Women around 5'5" trying to lose 25-50 lbs please add me!

So I've posted a few threads asking people for their opinions on certain aspects of dieting. But then I realized that maybe I could get a lot of useful information from women who have a similar body type to mine. So any ladies about this height and goal please add me!


  • ncsubeachgirl
    ncsubeachgirl Posts: 97 Member
    i'm the exact same height and trying to loose about that same amount of weight and man its hard!!! i have lost about 9 pounds so far and i feel like it doesn't show at all and its so depressing... Let's support each other! I need as much motivation as I can get!
  • I'm 5'4" and I need to lose around 50 pounds long term...and I need all the help I can get! Haha
  • cprys8942
    cprys8942 Posts: 99 Member
    i know! it is definitely difficult being this height and trying to lose all this weight
  • aolani
    aolani Posts: 80 Member
    I am 5'5 and have 43 lbs left to lose. Although so far I have lost 12 pounds it is kind of discouraging trying to find the right things to eat along with a good variety. I weigh in tomorrow morning hopefully I have lost at least half a pound. I am still regretting the pizza I had on Friday night.
  • noeys
    noeys Posts: 56
    sent you an add request. ;)
  • Feel free to add me!
  • cprys8942
    cprys8942 Posts: 99 Member
    I am 5'5 and have 43 lbs left to lose. Although so far I have lost 12 pounds it is kind of discouraging trying to find the right things to eat along with a good variety. I weigh in tomorrow morning hopefully I have lost at least half a pound. I am still regretting the pizza I had on Friday night.

    I know how you feel, we all have those days! Good luck and congrats on the 12 pounds so far(:
  • kschr201
    kschr201 Posts: 208 Member
    I don't' have as much to loose anymore but I'm also 5'5" with an overall goal of around 30lbs.Good luck guys! Feel free to add me.
  • Meggy247
    Meggy247 Posts: 75 Member
    Feel free to add me as well!!
  • I'm 5'4" trying to lose 25 lbs...lost 6 so far, got a ways to go before I reach my goal! Good luck to everyone else!
  • dpartee1
    dpartee1 Posts: 14 Member
    Please add me as well, I'm 5'5" and have lost 26 but need to lose 20 more.

    WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • rb16fitness
    rb16fitness Posts: 236 Member
    Hi, please add me! Trying to lose 20lbs and getting nowhere fast :sad:
  • rly123
    rly123 Posts: 61 Member
    <<<<add me! =D
  • spacecase2127
    spacecase2127 Posts: 7 Member
    It can be done!
  • triplej64
    triplej64 Posts: 4 Member
    It definitely can be done!! I've lost 19 pounds overall. I am 5'5 and started out in April 2011 at 172. I'm down to 153 now and would like to reach 145 by Christmas. Interestingly, I lost 6 pounds in the first 6 months but then I joined a biggest loser competition at a local gym with a good friend of mine and I've lost 13.5 pounds in just 6 weeks!! MFP has been paramount to my recent success and I've learned a great deal about food and how good eating habits are 80% of weight loss whereas exercise is only 20%. (Although still VERY important). Good luck to you and it gets easier the longer you stick with it! Feel free to add me too!!
  • withoutaname
    withoutaname Posts: 64 Member
    I'm about 5'5" and trying to lose about 37 pounds (I think, I usually use the metric system). :) Added you.

    Anyone else please add me!
  • Hi! I am 5'5'' and need to drop about 40 pounds! I could use all the support I could get and would love to have some friends on here with similiar goals, etc. so we can support each other! Please feel free to add me!
  • sh3l5
    sh3l5 Posts: 7
    I too have about 50lbs to loose to ultimate goal. I posted m first post on the forums today, so I need the friends I can get.
  • angeldelight13
    angeldelight13 Posts: 177 Member
    Im 5'5" and iv got 50lbs to lose, feel free to add me :happy:
  • Im also 5'5 and need to lose about 25 pounds, all of you please feel free to add me!! I would love ideas for healthy foods!! I am currently doing the Insanity workout program on week 3 (out of 9) and would love to see GREAT results by the end of the program!! Also my husband comes home from Afghanistan on Dec 12th for vacation and I want to look my best!! Look forward to "meeting" you all and getting some great ideas!

    Sunny :glasses: