Body By Vi...Does it Work?

I am thinking of trying this. Has anyone here had any success with it? Pls let me know :)


  • runningathena
    runningathena Posts: 218 Member
    A friend of mine has had great success with it... it sounds similar to Shakeology, but a little less expensive.
  • I did the body by vi challenge and lost 54 lbs in 90 days!!!!
  • Body by Vi is not even close to Shakeology. Just look at the ingredients for both. Huge difference.
  • 54 pounds in 90 days? That's losing a little over a pound every two days- not very healthy when thinking about the calorie deficits required to lose weight.
  • mislmar
    mislmar Posts: 41 Member
    I have a friend who has lost about 30 lbs with it but she also sales it so I don't know. She has been using it for about 3 or 4 months. I use slim fast and it seems like it has worked just as fast, I started in May and I am at 28lbs lost now. I have thought about trying body by vi but it is just so expensive.
  • 57rainbows
    57rainbows Posts: 101 Member
    I thought about trying it, but I noticed that existing members get a sizable discount on their next order if they can get someone else to join. Even though it was a cousin that suggested it to me and I do believe she was successful with it and all that, I don't spend my money on MLM (multi-level marketing) set ups and it was very expensive. So, I did not end up trying it. The MLM factor does not affect the product's usefulness obviously so if someone has the $$$ to spend on it I'd say go for it.
  • You don't get a discount, you get product FREE. Three friends do the challenge with you, and you get your kit free. That's not expensive.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I've never heard of it so I can't comment on the actual product. What I would always suggest is that you have a look at exactly what you are getting for your money with these kinds of programs.

    It sounds like it's a shake - could you just make a smoothie at home for half the cost and twice the nutrition? The "shake programs" I've seen before all suggest you have one or two of their products a day and a healthy meal once or twice a day. Usually they put you on a pretty low daily calorie allowance, so most people are going to lose weight if they stick to it, probably because of the calorie restriction not because of any special properties in the lastest shake or meal replacement bar.

    So, read all the info, look for reviews online (not from people selling the product but from independent people) then decide for yourrself if this is a good way to spend your money.

    Remember that you always have the option to track your calories and exercise on MFP for free, this works really well for a lot of people (like me!) and doesn't make you give away your hard earned cash to a corporation!!

    Edited to add: I've just googled "Body by Vi" and If it was me, I would run away from this product very, very fast!!! It seems to be marketed as a way to make money, not a way to lose weight. This indicates to me that the people who make it and sell it don't care about your health, they care about their bank balance.
  • Yes, Body by Vi does work. Compare the ingredients to any meal replacement on the market and you will understand why this is unlike anything out there.

    Also, you will learn that at the price per serving, it becomes a no-brainer decision to re-allocate funds to buy these shakes as they are cheaper than any meal - homemade, storebought, restaurant, you name it. Even a homemade smoothie is more expensive and not as complete in terms of nutritional punch.

    If you think this is about promoting a way to make money, you are mistaken. Yes, the nature of a direct selling business model will always have that dimension but that is for 3% or less of the population. For the other 97%, the products and results speak for themelves. This is why we have over 80 thousand new customers who started Body by Vi in September. Can that many people be wrong?

    The company stands by it's products. The customer testimonials prove it works. Don't knock something because it's not mainstream. As a matter of fact, I would question mainstream - for example, have you ever wondered why the medical community recommend Boost and Ensure meal replacements? Have you read the ingredients in those "shakes"? It boggles my mind....but then again, large corporations like Abbott can be very influential...

    Yes, I am a promoter of these products but no, I'm not saying Body by Vi is for everyone. If you can afford the time and expense to eat healthy, then great, but for most people, that's not the case. As a minimum, doesn't it make sense to replace unhealthy fast food with a cheaper alternative?

    Just sayin'
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Yes, Body by Vi does work. Compare the ingredients to any meal replacement on the market and you will understand why this is unlike anything out there.

    Also, you will learn that at the price per serving, it becomes a no-brainer decision to re-allocate funds to buy these shakes as they are cheaper than any meal - homemade, storebought, restaurant, you name it. Even a homemade smoothie is more expensive and not as complete in terms of nutritional punch.

    If you think this is about promoting a way to make money, you are mistaken. Yes, the nature of a direct selling business model will always have that dimension but that is for 3% or less of the population. For the other 97%, the products and results speak for themelves. This is why we have over 80 thousand new customers who started Body by Vi in September. Can that many people be wrong?

    The company stands by it's products. The customer testimonials prove it works. Don't knock something because it's not mainstream. As a matter of fact, I would question mainstream - for example, have you ever wondered why the medical community recommend Boost and Ensure meal replacements? Have you read the ingredients in those "shakes"? It boggles my mind....but then again, large corporations like Abbott can be very influential...

    Yes, I am a promoter of these products but no, I'm not saying Body by Vi is for everyone. If you can afford the time and expense to eat healthy, then great, but for most people, that's not the case. As a minimum, doesn't it make sense to replace unhealthy fast food with a cheaper alternative?

    Just sayin'

    net caloric balance governs weight loss, an over priced shake doesn't make you lose weight faster

    just sayin
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I prefer eating food.
  • smile4me936
    smile4me936 Posts: 1 Member
    FIRST OFF: No i do not sell this product!

