Post By-pass Surgery Eating and Drinking

Well, I'm 7 weeks out from my surgery and am having trouble getting my 1,000 calories a day and 8 cups of fluids, not to mention the 90+ g of protein. I'm managing to keep my carbs below 100g and fat below 20g, but my protein has only been around 70-80g even with the whey shakes and occassional protein bars. Calories are running anywhere from 600 to 800 and fluids 5 - 7 cups. Discouraging considering I was doing so well pre-surgery when I lost 80 lbs. in 4 mos. It's just hard to eat enough when you're taking such small bites and portions and stretching it out over 30-45 mins. Also, because you can't drink 30 mins. before and 1 hr. after eating, it really limits the time left for drinking, especially if you're busy working in the yard or around the house. Would be much easier if I was still working and sitting at a desk all day. Suggestions, please.....


  • 2blueeyedbabies
    I don't have any suggestions but just an inquiry. It sounds like you were doing pretty well prior to surgery to have lost 80 lbs in 4 months. What made you decide to have surgery?
  • minnow54151
    minnow54151 Posts: 38 Member
    Wow, first off CONGRATS on taking such a big step in getting yourself healthy. 80 lbs is fantastic, you should be so proud of yourself!

    I have a customer in the same situation as you, who just started on Shakeology (a high protein/vitamin shake in case you did not know). If you would like to give it a try I would be glad to send you a sample, just so you can try it. The gal I am working with divides a serving into 2 shakes as one is just too much for her at once. You can respond here if you would like to give it a try or email me at
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Make an appointment with your surgeon/GP or dietician to discuss it.
  • jooles0
    jooles0 Posts: 47
    At 7 weeks out of surgery I couldn't get anywhere like 1,000 calories into me. Don't worry, it will come with time! I did stick to protein shakes as much as possible, pate, cottage cheese and mince turkey. I was still not on solid foods at 7 weeks but that's just how my surgeon does it, everyones is different.
    The first 6 months to a year will be your biggest losing phase so make the most of it. Have you been given lots of supplements etc? I was when I first struggled to make sure i was still getting vitamins etc and didn't get sick. They all worked for me.
    Everyones bypass is different but if you really have concerns TALK TO YOUR DR I was on the phone to mine all the time trying to find out what was normal.
    Just don't push it trying to get enough food in. I did that a few times in the early days and the sickness etc was not worth it, it sucks big time!!!!

    Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend. I am 3 years post bypass and its the best thing I ever did :-)
  • AuntSissy152
    AuntSissy152 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Marilyn: Please don't be discouraged. You are on your way to wonderful results. It's not even been two months post surgery, Give yourself some time. Think a little long-term. Down the road some you will be thrilled! If you are really concerned about the protein I would try a good protein drink,. I don't know too much about your surgery but I do know a couple of people who did it and they were both very happy that they did, although in the beginning it was rough. As the others here have said, if you are really concerned talk to your doctor.

    Be patient - give yourself some time - IT WILL GET BETTER!
  • grannygethealthy1111
    Always follow the advice of your doctor only. Your doctor knows YOUR medical history. Here is a link to a site where you can purchase products specifically designed for bariatric patients to help you post-op reach your protein needs:

    ASK YOUR DOCTOR before buying and consuming these products. Congratulations on your weight loss to date. I hope you continue to do well.
  • beach_bum_gurl
    At 7 weeks out of surgery I couldn't get anywhere like 1,000 calories into me. Don't worry, it will come with time! I did stick to protein shakes as much as possible, pate, cottage cheese and mince turkey.

    Everyones bypass is different but if you really have concerns TALK TO YOUR DR I was on the phone to mine all the time trying to find out what was normal.

    ^^^ What Jooles said! I am 5+ years out from RnY. There should be no way that you should shoot for 1000 cals at 2 months out. Work on getting your protein in, and take your vitamins. Your doctor hopefully has a nutritionist on staff. If you are concerned, talk to them.
  • nancyl8198
    nancyl8198 Posts: 24 Member
    Your surgeon or dietician should have given you a meal plan. If they didn't I would ask for one. I will say that I wasn't eating 1000 calories until I was at 6 months out. It sounds like you are doing great though! It's very difficult at the beginning to get in all the fluids and protein in. Just remember, protein first and you'll be OK. I drink Z-Pro chocolate and I heat it in the microwave. That seems to be the best protein shake for me. It has 25 grams per shake. Everyone has their own likes though. Also check out some of the bariatric websites like eggface and bariatric foodie for different recipes for mixing up your protein shakes and making them more palatable and easy to drink. If you need more help feel free to send me a note. I had my surgery 14 months ago.
  • Marilyn2loose
    A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to all of you! You're input was very helpful. I will call my nutritionist and surgeon tomorrow and see what they say. I have the Bariatric Choice catalog and will take another look at it, even if I can't afford it!! I've been on solid food almost 3 weeks now and have had a couple of "dumping" episodes....what an absolutely miserable experience that is!! I've learned that I cannot eat fresh fish right now (tuna is OK)...hopefully I can get back to it soon, cuz I love it and the protein it has. I've been having Muscle Milk Whey Protein powder and I love it (25g) per serving every morning for breakfast....guess I might try increasing my daily intake of it. Again, thanks so much, guys.