32 Member
    I'm so glad to read all of your posts. You are really motivating me to stick to my goals. I have started C25K in the past, but I got discouraged because I was so out of shape! I think I was pretty far on the "couch" end of couch to 5k!! Anyway, I'm trying it again, but this time, I'm running in place, inside. I'm going through the whole program, and then I'm going to start over outside (or go back to whatever feels like a workout). I'm on week 5 now, and I am feeling really good about my progress. It is good for my situation, too, b/c my DS hates his stroller (he starts screaming about 5 minutes into a walk). I take walks with him in the Ergo carrier, but I can't run with him in it. Maybe we'll just stick with our walks and I'll try to fit in a solo run sometime during the day.

    How do you guys wake up in the morning? My husband doesn't leave for work until 9am, and he takes care of the baby until he then, to let me sleep... but it would be great to work out in the morning before he leaves. Every morning I feel like I've been up all night long (maybe I have), and I have been known to turn off my alarm clock without even knowing it! I just stumble around until I've had some coffee. I wish I could leap out of bed early and get going. Morning people, what's your secret?
  • SmangeDiggs
    SmangeDiggs Posts: 238 Member
    I'm so glad to read all of your posts. You are really motivating me to stick to my goals. I have started C25K in the past, but I got discouraged because I was so out of shape! I think I was pretty far on the "couch" end of couch to 5k!! Anyway, I'm trying it again, but this time, I'm running in place, inside. I'm going through the whole program, and then I'm going to start over outside (or go back to whatever feels like a workout). I'm on week 5 now, and I am feeling really good about my progress. It is good for my situation, too, b/c my DS hates his stroller (he starts screaming about 5 minutes into a walk). I take walks with him in the Ergo carrier, but I can't run with him in it. Maybe we'll just stick with our walks and I'll try to fit in a solo run sometime during the day.

    How do you guys wake up in the morning? My husband doesn't leave for work until 9am, and he takes care of the baby until he then, to let me sleep... but it would be great to work out in the morning before he leaves. Every morning I feel like I've been up all night long (maybe I have), and I have been known to turn off my alarm clock without even knowing it! I just stumble around until I've had some coffee. I wish I could leap out of bed early and get going. Morning people, what's your secret?

    Lol there is no alarm goes off and i haul my *kitten* out of bed and stumble to the lounge, get dressed then get into the car. By the time im at the gym im awake enough to start my workout and after it i feel great. I also reward myself with a take away coffee at the end..i look forward to it soooo much.
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    McCallsmommy - First of all, can I just say that I love your profile pic! What a great photo:)

    I am NOT a morning person, and I am still getting up every few hours to nurse (my 7 1/2 month old regressed once his teeth broke through...). I tried doing my workout during his nap, but he doesn't usually sleep for long. For the past two days (not a huge sample size, admittedly) I have gotten up early to workout. I use an alarm clock, and it helps that my husband gets up early for work. I keep reminding myself of how good it feels to have the workout done first thing - you accomplish so much, and you haven't even had breakfast yet (I also remind myself that the calories burned will allow space for a little treat at the end of the day :)

    Is your husband up early enough to help you wake up? Perhaps rather than giving you extra sleep,he could watch the baby while you exercise. I know it is really hard at first, but you could treat yourself with a nap when baby takes one later in the day. If you need to use the alarm clock - maybe try moving it out of arms reach from your bed...the only way to turn it off is to stand up - no accidental shut offs there! Not sure if any of this will help in your situation - but I hope you are able to work it out!

    lovecola06 - I like how you phrased it: "When you try to figure out IF you will workout, it makes it easier to skip." I almost talked myself out of working out this morning...but you are right, it has to be a shift in your state of mind and the way you say things to yourself.
  • pmur
    pmur Posts: 223 Member


    Tell us about your exercise regimen:
    - what do you do?
    - how do you fit exercise into your busy schedule?
    - have you always been active, or is this new for you?