    I've been on the Body by Vi challenge the last 2 weeks. I drink two shakes a day in replacement of breakfast & lunch and I blend fresh fruit into each shake, the shakes over all are fairly tasty when mixed with skim or soy and i actually look forward to drinking them. Between meals i eat almonds, carrots, apples, pears and nutritional bars on occasion. Throughout the day i drink plenty of water and every evening i make a healthy homemade dinner.

    I hear people making comments about the price, but i have actually saved money by not going out to eat every meal and its actually cheaper than me buying lunches to bring to my work. Without any extra exercise or supplements i feel i have healthily been able to lose almost 10 pounds in a little over two weeks.

    I would suggest visalus if you are an individual that habitually puts yourself in unhealthy situations by eating out constantly and really don't know how to eat healthy. It gets you on the right track and my mindset has changed in regards to how i look at food and nutrition. Once you get over the thought of not eating all your favorite foods, and start focusing on the results that it obviously gives you - its very very easy to be on this program.

    EDIT:: to those of you that say they prefer to eat " real food" , i'm someone that doesnt have the time/patience to plan out extremely healthy meals. So if my main focus' are basic healthy snacks and simple chicken/fish dinners- my life is alot easier with the shakes!
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Proper nutrition and exercise do the same things - I use a whey protein from local grocers on occasion when I need a boost of protein, but other than that, I follow simple nutrition and exercise and have successfully lost 80 pounds since January. Keep in mind that most quick fixes, tend to cause a yo-yo effect and eventually fail. If you're making a lifetime commitment to eat healthy and keep the weight off, I suggest sticking with the basics - fruits, veggies, meat, fish, chicken, dairy, whole grains... etc. Good Luck!

    I found this site, which may help with your decision, appears to be an unbiased review, initial review compares the shakes side by side, and yes still 1 group's opinion, however comments/reviews give additional insight (most reviews seem to be by the company and distributors). There are a lot of comments - take time to read through for your own knowledge...
  • This is my third week using Body By VI. I feel great and have so much energy, but I've lost 0 pounds and my clothes fit just the same as they did when I started. I'm not sure if I'm willing to spend another $50 on a 2nd bag of this or not. I'm trying to do everything right: I've started running; most days I cut out all sugar, white flour and unnecessary carbs; I drink water, no sodas - I've even cut out my morning coffee. What am I doing wrong?
  • Sad to say but many of on these threads tend to get so childish when replying to other's responses, thoughts, and opinions on here. Many of you lack respect for others- why not just post your response in adult manner without offending others. Visalus is a weightloss tool just like any other. It's your choice if you decide to try the program or not. Just like MFP, Sparkpeople, Nutrisystem, Weight watchers, Jenny Craig, HCG, blah blah blah , these are all weightloss tools to help you with your weightloss journey. Ultimately it's up to you to decide what works for you, and your lifestyle. It's unfair to post on here that one company "sucks" or that "this is better than that". If something didn't work for you , just be an adult about it and say that. At the end of the day , if you follow a program to the "T" and do that is required to make it work- it will work. Some people lack the dedication to complete a program in it's entirety and quick to lash out and be negative and start posting things that are not true on here, and everywhere.

    Those of you starting a weightloss program , whatever your choice maybe , I don't suggest coming on here to get a solid opinion to help you make your choice. Your going to get a lot of negative people who didn't commit to their journey bashing companies , and it will literally make you doubt whatever your choice was to begin with. Do your research, get informed, and find out if it will be a good fit for you, and if it works for you, tell the world about it! :-) God Bless !
  • this crap is bs, its just a generic low carb protein shake with synthetic vitamins and soy. Dont waste your money. Go and buy fruits and vegetables, fish, steak, nuts, water. stick to fresh food. Protein shakes cause cancer in the long run
  • Shynetra
    Shynetra Posts: 2
    Body By Vi is not a protein has more nutritional value than just protein...people do your research.

    I have the Body By Vi $49.99 shake package and love it. I work out 5-6 days a week and eat pretty clean and healthy. However, I have the shake as a post workout for nights that its too late to have dinner or if Im on the run.

    I prefer eating healthy and working out as it a lifestyle. But this shake is very much a part of my diet if I need it and is the only shake that provides me all the nutrients I need when I cannot have a meal.

    Also, of you are trying to lose 10 or more pounds you will need to have the $99.99 shake; this will replace your two meals a day.

    The $49.99 package is for maintenance.

    No I do not promote however am a customer.

    Happy Shakin :-)
  • Shynetra
    Shynetra Posts: 2
    Sorry Buddy....Body by Vi is not a protein a little more research. HA
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Doesn't promote it, but lists all the prices..............hmmmmmmmm
  • Im thinking about starting back on visalus shakes. I did them for 2 weeks and lost a bit under 10 lbs. This was 1 year ago. A lot of people gain the weight back once they stop, BECAUSE they dont eat healthy afterwards. You have to eat healthy, rightly portioned meals, and continue working out. You cant go back to eating potatoe hips and junk food. This goes fpr any diet plan. Visalus isnt a miracle shake. Its simply something to give you a meals worth of nutrition, and calories. Etc. The question is, can you prepare healthy rightly portioned , meals and eat, exercise right? If not, any diet will fail. With any kind of diet, you will have to make a permanent change. Eating, exersicing etc.
    My plan is to do the 2 shakes a day, 1 healthy meal for dinner, hit the gym 5 days a week and just do my best to lose my flub.

    Good luck! :)