Starting Couch to 5K today!



  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    Oh, and I should mention, I started out at 3.5 walking speed and 4.0 jogging since I'd really never run before this. In week 2 I moved up to 3.5 walking and 4.5 running and now in week 3 I am at 3.5 walking and 5.0 running. I am not sure if the program was meant to increase speed but I wanted to ease into it and not overdo things and end up killing myself, lol. I kind of feel like a slacker after seeing that some people started out running at 5.5 :blushing:
  • AbbyWigintonBlack
    Just finished the first run and I'm feeling exhilarated! I'm going to try to pace myself. Before this I was "walk/jogging" every day for the calories burned. But I wasn't really getting any better at it. Now my focus is my endurance. I'm gonna follow this thing to a tee! Best of luck to you! Looks like a lot of us are right there with you!
  • debtfre12
    debtfre12 Posts: 203
    Absolutely wonderful news!!! Go for it with everything you've got. You're gonna love it if you stick to the training and don't cheat yourself. I've ran four 5k's this year, trained twice and am still running and loving it!!! As others have said, it is very exhilarating, HARD WORK, but addicting. I must run one more 5k before year end and then immediately after, I'm hoping to begin training for my first 10k Run.

    Did I say this was addicting!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    God speed in your endeavors .....

    P.S. If at all possible, do try to run outside as opposed to training on a treadmill (when you can--winter is coming, so not sure how durable running outside is for you). The run is a bit harder outdoors, but you build up your endurance, breathing, rhythm and stamina when doing so. Just some friendly advice.
  • kel9680
    kel9680 Posts: 173 Member
    well I DID IT!! day 1 done! it wasn't nearly as hard as I was afraid it would be, I did only run at a slow jog, like someone else said, my runs were only 4mph to start off with, there were times I definately felt I could go faster, but I didn't want to not make it through the whole thing, I assume my speed will come with time too.

    I hope everyone else that started today did well too! I acutally liked it, and I didnt feel like I was staring at the timer waiting for it to end! Hope it stays like that.
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    Good luck! I'm just starting week 5 and its going great! (I'm doing treadmill/indoors b/c my schedule lands me at the gym at 10:30 at night).

    I love this program - I have NEVER been much of a runner in my life (hated that I had to run drills when I played sports in high school), but now I find myself itching to run if I go longer than a day without it!
  • abuttermore7
    You guys have inspired me to start this program! :) thank you!!!!
  • FitHitTheShan80
    I will be on week 2 day 2 tomorrow and I love it so far!!! :))
  • techymum
    techymum Posts: 168
    Congrats on Day 1!!

    Like the others said, don't push ahead, follow the program. (I pushed and sprained a muscle in my hip, huge setback.) You will be amazed at how quickly your heart and lungs get strong.

    Don't worry about your speed - you will be working on building stamina, and speed can come later. I'm very slow, average 4.4 mph when I jog.

    After a couple of weeks, seriously consider signing up for a 5k that would land near the end of the program. It will really give you something to strive towards.

    Have fun!
  • yasemasuyo
    yasemasuyo Posts: 177 Member
    I'm on week 1 at the moment, started last week but am taking it slowly because of asthma. The first day nearly finished me off, but I can now make it to the end having completed all the runs - amazing to see progress over such a short time! I'm hoping that I might be able to take part in a 5K run in the new year - woo hoo! :-D

    How are folks logging this in exercise? So far I've logged it as a 20 min slow jog (6mph), am I far wrong?
  • cookc04
    cookc04 Posts: 71
    I'm doing W4 on the treadmill,
    I had done up to Week 5 outside this time last year but I had problems with breathing - and realised that it's allergies because it's spring down here in Aus thus the treadmill this year.
    I have done the W4 run 5 times - because i don't want to go to W5 whilst I am slightly struggling with W4.

    My advice is that it's not a race just take it easy. It is about rhythm and you will gradually find your running breath but you do learn it from what doesn't work - just count as your breaths go in and out it'll make it easier.
  • kel9680
    kel9680 Posts: 173 Member
    how many days a week is everyone doing it? its set up as 3 days a week, but do you do it everyday, and just move to the next week, or do you do it 3 days a week with rest days in between?
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I'm going to try couch to 5K, starting today, I'll be doing it on my treadmill! Any tips from people who have done it? I'm not really a runner so I hope this helps! Anyone else want to join??
    Here are my beginner's tip, some of them might help you.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I'm going to try couch to 5K, starting today, I'll be doing it on my treadmill! Any tips from people who have done it? I'm not really a runner so I hope this helps! Anyone else want to join??

    Congratulations, your a runner now.

    I am a c2k5 grad. ^^^ awesome tips from BerryH
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    how many days a week is everyone doing it? its set up as 3 days a week, but do you do it everyday, and just move to the next week, or do you do it 3 days a week with rest days in between?

    I stuck on the same week. I did not skip ahead, you will be hurting if you do. If you want to do 4 or more days a week, just repeat the current one. Sometimes I would do 4 days a week. When you get up to about week 5, I would do 4 days, and redo the one day that I bombed out on.
  • kel9680
    kel9680 Posts: 173 Member
    I'm going to try couch to 5K, starting today, I'll be doing it on my treadmill! Any tips from people who have done it? I'm not really a runner so I hope this helps! Anyone else want to join??
    Here are my beginner's tip, some of them might help you.

    Thanks Berry! that was a great blog post! I actually did just go get some new running clothes, it was my reward for finishing 30 day shred and to get started C25K! (never thought there would be a day where I rewarded myself with exercise gear!)
    I was really nervous about getting to the further weeks in the program, I still can't see myself running for over 10 minutes at a time, but I will take the advise of not moving on until I am completely ready!
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 246 Member
    I did the first day yesterday! So glad I ran across this thread. It was easier than I had anticipated also!
  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,440 Member
    I did the program and ran my first 5K this Saturday. If you are struggling, slow down your pace, don't try and go too fast. I did the program on a treadmill. I used the random program on one of the lowest levels so that I would get different inclines, I felt it was a better simulation of running outdoors than just keeping the treadmill at 1% incline. My biggest problem when I started running outside to get ready for the race was figuring out my pacing, I would end up running faster outside than I did on the treadmill and would tire out alot quicker, had to learn how to pace myself before I did the 5K.

    Good Luck, if I can do it...anyone can!!!!
  • janey2607
    janey2607 Posts: 64 Member
    I completed it about 2 weeks ago, best thing I have ever done. I run the streets and it's a great stress reliever.

    Dont push too hard ad don't give up.

    Good luck x
  • gail16
    gail16 Posts: 94
    Completed day 1 this morning, going to have another go tomorrow.
  • bheimbrock
    bheimbrock Posts: 100 Member
    Just started last night! Ran on the streets and did 2 miles in the 20 mins and was happy with myself since I have NEVER EVER liked running and have always sucked at it! I actually had a good time and kinda wanted to keep going but knew to pace myself. What really helped me was downloading the RunKeeper App and entering in the C25K program as a custom. That way, the "Lady voice" was always in my ear telling me my pace, distance time and when to move to the next interval. It was great! I think we should all stick together and keep posting here. I NEED to go get me some proper shoes this weekend :)