    I'm not a super active person to begin with. All through my pregnancy, I was on restricted activity/bed rest and then I never went back to exercising until last week(DS is 10 months old :)
    My all time exercise routine has been walking. While I lived in the US I did take up jazzercise and loved it, I don't see any dance/exercise classes here.
    I have started walking again and OMG my calves are exploding, thanks to being off routine for such a long time. I'm trying to pace up this week!
    I generally go walking in the evenings when DH is home or take the baby along in his stroller and try to walk with him. Do we get extra points for pushing that heavy duty stroller? I just can't pace up with him in it :)
    I live in South India and the weather is always good to walk outside. Even on hot/humid days, I can get out past 6.00PM and get my exercise, so that's a plus point! I'm also in the process of hiring a nanny who can help with the baby while I work out. Hopefully, I can add more yoga/pilates kind of exercise into my routine.
    I'm really curious about the 30DS after reading about it all over here. Do let me know how it works for all of you. My next step is to add some sort of DVD to my routine!
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    pmur - Yes, I do think there is an entry that gives credit for the stroller! If not (or if you don't agree with what it says), you could get a heart rate monitor and get a more tailored measure of your calories burned. I don't have one myself, but I've seen a number of MFP members discussing using them, and they love it! The monitor keeps track of your heart rate and comes up with (apparently) a more accurate calorie burn. Just a thought! (I may decide to get one soon!)

    RE: 30DS - I would definitely recommend it! It is multi-leveled, which allows people of various fitness levels to get a good workout (I'm on the easiest version of level 1...but it goes up to level 3, and each level has two different intensities!). There seems to be a good balance (short warm up, 3 min strength, 2 min cardio, 1 min abs, and this is repeated 2 other times, then a cool down). The whole thing takes only 20 minutes, but I'm sweating at the end of it! All you need are some hand weights, a mat, and a sleeping baby :) Best of all, I find that she explains each move very well (including showing you what you shouldn't do) and it is very clearly organized and easy to follow. I just did my fourth day...and I feel great! Nothing like working out at the start of the day - even if you do nothing else all day, you've already given something to yourself.
  • britesideoflife
    britesideoflife Posts: 39 Member
    Hello again!

    This thread is really interesting and i am reading everyone's posts while nodding my head in agreement!

    I am struggling to stay on track with my calories - I am so tired by late afternoon that I end up snacking on sugary high-energy junk food. I am also so busy with the kids that I just grab whatever is quicker and easier (Like bags of crisps or biscuits)

    Anyway - my answers:
    - what do you do?
    At the moment my exercise is limited to walking as much as possible (While pushing a heavy double buggy!). When I take my toddler to the park, I try to be as active as possible and run around as much as she does :-)

    - how do you fit exercise into your busy schedule? As above - I try to plan my activities around walking - choose a shop or park I can walk to or aim to walk to friends houses regardless of how far away it is. I struggle though. My Husband leaves very early in the morning so I can't really work-out before the kids wake up (Plus my 12 week old baby tends to have a feed around 3am and then toddler wakes up around 5:30am, which doesn't leave much time for sleep!) and after the kids are settled at 8pm, there is barely time for cleaning up and showering before bed!

    - have you always been active, or is this new for you?
    I used to be a very keen runner and before kids I would wake up at 5:30 and go running before work. I loved it - it gave me the physical outlet and the mental space I needed. I really miss it and want to get back into it eventually.

    I am impressed by your views on the 30 day shred and might see if I can fit that in...
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    - what do you do?

    Right now, i'm just trying to do walking. My body is cooperating for the most part, but time isn't. I was trying to aim for some strength training at least twice a week but so far that hasn't panned out. My husband did help me last night by stopping me from eating more ice cream sandwiches and I got my mom to promise to stop buying them *success*

    - how do you fit exercise into your busy schedule?
    Its hard, very hard. And I know it will only get worse with more kids so I am trying to adjust to it now. I have squeezed in a walk anywhere from 20-40 minutes depending on when I get out of work and how far I want to walk, walking to a further train station to then join up with my car pool. I am a morning person, but I also need my sleep or I get sugar cravings. I already get up at 5am, and I have tried morning exercise before but I always injure myself so I have given up on that.

    - have you always been active, or is this new for you?
    I was always overweight, obese in highschool then college. But before I met my husband, I had lost 50lbs over 2 years and was getting to be very active (biking, hiking, gardening, turbo jam was my favorite, just started learning how to run). He filled my soul then we fell on hard times with the crappy economy. I had to get 2 jobs, then we got married and I got pregnant with really bad morning sickness, he finally got a job a month before she was born. I also had to move back in with my parents because my father lost his job then he got very sick and will now never work again. My mom can't afford to live on her own income, so until they get my dad on disability we have to support each other. But it can make food choices in the house that much harder. She is also overweight and depressed because my father is sick. I am trying to get her to join me so we can work on losing weight together, we are very close. So it has been a very stressful few years *wow I can't believe I wrote all that*.
  • arlygyrl
    arlygyrl Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone! I would like to join this group. My name is Arlene. I have a 3yr old son and 5mth old daughter.

