new mom trying to get healthy!

hi everyone! i'm brand new at this and hoping this site will help me stay on track. weight has always been an issue for me so its now finally time to get serious about getting healthy. my biggest motivator is my 2.5 month old daughter! i want to be healthy and active so that she has a good role model and grows up healthy too, and so i can participate in activities with her as she grows. looking for all the help i can get, any tips and motivation are always welcome :)
i'm 24 years old, just had my baby in july, and i weigh 274 lbs. i lost all but 10lbs of the baby weight, so its now up to me to lose the real fat. hoping to get to know you so we can support each other!



  • court182
    court182 Posts: 307
    Hi and Welcome to MFP! Friend request on it's way! :)
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    I had a baby in July as well :) Welcome. Add me as a friend if you like :)
  • JaniseCookston
    JaniseCookston Posts: 49 Member
    Hi Vicky,

    My tip would be don't try to change too much too fast. If you were a couch potato, you're probably going to be pretty miserable trying to work out five days a week. Ease yourself into the change so you will have a greater chance of not getting overwhelmed. Don't cut out all of your favorite junk foods, this too will make you miserable. I still have my favorites (homemade cookies and ice cream) just in moderation. This will help you keep from feeling deprived which will also keep you from giving up. I've been using MFP since April and I hit my goal weight last week. I have lost 30lbs. For me the key was to gradually change my lifestyle. At first I just tracked my calories for a week, then I worked on reducing them. Then I started monitoring my cholesterol and adjusted my diet to keep it in a healthy range. I more recently stepped up my water intake (shoot for half of your body weight in ounces, which for you would mean 137 ounces or about 17 cups of water a day.) I've adjusted my workout schedule throughout to accommodate weather and my schedule. But it would have been super overwhelming to take on all these changes at once. I implemented them little by little over six months and now I have a healthy lifestyle that is realistic for me, not overwhelming and that I'll be able to maintain long term. Hope that helps.

    PS - If you are breast feeding you should eat about 500 calories a day more than MFP recommends.
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    Welcome! As a fellow mom, my best advice is to start thinking of working out as 'me time,' those moments you have a little piece and quiet with your own thoughts, and doing something just for YOU! Best of luck to you!
  • Bellamia4910
    Welcome! I have a little one too so I know what your going through. This site is great because not only do you get support from others who are going through the same struggles but you can track your food. Believe me when I say, when you track your food you realize exactly what you've been eating and I know for me I think twice about eating it again.

    You'll do great!
  • AChristopher09
    I have a 1 month old and am down 30lbs since having him...I'm sure it was a bunch of different factors contributing to that. But, I'm just taking my time with it. I"m breastfeeding which also helps you burn those extra calories. Good luck!