Runners: Need your help

Okay - so I have had plantar fasciitis in the past, but I was younger and waitressing. This morning when my feet hit the floor, I could tell that it is making a comeback. I ran anyway (you're runners, you understand that stupid decision, right?).

I really need suggestions on the best course of treatment (except for not running). I am open to shoes, orthotics, anything that will take this pain away. Do the foot baths help? Should I make my boyfriend massage my feet? What will help me. :cry:


  • firewalking
    firewalking Posts: 335 Member
    Okay - so I have had plantar fasciitis in the past, but I was younger and waitressing. This morning when my feet hit the floor, I could tell that it is making a comeback. I ran anyway (you're runners, you understand that stupid decision, right?).

    I really need suggestions on the best course of treatment (except for not running). I am open to shoes, orthotics, anything that will take this pain away. Do the foot baths help? Should I make my boyfriend massage my feet? What will help me. :cry:
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    Not a runner, but my mom's got PF. Get orthotics FROM A DOCTOR (skip Foot Solutions, etc.) and ask the doctor what the best workout plan would be. He/She will know and can give you the best advice. But just plan on wearing ugly shoes forever :wink: and having healthier feet!! Good luck :smile:
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    Check They have a video series on stretches to do for various ailments. I have noticed myself that I am having a bit of arch pain lately. I gave it a rest last week and only ran 4 days instead of the usual 5, and I spaced out the runs. I also did some stretching and took out the $65 inserts the guy at the running store sold me. I think the arch in the orthotic was too high and that was causing some of the pain. I think seeing a doc is probably best, and listening to your body also very important!
  • spooky
    spooky Posts: 16 Member
    If you work or run on concrete, then change your shoes every 3 hours or so. It changes your arches and relieved my pain !! good luck
  • abatres7
    abatres7 Posts: 146
    I have not figured out why plantar fascitis comes and goes but I have absolutely no pain when I use my Asics Gel Kayano running shoes. All I have learned is that its in the shoes we wear........... some make it worse and some give relief.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    PF can be very insidious and challenging to treat. One problem is that every night as you sleep, the tendons stiffen somewhat so that in the morning as you start moving it contributes to the inflammation.

    The first thing is trying to determine what is causing the condition and that can be tricky because it can have multiple causes and not every MD is skilled at making an effective diagnosis. If you have a runners club in the area, they may know of some good sports med docs, otherwise look for a good sports medicine clinic.

    I would be wary of anyone or any MD who tries to push you into orthotics. In my experienced, they are misprescribed as much if not more than correctly prescribed. There are taping methods that can help with symptoms.

    Usually, treating long-term PF involves an aggressive stretching program for the achilles tendon, calves, and hamstrings. For long-standing problems, in the past there were products called night splints. These were worn while sleeping and keep the foot flexed so that the tendon and tissues do not tighten.

    The problem is that there is no one set answer for every individual, so you will need to find someone in person to work with.
  • firewalking
    firewalking Posts: 335 Member
    I want to thank you all for your suggestions....

    I have made an appointment with my doctor (whom I think is a genius), I'm going to switch to a stabilizer shoe...if I remember correctly, the Kayano made my foot feel so good - I cannot believe I took a level down. In the long run, not worth it.

    I'm also going to look for the taping methods as suggested by Asdak.

    Thank you all again....