Just cancelled my Weight Watchers membership and joined



  • NCSean
    NCSean Posts: 14
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! I too am a weight watchers drop out. I think it is a great program, but I never stuck to it. I have had more success here and frankly, less tortured. The odd thing is that I never I mean never wrote things down in WW. It was my biggest downfall, but for some reason, I cannot wait to log on here. I think it is because it keeps the running tally and lets me know what I have left. It is great for planning your day. I think you made a great move!
  • RuffLoser
    RuffLoser Posts: 3 Member
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools

    I too found the new WW program did not work for me. Just could not wrap my head around eating that much and it not counting against me. So...here I am. I love the simplicity of this site.
  • alexism1990
    alexism1990 Posts: 1 Member
    Okay please hear my story:
    I joined this site, MFP in January and did it for a month and followed perfectly and did not lose any weight. I decided to join weightwatchers in february and lost 10 pounds by mid-may. I gained 5 of those pounds back this summer and have not been able to get them off (stayed on weight watchers). I went to my nutritionist last week and she told me to do this site instead. It's been a week and I still have not lost a pound. Which is annoying since I had immediate results when I joined weightwatchers.
    This site never worked for me but weightwatchers stopped working for me...
    I am willing to give this site another shot but I am afraid it won't work still.
    Anyone have suggestions?
  • I have been a Weight Watchers menber several times during my 63 years of live, I ever lost over 100 pounds 10 years ago but put 60 back on the past four years. I told me daughter that I wanted to get serious about loosing wieght so we started to think things out. I also told her I wanted to do more on my computer than just farming. So we explored the enternet and found this site. Over the past 3 days I have fould this site to be as good as Weight Watchers and of course cheaper. I can use the money I save on healthy foods now. Good luck. I know you can do it....
  • trixieabby
    trixieabby Posts: 987 Member
    I am about to cancell on WW by the time my month rolls around but I wanted to make sure I was undearstanding this site.I like the format and see it is easy to read HOWEVER I am having one problem and maybe one of you pros can help me.

    For example i want to add spinich to my food list. I type in spinich and it gives me a list from Publix to trader jo brands and each one ingredient is a little different. So okay I choose one. click added to list. but instead of gong under S for spinich so I can find it ealsier it says Publix brand-spinich. Is there a way to edit the food list you use the most? thanks
  • lorig_2000
    lorig_2000 Posts: 106 Member
    trixieabby - :smile: Try entering spinach raw.
  • Wendyma1
    Wendyma1 Posts: 289 Member
    Hi there-

    Welcome aboard! You have made an awesome decision! MFP is wonderful, not only for the tools but its really the people here that make it all work. Have fun on your journey! Good luck.

    Feel free to add me!
  • trixieabby
    trixieabby Posts: 987 Member
    Nope put in spinich raw and that is not what iwanted to say. so put in spinich frozen and still gives me those brand name choices. I don't see where there is a tool to change the name of the food. the reason I am wanting it in alphabetical order is what happens later when you have hundreds of entries and have to remember what brand you put it under?
  • I just did the same thing. My friend showed me the site, cancelled my WW membership and this past weekend I started. I am already loving it. We are in the same boat..it would be fun to keep in touch! Good luck with it.
  • chattinchick
    chattinchick Posts: 48 Member
    I did that same thing last week! I have been a member here for awhile AND doing the Weight Watchers online site, but I decided that was silly. This site offers support, motivation and PEOPLE going through the same things as we are. If you'd like to, you can add me as a friend. I am a Canadian woman age 41 with approx the same amount of weight to lose as you....I'd love to support each other on this difficult road! Take care!

  • krysydawn
    krysydawn Posts: 231 Member
    LOL I too cancelled WW for MFP.. and then so did my sister a few months later. LOL
  • candicejn
    candicejn Posts: 458 Member
    Hi! I'm new here too. I have WW paid until next month but I am pretty sure I'll be canceling mine as well. The support alone on MFP is amazing, and I love the diary and database. It's nice to find a place like this. :)
  • erinserin
    erinserin Posts: 79 Member
    I just did the exact same thing, about a week ago!!! I was doing WW online but have found that this site has everything WW has but so much more detailed. Today is the last day of my WW subscription being active. I dont think I will look back, I love this site!

    Good Luck :):)
  • I actually gained about 1/2 lb during the first week on this site but your body was just getting used to it...my 2nd week, I lost 2.8 lbs, almost 3, so don't give up...The one thing I don't do is eat the "extra" calories it adds to your daily count after you exercise and that has seemed to work!

    Good luck!
  • sunshineoriona
    sunshineoriona Posts: 5 Member
    You can do it!
  • sunshineoriona
    sunshineoriona Posts: 5 Member
    You can do it!
  • stubsy1968
    stubsy1968 Posts: 165 Member
    I've been a WW online member since mid-January this year and have lost almost 20kg however the last few weeks I've felt like I need MORE - of what I didn't know. I've been listening to Jillian Michaels podcasts lately and one was about calories which got me thinking. I cancelled my WW membership and joined up MFP on Sunday.

    I love going to the gym and am there generally 5 days/week. I love step, combat, pump, RPM, boxing and Bikram Yoga. I've recently started running (which I find so difficult - maybe I hold my breath?) but am determined to not let this beat me.

    Looking for some like-minded Aussies (or any nationality) for friendship

    :smile: Kathy
  • Hi everyone! Looks like many of us are in the same boat!! I have been doing WW for many years...Always stuck with the last 10-15 lbs. to go. My Beachbody club group leader recommended this so I've been doing it the last few days....I think I'm really going to like it....Canceling WW, again :)

    I'm 46, married, living out in the boonies of NV. We run a small cattle ranch here. I homeschool my 14 yr old boy...I'm finishing up Round 2 of ChaleanXtreme and going to start P90X this weekend :) Good luck to everyone!

  • Jenninedinburgh
    Jenninedinburgh Posts: 70 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Thanks so much for your introductions and affirmations on WW. It seems that this site is a real "game changer" for many.

    My friend that recommended MFP to me looks amazing. She's lost 35 lbs - I look forward to enjoying such success!

    I went for the losing 1.5 per week option. Do most do this or stick with the suggested 1 lb option?