Weigh Ins!

So yeah, I know that everyone has there own ways of weighing in. Some do it everyday some once a week, etc. Which do you think is more benefiting..? I weigh in everyday and I am considering weighing myself everyday but having like an "official" log in day once a week when I post it on here. Thoughts..?


  • kappyd
    kappyd Posts: 199 Member
    I weigh myself every morning but I only log it on Fridays.
  • Shelby814
    Shelby814 Posts: 273 Member
    I weigh myself every morning to make sure I'm staying on track, but I only record it once a week.
  • oopsiedaezie
    I used to weigh everyday, and then it got a little out of control because I would let the scale make or break my entire day. So I moved onto just doing it once a week. I think it all depends on your own personality, though it is important to keep in mind that weight does fluctuate from one day to the next. Good luck!
  • Jean410
    Jean410 Posts: 104
    I weigh myself every day, but I only log my weight once a week. I like to make sure it's "sustained" before I count it as weight loss.
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    I weigh once a week......
  • brucedelaney
    brucedelaney Posts: 433 Member
    I'm in the every day but log once a week group.
  • newmercies7
    once a week is my weigh in day. when you weigh on a daily basis, sometimes your weight is shifting or doing funny stuff. hehe....so the scales lie sometimes. Once a week is more accurate I think. My problem is, everytime I see a scale, I want to jump on it, but every scale weighs a little differently, so I need to break myself of that. :ohwell:
  • chatswithpets
    chatswithpets Posts: 27 Member
    I weigh myself every day, but I only log my weight once a week. I like to make sure it's "sustained" before I count it as weight loss.

    I do this too...except I will try to keep logging it to no more than twice a week.