
I'm a new stay at home mom who has the horrible habit of snacking when bored or at home. I need a snack that I can munch on throughout the day, that is really low in calories. Something quick and easy, as I have a 3 month old. I always end up grabbing the most unhealthy things in the house cause they're easy....any ideas please!


  • buttercupke
    fruit helps me it keep me fuller longer
  • jdennings
    I would get the fiber one bars. They are 120 calories and filling. Also chewing gum helps curb cravings. Other low calories snacks are Meijer low fat tiny twists. 90 calories for 17 pretzels. Snacking on fruit would be a good idea too. Apples, grapes, bananas, pears. Carrots are a great snack and only 35 calories. Make sure to use portion sizes though.
  • ChristinaLConway
    ChristinaLConway Posts: 115 Member
    Del Monte makes fruit cups packed in water, they are only 25 calories, they are my go to snack
  • sonotphat
    I always go for raw almonds. I grab about ten and carry them around with me. I also do dried mango, which is high calorie if you have alot, but I chose about three nice pieces and suck on them (that could be a weird thing to do ha ha, but it keeps me satisfied) Or sometimes when I want to snack but I know i'm not hungry I just down a glass of water and the urge passes.
  • KeepGoingRhonda
    KeepGoingRhonda Posts: 527 Member
    Yogurt, veggies with hummus, almonds, mixed fruit.......have a green tea, water.....protein shake..
  • NaomiWhite77
    NaomiWhite77 Posts: 238 Member
    Fruit, celery, cucumbers or baby carrots. All good stuff. Cut them up a head of time.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    you could pretty much munch on celery all day and not go over your calories. its nice and crunchy. green, orange, yellow and red peppers work as well. and I always love munching on some iceberg lettuce (although it has fewer nutrients than most other veggies). I love raw string beans as well.
  • MeredithRN
    MeredithRN Posts: 119 Member
    Celery and apples with peanut butter. Cut the celery up in advanced or buy the already cut up sticks in the container. It costs a little more, but I notice it actually gets eaten because of the convenience as opposed to being cheaper but being wasted because its not used. You can also get some pita chips and laughing cow cheeses are a fave snack. Pistachios, or find some receipes in the community here and make them to have on hand. Good luck!
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    Haha, you're not alone, sweetie. When I'm at home, I tend to look for food too! But most of the time, I would just have a huge bottle of water besides me so that I will just reach out for it when I feel hungry (and procrastinate in walking to the kitchen, see how lazy I am whenever a computer is concerned)

    Note down the snacks you eat too, when you're at home. Either that, try to throw away the unhealthy stuff, head to the store and choose something with low-fat and/or low-calories.

    On some days, I would cook a pot of soup... and I'll just reach for a bowl of soup when I feel hungry.

    I don't know if that helps. :P
  • NaomiWhite77
    NaomiWhite77 Posts: 238 Member
    Oh frozen grapes too. Yum
  • melelana
    melelana Posts: 122 Member
    Right now, I'm loving triscuits and wheat thins. Just pre-measure. You can have about 14 flavored wheat thins for 140 calories. So put fourteen wheat thins in a bowl, close the box, put it away, and snack away! Otherwise, you'll be looking at the bottom of a wheat thins box before you know it.
  • marywilsoncline
    marywilsoncline Posts: 301 Member
    Thats why it pays to keep a variety fresh fruit in the house. I also keep anything made by "Kashi" to snack on. I like the fiber one line of low calorie sweet snacks also. But I snack mostly on lots of different fresh fruits. At night I have a bowl of fresh fruit and 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese :)
  • virginiejaubin
    virginiejaubin Posts: 497 Member
    Yogurt, a fruit, a cup of tea or coffee.... sometimes (2x/week) I have no butter popcorn. It's good, I buy one that's 140 cals for half the bag and I spray some "Ican't beleive it's not butter" on it, it tastes great!
  • lisaidem
    lisaidem Posts: 194 Member
    Ok, I hate to be the stick in the mud, but fruit, pretzels, and hummus are not low-calorie snacks that she can snack on all day. Those are all great one-time snacks, especially the nuts. Carrots are low-calorie, but so boring to snack on without a dip of some kind, and then there goes your low-cal snack. There really aren't a lot of yummy things that you can eat an endless amount of...but I guess that depends on your definition of "yummy." Some people really love plain celery...
    Maybe air-popped popcorn with like some chili powder or something? You'll have to leave some carbs in your diary for this snack though.
    I would suggest drinking a crap-ton of water, with crystal light if necessary, or a really yummy diet soda...I found a stevia-sweetened creamy rootbeer at Whole Foods, and it feels like dessert!
  • aldale
    aldale Posts: 118 Member
    Sugar free jello. It is cheap, low in calories, and mostly water.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    I'm a new stay at home mom who has the horrible habit of snacking when bored or at home. I need a snack that I can munch on throughout the day, that is really low in calories. Something quick and easy, as I have a 3 month old. I always end up grabbing the most unhealthy things in the house cause they're easy....any ideas please!

    take the bad stuff out of the house!

    carrot sticks or celery sticks with natural peanut butter or homemade salsa or cottage cheese
    low sugar yogurt, mix in sliced fruit maybe.
    muesli bars with all natural ingredients (check the ingredients list!)
    any kind of veggie
    ryvita crackers with cottage cheese, avacado, tomato, onion, natural peanut butter, salsa.
    airpopped popcorn with cinnamon or something. or herbs.
    dark chocolate, anything higher than 70% cocoa. a piece or two is good.

    spice up fruit/yogurt/cottage cheese with cinnamon, pure cocoa, drizzle of honey, great when you have a sugar craving
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Ok, I hate to be the stick in the mud, but fruit, pretzels, and hummus are not low-calorie snacks that she can snack on all day. Those are all great one-time snacks, especially the nuts. Carrots are low-calorie, but so boring to snack on without a dip of some kind, and then there goes your low-cal snack. There really aren't a lot of yummy things that you can eat an endless amount of...but I guess that depends on your definition of "yummy." Some people really love plain celery...
    Maybe air-popped popcorn with like some chili powder or something? You'll have to leave some carbs in your diary for this snack though.
    I would suggest drinking a crap-ton of water, with crystal light if necessary, or a really yummy diet soda...I found a stevia-sweetened creamy rootbeer at Whole Foods, and it feels like dessert!

    I was thinking the same! I make a huge bowl of air popped popcorn and can snack for hours :D
  • ummommyme
    ummommyme Posts: 362 Member
    You would be surprised how filling a single serving applesauce can be. Easy to grab and eat. No sugar added just natural. I buy the great value. I've been buying the bigger container and using my own bowl to save on so many little containers. You can add cinnamon to it too. String cheese, hard boiled eggs.
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    What about doing something about your boredom?

    I find I feel snackish watching tv/ being on the internet in the evenings sometimes and it's cos I'm bored. Ideally I stop watching TV and do something more interesting like read a good book or even housework! :)

    What could you fit around being a stay at home Mom? Is there a hobby that you could do? Play an instrument, knit/ crochet, scrapbook, write a blog, jigsaw puzzles etc.

    Also, why not reduce the stay at home bit? Could you take you little one out for walks, to the park, library, public pool, coffee (but not cake) with other Moms etc? Is there any volunteering you could do in the community and take your child with you? (i.e. visiting the elderly, stuffing envelopes for a charity?)

    Just a few thoughts... good luck on your journey!