Trying to stick with it this time :)

Hi Everyone!

I am semi-new to MFP (I've had an account but have had a hard time continually logging in food) and completely new to posting in forums. I am looking to lose some college weight that I have gained, and am having a hard time! I gained about 25-30 pounds within the first year that I graduated from college (about 2 years ago). This is the biggest I have been and am looking to not only lose weight but to live healthy lifestyle and gain some of my confidence back. Hopefully I stick with it this time!

An extra motivator is that my best friend is getting married in a few months, and I need to lose weight before that happens! I will be the shortest one in the bridal party, and I don't want to be the thickest one too.

Here's to a new beginning!!



  • L8dybugz
    I am in the same boat your in! I was here before but got discouraged and well I'm back again =) add me