Beginning to think that I'll Always Be Fat...

The past three weeks I have had zero success on the scale...and Im not happy about it!

If I was back to my old eating habits and not exercising I would be fine with it but Im doing everything right and nothing is happening...

Ive even changed up my workouts...I go to the gym six days a week instead of just four or five...and on Sundays I have been heading out to the park and walking, playing with my kids and walking the dog...

Im eating plenty...between 1300 and 1500 calories per day...and eating fairly clean as well...and drinking lots of water...I dont drink soda and only have maybe a Crystal Light once a day if I feel the need for something sweet....

So where am I going wrong? Im so discouraged...Ive lost 85lbs already but am still considered obese which is depressing in itself but with me not loosing anymore Im feeling very discouraged and wonder what's the point and thinking that Ill always just be the fat girl...


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    How consistant is your weighing procedure and if you'll forgive the bluntness, it could be due to "female stuff" as my wife calls it.
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    be patient + positive, things like this are sent to test us.

    If you have changed the way you eat and you exercise more look at the positives you have gained already

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    The past three weeks I have had zero success on the scale...and Im not happy about it!

    If I was back to my old eating habits and not exercising I would be fine with it but Im doing everything right and nothing is happening...

    Ive even changed up my workouts...I go to the gym six days a week instead of just four or five...and on Sundays I have been heading out to the park and walking, playing with my kids and walking the dog...

    Im eating plenty...between 1300 and 1500 calories per day...and eating fairly clean as well...and drinking lots of water...I dont drink soda and only have maybe a Crystal Light once a day if I feel the need for something sweet....

    So where am I going wrong? Im so discouraged...Ive lost 85lbs already but am still considered obese which is depressing in itself but with me not loosing anymore Im feeling very discouraged and wonder what's the point and thinking that Ill always just be the fat girl...
    What do your workouts consist of? And how long have you been doing the routine?
  • tlynnweb
    tlynnweb Posts: 201 Member
    Maybe open up your food diary so we can look and maybe find something for you??
  • I completely get it!! Your body will stop loosing for periods of time, but if you stay on the fit track you WILL see results again. Talk to your doctor to make sure it is okay for you, but I usually do something different for a few days and it seems to work. Last time I tried a liquid diet for 3 days and it jumpstarted my system. I would be interested in hearing how you do. Please don't give up! I know it is tempting, but don't do it!!

    Are you taking your measurements too or just weighing? Sometimes I won't lose any weight for weeks, but I will lose inches. Losing inches is good for me. If I was 200lbs of solid muscle, I would still be happy.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Have you taken measurements?? Maybe your losing inches and not pounds.
  • You are improving your cardiovascular health and decreasing your risk for heart disease.
    You are increasing your stamina and energy levels and improving your quality of life.
    You are building your muscles and better supporting your skeleton to help fight osteoporosis.
    You are feeding your body all the minerals, vitamins and nutrients it needs to fight disease and keep your immune system strong.
    You are increasing your flexibility and mental health and spending more quality time with your children.

    You are SO much healthier than you were before regardless of what the scale says. Always remember that.
  • NO you wont!!!! You can do this. Change it around and it will happen. Dont stop if youve started. You will lose the pounds!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i want you to know that it didn't take you three weeks to lose the weight, therefore for you to think that it would come off (or begin to) in three weeks is unrealistic.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    You list 90lbs so far. Maybe it's time to put in your new 212lb weight and reset?
  • jenhenning219
    jenhenning219 Posts: 385 Member
    me personally i eat a yogurt for breakfast for snack i eat a reduced fat cheese stick, and almonds, for lunch i eat smart ones meals and for dinner i eat a protein a veggie and a starch and it seems to be helping me and for dessert i eat the smart ones frozen brownies. i eat the potato chips too but only eat the serving size and i calculate it in my points for the day
  • lambeas
    lambeas Posts: 229 Member
    Don't give up.... you have lost and you are still losing. Sometimes if you work out too hard too much and your body is exhausted the results will not show on the scale?! Also, don't give into the numbers on the scale... try on your "skinny" jeans and see how much better they fit. Look back and see the 85lbs as success...not as not enough!

