whats your new favorite food?

sense you have started this, i rekon your eating has changed a wittle bit :p so i reckon you may haave gotten some new favorite foods. what do you like to eat now in replace of that yummy friend sugar coated doughnut? i like apples.


  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Honestly, veggies. I only started eating them in the past few years and now I have to have at least 2 with each meal!
  • bridgettegarzonie
    bridgettegarzonie Posts: 54 Member
    I used to hate chicken with a passion but now I eat it practically for every meal. : )
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Umm...i haven't really changed anything that i eat. I just eat the same stuff, just now in moderation.

    My taste is still the same as it was 6 months ago before i started.
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    Ice cream is still my favorite.
  • krissagirl0709
    krissagirl0709 Posts: 291 Member
    umm fruit and vanilla yogurt and granola!
  • Ifly4free
    Ifly4free Posts: 203 Member
    I was just introduced to spaghetti squash a couple of weeks ago and now I eat it all the time..I love the texture and the versatility.
    It is my new favorite food!

  • mewdds
    mewdds Posts: 22
    Eggplant and mango! Not together, though. :)
  • londanfudd4eva
    I found a good snack for choclate lovers like myself 90 calorie fiber one choclate fudge brownies mmmmm!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I'm still addicted to chicken, I just prepare it myself now instead of buying pre-packaged stuff. I'm, like, seriously addicted to it. I eat it probably 4-5 times a week :laugh:
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    My tastes have definitely changed. I really love and even crave my veggies now. Since my youngest only likes corn on the cob and artichokes, those are the ones we eat the most, without the butter or high cal dip. They taste great even without the added fat.

    My special go-to treat when I want something tart or sweet is frozen pineapple. My husband buys a big carton of fresh pineapple and I put it into serving bags and freeze it. Yum.
  • 1myfit
    1myfit Posts: 69
    Fell in love with Cream of wheat!
  • leannmanderson
    I am an ice cream addict, to the point that I had to give it up for Lent back in the spring. I've replaced it with the lower calorie organic gelato that a local place makes. I'm also a third-generation Dr. Pepper addict, so I've switched from regular to diet.

    My absolute new favorite, though, has become broccoli. I'm still not a fan of it raw, but I have to have it in stir-fry, now, and I used to hate the stuff.
  • felicityksr
    felicityksr Posts: 208 Member
    Ice cream is still my favorite.

    If you like pumpkin, try some Trader Joe's Pumpkin Ice Cream! It is to die for! It is seasonal and when I got mine yesterday, there were only 2 left in the store freezer! YUMMY!
  • brk_1982
    brk_1982 Posts: 125 Member
    Dark chocolate! I only need a little to feel like I had a treat, and it doesn't send me on a major junk food bender.:wink:
  • kjannan
    kjannan Posts: 248 Member

    I just now ate carrot & celery sticks with hummus. I could eat with with just about anything!
  • Auntyweasel
    Turkey is my new thing. I have never liked it, but since I can no longer eat beef, I substitute turkey for just about everything. Also, eating a lot more fish (tilapia and swai).
  • lucylue21
    lucylue21 Posts: 214
    Ice cream is still my favorite.

    If you like pumpkin, try some Trader Joe's Pumpkin Ice Cream! It is to die for! It is seasonal and when I got mine yesterday, there were only 2 left in the store freezer! YUMMY!

    that is very yummy. i have had that before. the pumpkin spice coffe creamer is also seasonal and very yummy
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Garbanzo beans
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I'm also a third-generation Dr. Pepper addict, so I've switched from regular to diet.

    Have you tried Dr Pepper 10? It's really good.
  • Michelle_C_
    My new breaky is blue menu steel cut oats, with a banada chopped up, 1/2 teaspoon of brown sugar and 2 teaspoons of sliced almonds in it... YUM!!! OR the steel cut oats, chopped up apple, dash of cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon of brown sugar and 2 teaspoons of pecans!!! ALSO YUM!!!