Fell off the Wagon.. it’s OK… have the courage to get ba

Hi my name is Audrey and I fell off the wagon about a month ago… I dropped 13 pounds and was feeling larger than life because people were noticing. Then I stopped making myself a priority.. got busy and stopped logging in my food intake. Then I stopped preparing all my food at home which equaled more eating out. Since I was eating out more I was feeling even more sluggish and my workouts dropped off. Then I gained 2 pounds and said enough is enough. Thus the result of this post…
Before I would have been very hard on myself for being weak and “messing” up. I would have punished myself by stuffing my face with more junk to the point where I was too embarassed (or sick) to go back into the gym. I would not have wanted to go for a run (my favorite) because parts were jiggling more than they used too. But not this time… I acknowledge that I had slipped and this time decided to take it in stride. “Nothing Good is ever Easy”

So for all of you are feeling the same way… it’s OK. Today is your tomorrow. Have the courage courage to get back on track!

Courage doesn't always roar.
Sometimes courage is the quiet voice
at the end of the day saying,
"I will try again tomorrow."
- Mary Anne Radmacher


  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    welcome back!
  • ChrisIn757
    ChrisIn757 Posts: 159 Member
    I like your quote. Very motivational. Pick yourself up, dust off and keep on moving. You can do it.
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    That's great encouragement! Thank you for sharing!!
  • MissMom3
    MissMom3 Posts: 101 Member
    Thank you, i'm right where you are now. i was doing so good and losing almost 2 lbs. each week and i don't know what happened. i got busy and started eating out more often. Good luck to you and I'm going to send you a request so we can help keep each other on track!!
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    well done! I am currently trying to do the same. Your post helped!
  • pretzels113
    pretzels113 Posts: 21 Member
    Welcome back! I am also coming back from a break! I have been MIA for a few months after loosing almost 20 pounds earlier this year. Something that is motivating me is i joined a ten day challenge a friend is doing. It is all about working out, eating right and basically just moving! I am very competitive so this is what i needed to get me back into my routine.

    Good luck to you!
  • Loved your post and needed to read it this morning to know that I am not the only one that does the same thing! I was thinking of joining an overeaters anonymous today, but this may do the trick. Thank you!
  • WilkyP01
    WilkyP01 Posts: 1 Member
    Audrey - that sounds great that you were able to recognize and make the necessary adjustment. I truly believe this is what maintaining a healthy lifestyle is about: not always being able to stay on track, but being able to get back on track when you derail.

    I too had a 1-2 month "hiatus" from exercising and healthy eating because I started a new job. My entire daily schedule changed from what I was used to during the previous 8-12 weeks of losing 20+ pounds. Out of convenience, I started eating fast food, forgetting to include fruit and vegetables (salad especially), and went back to the terrible routine of junk food and sugar... sugar... sugar carbs!

    As of this weekend, I self-declared a reverse to my bad habits, and decided to try finding a way to get back to where I belong. In the prior 1-2 month time span, I gained back 5-6 pounds... and I could feel it more-so than see it. So, I hear ya!!

    Kudos to you!
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    I like your quote. Very motivational. Pick yourself up, dust off and keep on moving. You can do it.
    ^^^ THIS ^^^

    Tri, tri, and tri again. You can do this !

    When I was getting hi-5's all the time it was a great buzz and very motivating. I decided that it would not always last, so I determined (yes, me!) to sustain the momentum myself.

    The support here in MFP-land is GREAT.

    Cheering you on !
  • Hi Audrey, and thank you...your post is just what I needed to hear! The past two weeks have been very weak ones for me (eating the not so good stuff and not exercising). I made the decision to get back on track this week (more so because my body rebelled against me and the "junk"), and reading this has solidified that decision!

    Just because you fall off doesn't mean you can't get back on! :flowerforyou:
  • audraws12
    audraws12 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks everyone.. I'm really glad that my struggles/thoughts were able to inspire others. We are all on this journey together.. its nice to not have to do it alone :)