    My answers....

    What do you do? - Nothing yet. I had an ovarian cyst removed 4wks ago. My doctor's appt is on Thursday. So hopefully next week I can start walking.

    How do you fit exercise into your busy schedule? - I'm still trying to figure it out. I get up at 4:30a, leave the house by 6a and don't return until 6p. Then it's dinner, washing bottles, blah, blah... I was thinking about squeezing in a workout during lunch but I only get 1/2 hr. So I'm always rushing to get back to my desk on time. I hate that even though I shower because i'm rushing I still feel sweaty and icky afterwards. I really want to try a couch to 5k program. I think that's where I'm going to start.

    Have you always been active, or is this new to you? - Only if shopping and running errands count. When I was younger, I was rather thin, so I didn't have to work out. As I got older the pounds started packing on. This is going to be all new to me. I really want to and plan on making exercise a part of my life. I need to set a good example for the little ones, especially since they both are in the 98th percentile for their height and weight .
  • McCallsmommy
    McCallsmommy Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you guys so much for listening to me and helping me get rid of my excuses! I am asking my husband to start waking me up in the morning (which may mean dragging me out of bed), and I'm going to continue my c25k program, and walk on alternate days. Thanks guys!

    I also appreciate all of your stories. Thank you for sharing!!
  • MrsNoir
    MrsNoir Posts: 236 Member
    Hi Heather,

    Don't you have a community centre near your home where they have activities for mums? I'm making new friends thanks to that! :D. Before I was just a foreigner to English people and found it hard to have something in common with English girls, so had all sorts of friends from other spanish speaking two old friends that live near me.. but still I don't see them enough... so well, in my antenatal clases I met two new mums, and we meet nearly every week, and now in a class for how to tune with your baby, from 0 to 3 years olds.. I'm making new friends, I'm going out next Saturday with one of them! so things are looking good at last, as they live as well in our neighbourhood! I hope you can attend to these centres, they also provide nursery at a very low cost to attend some courses :D. I live in the Uk, as you might have noticed by now...

    And just by curiousity, what does SAHM stands for? ahh hold on.. I've just figure it out I think... Stay at home mum... I dare say, but I might be wrong!:D
    Ok you've got me :)

    My name is Heather. I am a SAHM to a 7 year old girl (Kendal) and soon to be 6 month old boy (Caleb). I have battled with my weight for a while now and started working on it prior to getting pregnant. Now I am getting back to it, I want to get healthy for myself and my family.

    - what do you do?
    - how do you fit exercise into your busy schedule?
    - have you always been active, or is this new for you?

    Well right now I don't do a whole lot. My hubbs works odd days with lots of OT and it's night shifts so he sleeps in the day and works 12 nights. We moved in the middle of pregnancy so I don't have much support here. I don't know anyone who can watch the baby so everything I do has to include him. We don't have a lot of extra money for me to join a gym either. I had a couple mama friends suggest this site and well now I am hooked. So much support and great ideas for all shapes and sizes.

    I have never really been an active person BUT have always wanted to be. I was working out to Jillian's 30 Day Shred and was doing great until about a week ago when the baby was put into the hospital for 4 days. That really threw me off on my diet & exercise. He is doing great now so we are trying to get back into it. We try to go for walks daily either around our area or to the walking park. The park we go to is all hills and well let me tell you pushing a stoller with a 16lb baby up a hill in it isn't easy (as I'm sure you probably know). I was working out every night after I put the kids in bed doing my 30DS. It always worked because I was not intrupted and could get it done. I am trying to change the time now and do it in the morning. I always have so much energy when I am do so when I can't get to it until 9-10pm then it's hard to sleep until midnight.

    So now like I said I am trying to get back into my routine that I had going. I was walking 3 times a week and now lucky to get it once a week. So my goal is to get back to 3 times a week or more. Also no excused....30DS (which I love) everyday no matter when it is.