    I hate the scale.. it can become a mind bender and a deterence from everything you are doing. Keep going, keep focused and you WILL get to where you want to be!
  • I too went through a 3 or 4 week period about a month ago where I was not losing any weight but it was because I was building muscle and I actually lost about 3 inches around my waist during that time period. I kept up my eating and exercise and then the weight started to fall once again. Be patient, continue on your journey to better health and don't be discouraged.
  • Namaste1983
    Namaste1983 Posts: 603 Member
    You are improving your cardiovascular health and decreasing your risk for heart disease.
    You are increasing your stamina and energy levels and improving your quality of life.
    You are building your muscles and better supporting your skeleton to help fight osteoporosis.
    You are feeding your body all the minerals, vitamins and nutrients it needs to fight disease and keep your immune system strong.
    You are increasing your flexibility and mental health and spending more quality time with your children.

    You are SO much healthier than you were before regardless of what the scale says. Always remember that.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    You you reevaluated your goals lately? It is very likely you're still using settings from before..

    Here are some guidelines for setting your goals based on weight you need to lose:

    75lbs or more: Choose to lose 2lbs/week
    40-75 pounds: Choose to lose 1.5lbs/week
    25-40 pounds: Choose to lose 1lb/week
    15-20 pounds: Choose either 1/2lb or 1lb
    Less than 15/20 pounds: choose 1/2 lb/week
  • jessmars
    jessmars Posts: 131
    59 pounds lost already is a HUGE might just be in a plateau right now. This has happened to me before in the past.....just gotta change it up with the workouts and maybe food....try Morning workouts instead if you are working out later in the day....if you walk normally try riding a bike, something to restart your body since it starts to adjust overtime......dont give up!!!!!
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    Keep at it! You have done so well!! Concentrate on the possitives! I bet all that walking and playing you're doing with your kids is soo much easier now!! How amazing is that!!?? Keep at it but maybe try having a day off every now and then to boost morale! And try changing up your workou! (though that will take a while to start working to!!
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    When I first joined MFP over a year ago, my workout routine consisted of an after dinner walk, 6 times a week. This worked out fine for a while, but then, as I got fitter and lighter, it stopped having any effect at all. So, I adjusted my eating to a much cleaner diet, and started losing again...for a while. Then I added a morning walk and re- booted again. I hit my most recent plateau this summer, I basically gained and lost the same 5 pounds for three full months. So, now I've added C25K to my regiment, and I have finally seen a modest drop. I am also being much more diligent with my logging and water intake. All this to say, you need to keep adjusting and trying different things to keep your progress moving forward. And, I know this sounds so cliche, you must understand that this is a lifestyle change that you have to adopt for the rest of your life if you ever hope to get where you need to go and stay there. Please do not give up, you have come so far already, you did not gain the excess weight overnight, and you can't lose it overnight:) Good luck to you!
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    ^^ What some of them said ^^

    Keep at it, you'll notice results - 3 weeks is not long enough ... this is a lifetime plan.

    I only measure once per month ... 7kg 1 month, 1kg the next. Swing and roundabout.

    Like I say to everyone else - cheering you on.

    What I say to you as well: Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi !!!

    GO AUSSIE !!! (hehe I are one)
  • You are NOT giving up and you will NOT always be fat!!! You are doing so well and it seems that you have hit a plateau. I love having you as a friend and I will look at your diary so that I can help you out a bit. We all hit plateaus but the trick, it seems, is finding something to jump-start your body back on track! Keep up all of your great work because every workout (with or without weight loss) is another workout toward a healthier you sweetie! Keep your head held high and just continue to stay positive!!! :heart: