Just cancelled my Weight Watchers membership and joined

Hi there,

This site looks great. On the advice of a friend, I visited this site. After looking around for a couple of days on the site, I liked it so much, I've decided to cancel my Weight Watchers membership and just go with this. This site is everything WW was in the past - allocation of calories based upon various criteria. It's the best way to go and I look forward to reaching goal.

Best wishes to all.


  • Jenninedinburgh
    Jenninedinburgh Posts: 70 Member
    A bit about me: I am an American living in Edinburgh, Scotland. I have been overweight most of my life and my goal is to lose down to goal so that I can be as healthy as I can. I have a wonderful husband and an amazing life. I just need to be a bit healthier.
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    Good luck on your journey!!! This site is awesome!
  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    Welcome! The more you use this site, the more you'll love it! Not only does it have great tools, it is full of motivating people who will encourage you along the way. I've done WW in the past, myself, and mfp has helped me so much more to stay commited and really lead a new, heathier lifestyle--not just a diet.
    Wishing you the best! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    I did the same thing! When my doctor told me about MFP, I came home...looked it over and quit WW that very same day! So glad I did. :smile:
  • Sooznine
    Sooznine Posts: 29 Member
    I started MFP, and 2 weeks later i was looking at WW (at work)... i decided to skip paying for WW as this was working (VERY WELL) and was free!
  • crazylikefox
    I was also with WW and it did work, but eventually I stopped logging but was still paying for the online membership. I like here because it is free and it shows me, meal by meal, where i am doing the most good and the most damage. The other day I was snackish at night and was going to grab a pudding cup, but MFP says I was low on protein, so I ate some meat instead. Muscles here I come I hope.

    Fee free to add me :) and do what works for you! Good luck!
  • manda127
    manda127 Posts: 145
    Good luck! I've only been here a matter of days myself but already finding it very useful. Add me as a friend if you like too
  • proudmami1138
    proudmami1138 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi! I actually did the same thing 2 weeks ago. I had been doing WW since Jan and canceled it in Sept. I've lost 5.5 lbs so far using this site. I'm loving it and wish you much success! :)
  • Stacera
    Stacera Posts: 347 Member
    yay!! sounds like plan!! I did the same thing, cancelled my WW and am now addicted to this place and all the great support and friends I have made along the way!! Welcome!
  • Jenninedinburgh
    Jenninedinburgh Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks all. :) Yes, WW helped me in the past and I am very grateful as I did at one point weigh a lot. I however struggled when they went to ProPoints - just seemed to be a lot of extra information to keep track of - like just pushing numbers around to make one think it had changed a lot when essentially, it all boils down to eating less + exercising more.

    This is simple and straight to the point which makes me happy - oh and free. Plus, just playing around on their database shows it's much better than WW as it a) contains a lot more entries and B) is something I can use when I travel to the USA as well. Bonus!
  • sarahgilmore
    sarahgilmore Posts: 572 Member
    ughhhhhh i know i HATE propoints
  • wk9t
    wk9t Posts: 237 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I've been here less than 2 weeks myself and I find it to be an amazing website. The more you use it, the easier it gets as it remembers all the foods you have entered in the past. I lost 5 lbs in my first 12 days ... only 50 more to go. I am using both the web version and the Android app.

    Wishing you, and everyone else on here, much success.
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator
    Welcome aboard!
  • virginiejaubin
    virginiejaubin Posts: 497 Member
    You made such a good choice! I was with WW younger and fell of the wagon because I couldn't afford it anymore! Youll get awesome results with MFP plus you'll have tons of friends supporting you throught the community!
  • TriedEverything
    TriedEverything Posts: 175 Member
    Hello & welcome! :smile: Not been on here that long myself (couple of months) but I've found it incredibly helpful - reading about how well others are doing is very motivating!

    I have also tried WW (more than once!) and most of the other UK-based slimming clubs, but I'm finding this is better than any of them. Although having said that, I'm only just getting off the ground really, and have a long way to go!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like (I am also in Scotland - originally from England).

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    Welcome! You made a great choice! This site has everything WW does, except it's FREE! Plus the calorie counting is more accurate than points & tells you exactly what you're putting in your body in regards to carbs, fat, protein, fiber, etc & not just the # of points they think it's worth! My husband & I lost weight on WW but I found this site & discovered we could both join a gym for $20 less per month than 2 WW monthly subscriptions!

    Good luck to you! I hope you get lots of use out of the site & have great success on your weight loss journey! :)
  • curvyhips28
    I just cancelled my WW about a week ago, and heard about this through a friend. I found WW too hard to keep track of, cause I'm not home very much. Hopefully MFP will help me out, and feel free to add me if you like. I need all the support I can get. I can get very unmotivated sometimes.
  • marcikennan
    Welcome to MFP, it is a great resource and it's so nice to have such a support system. Feel free to friend me if you need some extra support!
  • KristaWeiss
    KristaWeiss Posts: 233 Member
    You will love this site. I had no luck with WW, I didn't like the fact that cheating was allowed but just used points to do it. It didn't seem to hold me accountable and this does. The support here is like non other, so welcome!!!
  • jazzcait
    jazzcait Posts: 35 Member
    Welcome :) I quit WW as well, I felt the new program wasn't working as well as the other program they had last year. So here I am :)