Starting again

I am starting my weight loss journey again! This time last year I began to work out and eat healthy and lost a total of 30lbs. I am back to it again..I have only gained about 5 lbs back and that was due to my summer trip to las vegas. I live in Central Florida and am looking for people to just keep my momentum going, some encouragement. I am a teacher and I give myself the excuse that I dont have the time to work out. I also work a second job 3 days a week at night. So here I go again! Wish me luck!:tongue:


  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Good luck, 30 lbs is great and to only gain 5 back is great. Glad you kicked yourself back into gear. :bigsmile:
  • pretzels113
    pretzels113 Posts: 21 Member
    I think it is the day to get back into a good routine! I am also doing the same, i did not loose as much as you but almost 20 lbs earlier this year and gained almost 10 back. I joined a ten day challenge, i am very competitive and this is my motivator right now!

    Good luck to you!
  • Hello! I am similar to you. I lost a good amount and was pleased....and took time off. Now, I am trying to get myself back into the serious goal to reduce even further. I need to exercise more. I stopped doing anything during the week...and I really need to get back to it! I love weight training and that worked very well for me. Plus, I can do it at home, which is a big plus.