New to site and recently moved back to San Antonio


I moved back to San Antonio from Minneapolis a month ago. I have some family and a few friends here, but it has been challenging to stay motivated and continue to lose weight with all the changes in my life and not having anyone else around me working on similar goals. I am hoping to find people here that I can support and vice verse. Please feel free to friend me if that appeals to you.

I started working on losing weight this year, and have lost over 50 lbs so far, but I am 100 lbs from my goal. I finally caved and went to buy more pants this weekend. I had still been wearing my old things before I started losing weight, and trying to manage with belts, but they were starting to look really bad. I had no idea what size I was now until I tried on clothes. I had been up to size 22 women's, and was ecstatic to find out I am now size 16. Maybe not a monumental change, but it is a step in the right direction. It was nice to actually fit into everything I brought to the dressing room and I haven't worn this size in years. The weird thing, was that I didn't feel like I had anyone to share this with.

I am excited to be back in a climate where I don't have to hibernate inside a good portion of the year. I own 2 boxer dogs, and walking them daily has been my main exercise. I have worked on portion control and better choices on what I eat every day, and reducing my overall calorie intake has been a tremendous help. I do like the accountability of the food/exercise diary here, I just hope I can continue to keep up with it.

- Gayle


  • Hope to hear from some more people and make some additional friends!
  • Hello!

    I also live in the San Antonio area, we have been here for about 2 years now. Good luck on your journey here :)
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    Welcome to MFP :flowerforyou:

    I've been a member since September and love it here. Lots and lots of support . . .

    Just have to say lucky you moving from blizzard country (Wisconsin here) to beautiful San Antonio right before the start of snow season :wink: . My sister worked for Frito Lay years ago and lived in San Antonio for many years. San Antonio is on of my favorite cities. I spent a lot of time in that city. Aah . . . . the memories:smooched: .

    Feel free to friend me if you like!
  • Yes, I was elated when I saw friends on facebook posting today that there may be snow flakes soon in Minnesota after I just got in from walking the dogs in 90 degree weather. :)