Dear High School Kids At The Gym

I'm glad to see that there are some kids out there that are taking the initiative and going to the gym to exercise instead of not being active. This post is not to insult people, but to rant a little bit about what my day consisted of at the gym.

I would like to express my thanks to the two of you in giving me a good laugh for the day. Watching you walk on in, without a warmup, and spending all your time bench pressing and doing bicep curls was fun. What made it all the more fun is when after each set both of you would stand up, lift up your sleeves and flex in the mirror.

Only 20 minutes later you left. After all that hard work flexing and awkwardly staring at the girls who were working out I'm not surprised you were worn out. I'd like to say thank you again and I look forward to seeing you two back in the gym soon.



  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    It's not just High school kids. I work out in my University gym and most of the students are the same, and bear in mind they're all in their early twenties.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I've seen men in their 50's do that. It's not an age thing.
  • CaoimheAine
    I can't wait for the day I can strut into my gym wearing a crop top, and I most definitely wont hesitate to check myself out :tongue:
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    Definitely not an age thing. I've seen 30- and 40- something do it in the gym ALL THE TIME. Heck, I've seen what you just described about 3 or 4 times today when I was at 24 Hour Fitness.
  • southernlay_d
    Pshaw! I have GROWN MEN at my gym do this! Men with wives, kids, and job. They creep me out, especially when they stand around the aerobics room just to watch us dance to Zumba. Narrrsty!
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
  • McPenguin
    My local YMCA gym has an agreement with the highschool across the street, to let them in for a few gym classes per day. So it seemed like every time I went into the gym, the machines were taken up by about 35 fifteen year old kids, and a gym teacher, wandering around with notebooks and playing with the equipment.

    I'm all for fitness - at any age. But I did pay for my membership, and wanted to be able to use an elliptical once in a blue moon. I had to switch gyms it was so bad.

    And yes, most of them sat there oogling the other kids. I couldn't have cared less about it, though it was a little comical. ;)
  • Salpica
    Salpica Posts: 205 Member
    My local YMCA gym has an agreement with the highschool across the street, to let them in for a few gym classes per day. So it seemed like every time I went into the gym, the machines were taken up by about 35 fifteen year old kids, and a gym teacher, wandering around with notebooks and playing with the equipment.

    I'm all for fitness - at any age. But I did pay for my membership, and wanted to be able to use an elliptical once in a blue moon. I had to switch gyms it was so bad.

    And yes, most of them sat there oogling the other kids. I couldn't have cared less about it, though it was a little comical. ;)

    I can feel your pain with that. Not so much the kids taking over the place, but here is a story.....

    When I first started this journey my wife and I were looking for a place to go to workout and to call our gym. She wanted to check out a place within walking distance of her office so we decided to go and talk with them after we got off work. We pulled up to the place and it was an absolute MADHOUSE in there. There were more people than treadmills, ellipticals......basically any workout equipment in the place.

    Needless to say I didn't even bother looking for a place to park and drove to a gym closer to our home. Signed up that night and have been in love with the place ever since. Even at peak hours I have no problem finding a machine to use.