Determined to do it this time!

Hi everyone! I have tried this before but never really given it a proper go this time I am going to lose weight and get fit no matter how hard it is. My plan this time is not to say I will do it perfect every day but instead to say that I wont let my slips derail the entire process. I am cutting my calories and giving C25K a go and I determined that this time next year I will have an awesome after photo to match one of the very few before photos i allow to be taken!


  • PeaceLuvVeggies
    PeaceLuvVeggies Posts: 375 Member
    You can do it!! =)
  • achtracy
    achtracy Posts: 17 Member
    Yeah for you!!!! Go for it!!! That is a great attitude. A lifestyle change involves slipups and sometimes daily! One meal and exercise at a time!!! Lots of great people to help motivate you as well!!!

  • siogdearg
    siogdearg Posts: 20 Member
    I'm exactly the same - starting again today and determined to stick with it. Fingers crossed for both of us!
    FAVOLOSOMII Posts: 188 Member
    You can make it! And we're here to help...
  • im in the same boat!! ive done weight loss programs many times and im hoping that this time it will finally work! lol i agree, not everyday is giong to be perfect, but makingthose little changes and recognizing (and owning up to) the mistakes are great steps!!
  • With that awesome attitude, you definitely will do it this time. I'm right there with you!
  • hebbby
    hebbby Posts: 70
    thanks guys, I never post on forums but I love the positive support on this site, getting involved will be an asset!