Jillian said Carbs vs Fiber?? What??!?!?

Ok so I am watching biggest looser and Jillian said you can subtract the grams of fiber from the carbs and get a "true" carb amount. Is this cheating? I have started to worry about carbs but most things I eat is full of fiber too. Can I do this and be successful? OMG please tell me this is the loop hole blessing from Gawd! :OP


  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Well....I know that's what you do on most "low carb" diets. You subtract your fiber from your carbs.
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    Yep thats what they call Net carbs.
  • paravision
    Well....I know that's what you do on most "low carb" diets. You subtract your fiber from your carbs.
    This post was3 pages of replies. For some reason this posted twice. Look on my wall to find the original post :o)
  • bbabs99
    bbabs99 Posts: 51
    Yeah... net carbs.... that's how it works. total carb number - fiber number = net carbs.
  • It would be considered net carbs. People usually do their net carbs on a low-carb diet. The more fiber you eat, the less carbs it is. It's sort of weird to explain.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    To the OP, about paleo or Low Carb lifestyle; the only kind of carbs a low carber eats is pure non starch veggies and fruits. NO grains, no tubers, no beans at all. Meaning, the low carber eats all carbs with fiber in them. We still count carbs. There is no cheat.

    Any carb = sugar in the body. There is no such thing as cheating on a diet. Sorry to burst the bubble of the OP. Best wishes, and please note that Gillian is a trainer, not a nutritionist.