Help from the guys please

Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
I need some healthy easy options to send my fiance to lunch with, he will eat well but only if I pack his d@mn lunch. He will never pack his own, he acts like he doesn't know how to make a sandwich. Seriously he looks confused. So I would like a few different easy options to send him to lunch with so he won't get tired of having a ham and cheese sandwich everyday. Also he is not really around a refridgerator, so it has to be stuff that can at least sit out until lunch, which is only about 4-5 hours, and I can throw a icepack in his lunchbox too. Any suggestions for me....................I need man food haha. He is 41 and I am 28 and his energy level kinda sucks after work, I am hoping adjusting his diet will give him more energy. Thanks!!


  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    I get it...A Viagra Burrito for afternoon snack. IJS.
  • Indy_Mario
    I need some healthy easy options to send my fiance to lunch with, he will eat well but only if I pack his d@mn lunch. He will never pack his own, he acts like he doesn't know how to make a sandwich. Seriously he looks confused. So I would like a few different easy options to send him to lunch with so he won't get tired of having a ham and cheese sandwich everyday. Also he is not really around a refridgerator, so it has to be stuff that can at least sit out until lunch, which is only about 4-5 hours, and I can throw a icepack in his lunchbox too. Any suggestions for me....................I need man food haha. He is 41 and I am 28 and his energy level kinda sucks after work, I am hoping adjusting his diet will give him more energy. Thanks!!
    Grilled chicken with vegetables should be fine with an ice pack.
    Also, some wild rice and mushrooms with steak or lean pork always makes me happy.
    If he's having problems with energy after lunch/work, maybe he should have a protein shake for a snack, or some citrus fruits.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I get it...A Viagra Burrito for afternoon snack. IJS.

    haha, no I think he stores up energy for that.
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    I send BLT's with my husband all the time- what man doesn't like bacon??? A way to keep it healthy is to use turkey bacon or the oscar myer already prepared babcon- since it has already been cooked, there is a lot less fat- if you use a wheat or white/weat bread, the calore count stays pretty low- for example-

    two slcies Nature's Own White Wheat Bread = 110 calories
    4 pieces Oscar Myer laready cooked bacon= 70 calories
    2 slices tomato = 15 calories
    1 piece lettuce = 5 calories
    1 tbs light mayo= 40 calories

    you get a very filling sandwhich for 240 calories- throw in a pre-proprtioned bag of chips and you have a great lunch!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    great suggestions guys...........please keep them coming!
  • Puggy33
    Puggy33 Posts: 300
    I used to pack many different lunches for myself it's hard to be manly and cram a cheeseburger or wings into a lunchbox, not to mention it's terrible for him.

    - Peanut Butter Sandwich -
    - Trail mix (Peanuts, Raisins, M&M's, Dried Cranberries, Almonds) will boost energy
    - Roast beef and Cheddar Sand w/ Light bbq sauce. (Big flavor and beef is manly)
    - Hard Boiled eggs (in moderation)
    - Grilled Chicken, Tomato, lettuce, Bacon (for the manly part) Tortilla Wrap. (can also make it into a salad, or sandwich)
    - Soups (buy a thermos and cook it in the AM and it will still be warm for lunch, soup and sandwich combo's are awesome for the winter months)

    Without trying to cram fruits and veggies down his throat, these options will help break the routine lunches. If all else fails tell him he doesn't have to make his lunch he just needs to help you pick it out so you can make it for him. Doing that will help him pick out things that will make him enjoy lunch without you having to worry so much as if to make something he won't/don't want to eat.

    Hope this helps :)
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I used to pack many different lunches for myself it's hard to be manly and cram a cheeseburger or wings into a lunchbox, not to mention it's terrible for him.

    - Peanut Butter Sandwich -
    - Trail mix (Peanuts, Raisins, M&M's, Dried Cranberries, Almonds) will boost energy
    - Roast beef and Cheddar Sand w/ Light bbq sauce. (Big flavor and beef is manly)
    - Hard Boiled eggs (in moderation)
    - Grilled Chicken, Tomato, lettuce, Bacon (for the manly part) Tortilla Wrap. (can also make it into a salad, or sandwich)
    - Soups (buy a thermos and cook it in the AM and it will still be warm for lunch, soup and sandwich combo's are awesome for the winter months)

    Without trying to cram fruits and veggies down his throat, these options will help break the routine lunches. If all else fails tell him he doesn't have to make his lunch he just needs to help you pick it out so you can make it for him. Doing that will help him pick out things that will make him enjoy lunch without you having to worry so much as if to make something he won't/don't want to eat.

    Hope this helps :)

    Thanks! Thats wicked helpful!
  • Puggy33
    Puggy33 Posts: 300
    If you need any more suggestions just hit me up. I'll be glad to help you think of some more without blowing up your thread.
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    My boss is in his 40s, and he used to be a bare back rider in rodeos...I don't know, I think he is pretty tough...and he eats tuna or chicken everyday. No joke. He buys the canned tuna or chicken, puts some kind of salad dressing (whatever you want to do) and then eats it with tortilla chips. He also drinks v8s.
  • queenhoneeybee
    any food that is a 'super' food. google. there are super foods for energy, pain, etc. and its already whats typically in the fresh produce section.
  • kendernau
    kendernau Posts: 155 Member
    A couple additional things I do that work well is various types of bean recipes, stews, and wrapped foods.

    - Kidney and navy beans with salsa (can add sour cream or guacamole if you want more calories)
    - 7 bean mix (your pick of beans and/or lentils) with bacon or ham
    - Black and white beans with cheese
    - Various meat and/or bean stews (love cajun-style) - but avoid or limit the potatoes if he is trying to lose weight
    - Beef and bean burrito (I usually use ground buffalo instead of beef, but same concept)
    - Fajitas with tons of bell pepper, onion (if he likes it), and I like both beef and chicken grilled and cut into strips - guacamole, sour cream, cheese optional, with lots of taco seasoning, although I use a homemade version that is lower sodium
    - Tuna or chicken salad
    - Fruit salads, sliced produce (apples, oranges), whole produce
    - Nuts (can make your own snack packs if you buy in bulk - can also avoid the salt and sugar more easily)

    Beans have the advantage of protein, good bulk, fiber, and relatively low calorie, but the meats and cheese make them more "manly". All of these last me just fine until lunch, but I am in an air conditioned/heated office.