
working on my distance running! Today did 2.89 miles in thirty mins. My short term goal is to do 3 miles in 30 mins! Any runners out there???


  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    i finish c25k tomorrow, then gonna work on improving my time, love it!
  • c2me12ad6
    c2me12ad6 Posts: 127 Member
    A lot of ppl on here at doing the C25k ...has it worked for you how is your endurance?
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Yep, lots of runners on here. Welcome!
  • jweidner33
    jweidner33 Posts: 83 Member
    that beats mine! I did 2.5 miles in 30 minutes the other day. I am working on sustaining faster speeds. I did 1.8 miles tonight at 5.5 mph. I hope to do a half marathon next year sometime
  • TamLind83
    TamLind83 Posts: 66 Member
    Yep, I'm a runner. I actually just did a 5k last weekend and am currently working on bettering my time. I came in at 34 minutes, but would ultimately like to get to something in the 20 something minute range.
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    My best friend and I just started doing the c25k. We actually finished c25k tonight. I'm not sure if everyone does it outside or not, but we are. We are actually training for a 10K that we are doing the end of January. =) We haven't really timed ourselves yet, but we will see. I actually love running (I actually job, but to me its the same thing). I feel like I'd still be at my plateau had I not started running again.
  • c2me12ad6
    c2me12ad6 Posts: 127 Member
    Nice! I am working on speed too. I have never been a distance runner. I rather run sprints all day instead of distance but i have set out to concur distance running and I will do it. I had to do 1.5 miles for a physical agility recently and was working on my time for that I have that down to 14:23, I want to get it into the 13 min range. But I also want to run a 5k and do one of those warrior dashes too. Almost at 3 miles any tips??? Still havent gotten to the point of loving distance running but I am at the point now where I dont mind it!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    i'm a runner too, but i go for endurance over speed. i started doing c25k, and 2 weeks ago ran my 1st half marathon. looks like i'll be doing full marathons next year too!
    c25k is great.
  • c2me12ad6
    c2me12ad6 Posts: 127 Member
    I give you credit I am nervous enough to do a 5k let alone a marathon!!! good Luck!
  • Mdfreeman
    Mdfreeman Posts: 21 Member
    I've been running off and on since 1999. Recently I've been running constantly at least 2x per week the past 10 months. Currently realizing I need to incorporate more "goal" runs into my plans.
  • c2me12ad6
    c2me12ad6 Posts: 127 Member
    yeah I had to set a goal for myself, when i first started running my 1.5 miles i was at like 17 goal was to get it down to 15 mins now I am working on getting it down to a 13 min run.

    Then I want to work on distance i am working on 3 miles right now then after that i will try to get to 5 miles.
  • gail16
    gail16 Posts: 94
    I've been running (well crawling) on and off for about 2 years now, but haven't been for a couple of weeks. I've just come across the C25k plan so I am going to start this today. Hopefully this will get me back into it!

    Does any-one have problems with their calf muscles during / after a run? Mine get really tight and sore no matter how much I stretch beforehand.
  • c2me12ad6
    c2me12ad6 Posts: 127 Member
    Mine were like that till I ran more regularly and then it was fine.
  • KimertRuns13_1
    Couch to 5k graduate turned half marathoner here.
    Keep up the great work guys!