Back because I need the support...

Okay so I was on here before under a different username...but now I find myself having gained back EVERYTHING that I lost and then some.

My marriage and health are tanking more and more as each day progresses, and each time I try to work out I end up out of comission for a few days just from the pain. My husband flat out rejects me at every turn, even when I had lost some weight...but I can't keep using the hope of "winning" him back as motivation to look good. I also can't get a divorce because we have 2 kids and they would really hurt. I have ZERO self-esteem, and ZERO hope that even if I were to put the kids through that that i'd somehow manage to find another man to support us. It feels like a dead end...trapped at home with a toddler part of the week.

Stress got so bad that I nearly had a stroke, did have heart problems, and now I'm on Xanax.

I do remember the support structure here, though, and how tracking faithfully/talking with friends helped out quite a bit. I had lost about 30 lbs on here.

Those of you who I had on friends lists I'll recontact...and yes I swore I wouldn't be back, but here I am. I knew I needed to come back for help/venting when I started drinking heavier again.

So anyways...hope to be on here at least tracking and trying to get back into shape so that at least I have one kind of outlet besides alcohol and sedatives.


  • EmmaRankmore
    I've had some personal dramas in the last year that have nearly killed me too, but I'm here, tracking and trying my best. I can't say I understand or feel your pain, but I can be here to support you when I'm on - add me if you'd like. It takes a lot of courage to bare your soul like you have. Well done.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I hope you have the strength to go through what must be terrible.
    Good Luck.