New Member

A friend of mine told me about the site and thought I would try it out. I'm not great of keeping track of exercising and all but will do my best because I want to do this right.


  • I agree. Thats the same reason I joined! To keep myself accountable for once,
  • jknoell
    jknoell Posts: 254 Member
    That's the key - you are trying! None of us are perfect and I don't always track my food and exercise, but I've noticed that when I don't, I cheat because I'm not keeping myself accountable! So, welcome! I'll add you as a friend!
  • jollyholly1024
    jollyholly1024 Posts: 9 Member
    Well I think this site is great! I have been using it for almost a month and have tracked everything, it is a great support system! Feel free to add me, I will try to give you an extra push :smile: and maybe you can push me too lol
  • i find that on most days i will not give into a craving because i don't want to have to log that i ate it!!
    good luck you too!!
  • This site makes it soooo easy to keep track of your food and exercise.
  • welcome! I hope you enjoy! all the people here are realllyy niiiiceee! :)
  • Good job for getting started! But if you track your exercise calories, you can eat more! :o)
  • Welcome. I have been on here about a week or so, and find it to be really helpful with tracking my food and exercise. Its a great site. Feel free to add me if you want.
  • Hi everyone, I recently joined yesterday and I also don't track what I eat, I find it too much of a hassle and time consuming so its great that at the end of my day I can just type it into myfitnesspal and they calculate it for me. Also, I really do need support from people though because I can quickly lose my motivation. I will help to motivate all you out there as well with any thoughts and concerns you may have. I have already lost 25 pounds about 2 years ago but I still wish to lose about 11-14 more pounds. I must say the last 10-20 pounds are the hardest. I've been struggling to lose them for the past 2 years :( I wanted to try something new this time and that is being part of a community of people going through what I am so we can all help one another :)

    Never give up and just know that we are all here to help motivate and encourage each other.

    WE CAN DO IT !
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    Welcome! MFP has been great so far, awesome and beautiful people here to keep you motivated. And I have this on my phone so I can keep track on what I'd eat. :)